Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1538

In a large manor with a wide area in w City, the primitive and simple ancestral house of the Li family is hidden in the tall pines and cypresses, which is mysterious with a sense of lethargy, which is daunting.

Diao Liang Huadong, pavilions, not like a private residence, but rather like the mansion of the princes and generals in an ancient costume drama.

Under this mansion, there is another world.

Li Zhi was locked in the underground world.

Across an iron gate, Li Zhi angrily stares at the man outside the door, hoarse and ugly: "who are you?"

"Third sister, you have asked this for hundreds of times. I am Li Xiao."

Li Xiao's voice was also a little hoarse, and his tone was indifferent. It seemed that he was talking to a dead man.

Li Zhi shrank in the cold and humid basement, resisting the cold and hunger, and sneered: "Li Xiao is dead. I killed it myself. You can cheat others, but you can't cheat me! Who are you? What hatred do I have with you? You want to torture me like this

"You have killed all the people of the Li family. Do you want to ask me what kind of hatred you have with me? This is a blood feud! "

Li Xiao sat in the wheelchair, although shouting blood feud, but the expression on his face did not change.

"Don't you have all seen the DNA identification? I'm the Li family. There's no doubt about it. If you want to blame, you can only blame you for doing so many evil things. Even God can't see it anymore. Let me live! "

On the one hand, Li Zhi doubts the identity of Li Xiao, but on the other hand, she doubts whether she really left a loophole and let this younger brother survive.

She has no impression of Li Xiao.

She has many brothers and sisters, and almost all of them have never spoken or met. She doesn't remember Li Xiao's appearance.

However, Li Xiao has always been in a wheelchair, which is in line with the characteristics of her homicide that year. In order to prevent her brothers and sisters from escaping, she first broke her leg.

But no matter whether this person is Li family or not, Li Zhi will not admit his identity!

This family, can only be her own, others do not want to touch!

"Since you are Li's family, we are brothers and sisters at least. If you imprison me like this, my father will not spare you! Let me out of here

"Oh, you mean the double?"

Li Xiao's voice was not light or heavy. He was a bit careless and indifferent: "when I saw him at the first time, I thought there was something wrong with him, so I went to do a paternity test, and the result was It's not a parent-child. The real leader of the Li family, I'm afraid, has become your soul under the sword? "

"You see, my parents died in your hands, even I almost died in your hands, you think you can escape?"

Li Zhi Meng raised his head and said, "you are not Li Xiao! Ha ha ha ha, you are not! Say, who are you? "

"Don't waste your effort. I'm Li Xiao. Now, everything in the Li family belongs to me. You'd better hand over all the power in your hand, otherwise, you will suffer again! Brother in law, why kill each other

"The moment I give up all my power is the moment of death! I am the only one who knows all the secrets of the Li family. Do you want to control the Li family? Dream

Li Zhi couldn't suppress her inner anger. She thought it was very safe in the Li family ancestral home, but she didn't expect that there were a large number of top killers lurking here!

Although she is also a killer, she can't win even if she has the ability to deal with dozens of people at the same time!

As a result, she was severely injured, and when she woke up again, she was locked in this unbreakable basement cage.

She has been locked up here for a year. Half a year ago, Li Xiao couldn't resist the external pressure and let her go out to meet the media. She tried to take the opportunity to escape, but failed.

Li Xiao seems to know her like the palm of one's hand, can calculate her idea every time, prepare well in advance.

In the past year, Li Zhi has used any method, but every time she can't escape from the manor, she will be caught back, and then there will be a round of torture.

In order to save her life, she would tell some family secrets and hand over some assets every time.

If Li Xiao gets the assets, she will have a good life for a few days.

For the first time in her life, Li Zhi regretted killing all her brothers and sisters. Otherwise, she could ask them for help now. Li Xiao would not take people to break in and control her easily.

Her only sister now is Shu Yin, but Shu Yin is impossible to save her.

As for her mother, Li Zhi only when there is no such person, Jiang Manshu is a more vicious woman than her!

"Third sister, I heard that two days is your birthday. My brother is going to hold a grand party for you. All the dignitaries and celebrities will come to attend. I have prepared your dress! You should introduce me to everyone at the party. I'm your brother, Li Xiao. "

Li Zhi heart move, think tomorrow may be a good time to escape!

Although two days later is not her birthday at all, she did not say anything. She let Li Xiao make it up. Li Xiao just needs an excuse to make friends with others. Li Xiao must have found out exactly when her birthday is!Li Xiao seems to know Li Zhi's innermost thoughts, and said faintly: "there will be a large number of killers ambushed in the periphery of the birthday party that day. Although I told you that I can't kill you, there may be some killer who is not professional enough to put the bullet into your heart, so you'd better be more peaceful."

He said, press the wheelchair button, the electric wheelchair slowly left.

The basement light is dim, Li Zhi can barely see Li Xiao's back.

The figure gave her a vague sense of familiarity, but she could not remember where she had seen it.

No one she knew was in a wheelchair.


Li Zhi's birthday, Luo Fei and Lou Ruofei received an invitation letter.

But the signer at the bottom of the invitation is the mysterious Li Xiao who came back from the dead!

The content of the invitation was sincere and sincere. It wrote hundreds of words to express Li Xiao's attention to her sister's birthday and wanted everyone to come to Li's home.

I don't know. I thought they had a good relationship with each other!

Countless families have received this invitation letter, except the Jing family.

The two families have always been enemies. It's normal not to invite them. If they do, no one will go to the Jings.

Li Xiao's birth makes many people have a heart of gossip.

No one has seen him, no one knows him, countless people want to take this opportunity to meet this man who can survive under Li Zhi's hand.

The people who received the invitation, their faces were a little strange, because Li Zhi had held more than one birthday party, her birthday was in spring, not in late autumn!

Jing Xi sat opposite Luo Feiyang, looking forward to something: "Luo Feiyang, have you received the invitation letter?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!