Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1539

Luo Feiyang shook his head: "no, this invitation seems to be the heirs of all the big families. Obviously, it is Li Xiao who wants to win over the influence. Now my brother is the successor of our family. I am..."

He couldn't go on, because he thought he was too shameful!

Jing Xi had a hard time using him, but he was not appreciated by Li Xiao!

"If so, Ji Moxuan should have received it. I'll go to find him!"

"No, no, no, I have a way to take you without looking for him!"

Two days later, Li Zhi's birthday party was held in Li's ancestral home.

Luo Feiyang comes with Jingxi.

W City is located in the south, several cities away from city A. It took more than three hours for the two people to get here.

It's very cold in the north, but it's warm in the south. Although it's humid, the warm feeling makes Jingxi feel better.

The Li family is very famous in w City. The manor, which covers an area of 1000 mu, is almost unknown to all.

Luo Feiyang and Jingxi found the place easily.

But even if they did, they had doubts.

This place is full of tall pines and cypresses. Who can grow these things at home?

The pines and cypresses are all planted in the shady house, that is, around the grave, symbolizing the immortality of the dead.

So many pines and cypresses are planted in the Li family. Are the ancestors buried here?

At the thought that there might be countless dead bones buried here, Luo Feiyang shuddered and his hair stood up.

He had a little regret. He knew that he would not accompany Jingxi. Li Zhi is cruel and cruel, and Li Xiao is not a ghost. If he comes here for a birthday party, he won't die?

No wonder he promised so happily when he asked for an invitation from Luo Feiyao. He must have known that there was something fishy in it, so he refused to take risks!

Luo Feiyang is in retreat, but Jingxi takes a deep breath, grabs his arm, and says faintly: "let's go, let's go in!"

"This Why didn't you even have a person to greet? Are we in the wrong place? Shall we inquire again? "

"No, it should be here."

Before coming, Jingxi had already learned from Jingrui that the ancestral house of the Li family was indeed a large and solemn manor planted with pines and cypresses.

What's more, Luo Feiyang is right to guess that Li's ancestors are buried in this manor.

Perhaps, in the land they tread on, there is a skeleton that has been sleeping for a hundred years.

But Jingxi didn't say, otherwise it would be bad to scare Luo Feiyang away.

As a Jing family member, she may not be able to enter the main hall of the banquet at all with the invitation letter from the Luo family. If she can't get into the main hall, she won't see Li Xiao.

And Luo Feiyang came for his brother and took his wife's companion instead of his sister-in-law, which makes sense.

The sun slanted to the west, and the light gradually faded down. When we entered the manor, the gloomy feeling was even stronger.

The South was humid and rainy. At the moment, the sky suddenly drifted with small fish, falling on the tall pines and cypresses. Everywhere was a piece of fog, and soon everything around was not clear.

Luo Feiyang scared goose bumps off the ground, if not Jingxi still quietly along the wooden plank road, he must turn around and run!

The atmosphere is too terrible, Luo Feiyang can't bear such a heavy sense of depression. He cleared his throat and roared: "is there anyone?! Here are the guests. I'm the second young master of the Luo family. Please come out to meet you! "

His roar echoed through the gloomy woods.

However, no one responded.

A large area of crows was disturbed by the sound, and whispered with hoarse voice, which made the atmosphere even more strange.

Luo Feiyang was about to cry: "Xi Xi, this Li Xiao doesn't want to kill all the heirs of each family here? This kind of place, the dead person does not know, wait for the police to come, my corpse is eaten up by the crow! "

"No way. Unless he doesn't want to live, he will murder all the heirs. Hurry up, there's a light in front of you

Luo Feiyang spirit of a shock, followed by Jingxi, speed up the pace.

He complained in a low voice: "I knew it was so frightening, I should have come with Jimo Xuan, or I'll die, he'll live, how lonely he is!"

Jingxi was amused by him suddenly relaxed. Unexpectedly, Luo Feiyang, who has always been arrogant and domineering, is afraid of ghosts?

There is no ghost in the world, what's more, the most terrible is not the ghost, but the heart!

Li's manor is full of ancient charm. Even the road is a wooden plank road connected with pine and cypress. The house is hidden in the deep of the manor, deep and grand.

Out of that large forest, in front of the suddenly bright, gloomy feeling dispersed a lot, with the breath of human smoke.

A servant came up, read the invitation, and led them to the banquet hall.

"I said," old man, why don't you have a welcome home? I almost lost my way, you know"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The young master and the young lady of our family don't like too many people. There are few servants in such a big garden. The banquet is busy today. I'm sorry for the poor reception."

Luo Feiyang frowns. The old man is very literate. How can he listen to him? He is not a man of his time?

He looked at the old man's old clothes and robes, and then looked at his stiff modern suit, and his heart began to get angry again.

The old man Isn't it a ghost who has lived for hundreds of years?

Until entering the banquet hall, Luo Feiyang's creepy heart disappeared. Although the banquet hall is also ancient, it is full of modern flavor everywhere, with huge LED display, central air conditioning, champagne, Western food, desserts

Luo Feiyang relaxed tone, see around Jing Xi from the beginning to the end of the face has not changed, but also some frustrated.

He knows why Jingxi doesn't look up to him. Her psychological quality and adaptability are much better than him!

Until to see just walked into the Ji Mo Xuan face is also white, look surprised and uncertain, Luo Feiyang just feel psychological balance some.

He said, it's not that he is too counselled, but that Jingxi is too tough!

In general, when girls meet the situation just now, they should not shiver and jump into men's arms!

If it is Tan Ruyi, she must be scared to cry. He can just show his manliness, hold her in his arms and say bravely: "don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

Now it's better to send him into Jingxi's arms and ask for Jingxi's protection!

However, Luo Feiyang saw Ji Mo Xuan's female companion and immediately turned his eyes. How did he get entangled with Wu Wei? And brought her to such an important occasion!

He was not pleased with Wu Wei and immediately went to find fault.

I walked around the banquet hall slowly, but I didn't see any people on the two floors.

After thinking about it, she jumped down from the second floor of the banquet hall and entered a house behind the banquet hall.

However, she just stepped into the main hall of the house, and a cold voice sounded behind her: "Miss Jing, please go out!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!