Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 158

How much Shangguan rouxue values her hosting work? No one knows better than Xie Zhuojun that she can't take a vacation for no reason! What Shangguan Ning said should be true. She really let Shangguan rouxue lose her job!

Xie Zhuo Jun in the heart to Shangguan Ning's anger took the upper hand, Shangguan rouxue cheated on him also did not so hate.

He is a soft hearted person, and now he still has feelings for Shangguan rouxue. Even though he knows her true face, he just hates her to disguise and cheat her all the time. He never wants to make her become nothing.

He left Jingsheng in a hurry and found Shangguan rouxue at Shangguan's house. He wanted to ask her whether she was really pregnant and went to film, and whether Shangguan seriously hurt her to lose her job as a host!

He didn't believe shangguanning would be so cruel! Moreover, he did not believe Shangguan rouxue would film with a child, unless she did not intend to have that child at all!

As soon as Xie Zhuojun entered the door, Shangguan rouxue saw him from the second floor with sharp eyes. She came down from the upstairs and threw herself into his arms. In her soft voice, she felt wronged: "Zhuo Jun, you are willing to come to see me at last. I thought you were angry and ignored me!"

She is very happy, Xie Zhuojun still loves himself, he still cares about her!

As soon as she heard that she was not feeling well, she came to me immediately.

She has nothing now. She can't lose Xie Zhuojun any more!

Xie Zhuojun pulled Shangguan rouxue out of his arms and asked anxiously, "did you go to film?"

His words, let Shangguan rouxue's heart fall to the bottom.

She bit her soft lips, her eyes full of crystal tears, and said pitifully, "Zhuo Jun, you didn't come to see me? Don't you even ask me what's wrong with me when you come

Xie Zhuojun had no warmth for her for a long time and frowned impatiently: "what's wrong with you? If you don't feel well, go to see a doctor. I'm not a doctor! "

Shangguan rouxue's tears, because his words immediately fell down.

Xie Zhuojun didn't know about her illness at all!

Yesterday, she called Wang Lu to say that she was ill. Wang Lu cared about her and promised to tell Xie Zhuojun, but she didn't tell him. She cheated herself!

Shangguan rouxue's cruel eyes flashed away, and rejoined Xie Zhuojun's arms: "I don't go to see a doctor. I don't like the taste of the hospital. As long as you come, my illness will be all right."

If it was Xie Zhuojun before, she would think that she was lovely and innocent because of her words, but now she just wants to push her out of his arms.

However, Shangguan rouxue looks like he is sick. His face turns white. The whole person has lost two points. His sharp chin becomes as sharp as an awl.

Xie Zhuo Jun was still soft hearted after all, and didn't push her away. She just frowned with exhaustion on her face and asked in a hoarse voice, "Xiaoxue, did you go to film in the end?"

Shangguan rouxue raised her head from his arms, and her big eyes flashed with tears: "Zhuo Jun, do you believe me so much? Of course I don't. don't you like me in the entertainment industry? How can I go! "

"But Xiaoning told me that you went to the audition yesterday!" Xie Zhuo Jun some surprised, how Shangguan rouxue and Shangguan Ning said completely different!

"Ah, is that what my sister said?" Shangguan rouxue's face was also full of surprise, and then some wronged way: "sister is still angry with me, so I will tell you so. I went to the production group yesterday. Yes, but I went to tell the director clearly about my situation and then said thank you to others! After all, the director took a fancy to me and wanted me to be the number one girl. All the other actors in the crew had been set up, so I was left alone, so I couldn't play. How could I apologize to the director face to face? "

Xie Zhuo Jun some suspicious look to Shangguan rouxue, her words with Shangguan Ning's words are diametrically opposite!

Who is the real one?

In the past four years, Shangguan rouxue and Shangguan Ning sisters have been almost the same as they are now. On the contrary, he never hesitated to believe in Shangguan rouxue.

But now, he wavered.

Shangguan rouxue saw the suspicion in his eyes clearly, and her heart was a little flustered. She hugged Xie Zhuojun's waist and cried: "Zhuo Jun, you should believe me. I love you so much and care about you. You and your parents don't like my filming. Of course, I won't go! Besides, I have a baby now, and everything is based on him. How can I go to film? "

Xie Zhuojun is just a little soft hearted and has no opinion, but this does not mean that he is really stupid and hopeless.

Covered by so many lies, troubled by so many deceptions, he has not so firmly believed Shangguan rouxue's words now.

"What's your job as a host? Did you lose your job because of Xiao Ning? "

Shangguan rouxue's fingers tightly clenched, beautiful nails deeply pinched into the meat.

She must not let Xie Zhuojun know that she was expelled from the stage in disguise. Besides her career as a host, what else does she have?!"Sister, she I told the TV station that I had a baby, so the station decided to let me take a vacation. Zhuo Jun, you must not blame sister, she is also too angry, will say my thing out. What's more, the station just let me take a vacation. When I have my baby, I will go back

Xie Zhuojun is a little confused. He can't tell whether Shangguan rouxue's words are true or false. Every word she says sounds very reasonable and true.

I don't know how many times Shangguan rouxue cheated him. Is it that every time he talks, he is like now, half true and half false, completely covering up the truth of the matter!

He lamented his past ignorance.

In Shangguan rouxue's eyes, is he an idiot? Is that easy to cheat?

He Xie Zhuo Jun will never live in this kind of all fabricated lies! He didn't want to guess every day, to guess which sentence was true!

For a long time, his eyes flashed a trace of intolerance, and then gradually became firm: "snow, I'll take you to the hospital!"

Shangguan rouxue's whole body was stiff, and his teeth trembled: "Zhuo Zhuo Jun, why did you take me to the hospital

Xie Zhuojun, as before, gently stroked her long hair, reluctantly showed a smile and said: "you said it was uncomfortable? Go to the hospital and let the doctor see it, so that you don't have any problems with the child. "

Shangguan rouxue listened to his words, the body slightly relaxed down, but still said: "I don't go to the hospital, I'm fine, you accompany me on the line, I'm a little tired, you hold me upstairs to have a rest?"

Xie Zhuojun was indifferent and looked at her with a kind of indifferent eyes and said: "I must go to the hospital today. I have contacted the doctor. Let's go!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!