Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1540

Jing Xi was startled and immediately turned around. A man sitting in a wheelchair came into her eyes.

The light in the yard was dim, and he could not see his face clearly. Jingxi approached him slowly: "do you know me?"

"Thanks to my third sister, I know Miss Jing and her family."

Li Zhi is the third girl in the Li family. Few people know about it, but Jingxi happens to know it.

"Li Xiao?" she said

What a coincidence? She wanted to find him and met him in the first yard she broke into?

"It seems that I am not a nobody. Miss Jing knows my name. In that case, please leave here. If I remember correctly, I didn't send anyone to send the invitation card to the king's house. "

Jingxi came to him when he was talking.

Li Xiao neither avoided nor a trace of panic, under the dim light, his face wearing a dark gold mask, only a pair of eyes.

"You're not welcome here. Miss Jing, don't run rampant against the king's family. Here, it's my Li family!"

His voice was a little hoarse, but he was surprisingly pleasant, but his tone was too cold, with a cruel taste.

Jingxi looked at his eyes for a long time, slowly opened his mouth: "what's wrong with your leg?"


Li Xiao gave a sarcastic smile, and her tone was impatient: "Miss Jing is really well bred. She pokes people's most painful place when she opens her mouth. I hate that people ask me about my legs. Go quickly! Housekeeper, send Miss Jing away

The housekeeper was waiting outside all the time. As soon as he heard Li Xiao calling him, he immediately came in, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said in a respectful voice, "Miss Jing, please come this way!"

His young master's leg was abruptly interrupted by the third young lady when he was a child. The whole Li family didn't dare to mention it. The eldest lady was really fearless and asked what was wrong with her leg when she came up. It was not forcing the young master to drive her out!

Jingxi did not move, she has been staring at Li Xiao's eyes, want to see what from his eyes.

"Li Shao, your eyes are a little like a friend of mine. Maybe you should have heard the name of this man. His name is Lou Ziling

"Who? What a nobody, I don't know! Housekeeper, what are you doing? If you don't want to work, get out of the Li family! "

"Yes, yes! Miss Jing, don't be difficult for me, the old housekeeper. Please go out with me! This is our young master's yard. No one is allowed to come in

The housekeeper was in a cold sweat, but he didn't dare to drag Jingxi out. He could only plead.

Jingxi is a little disappointed. Li Xiao has a mask on her face. She can't see his expression and his face, so she can't make an accurate judgment.

However, the person in front of him, from character to voice to his attitude towards others, is very different from Lou Ziling.

Lou Ziling occasionally gets angry, but not so.

Maybe Is he disguised?

All kinds of thoughts come to Jingxi's mind. No, she has to take a look at his face!

She took a deep look at Li Xiao, who was sitting in the wheelchair, and slowly followed the housekeeper out of his yard.

Jingrui has said that there must be masters and killers around Li Xiao. Jingxi remembers his brother's words and doesn't dare to be too presumptuous. If she guesses wrong, Li Xiao is Li Xiao. She will not only bring great trouble to the Jing family, but also may worry about her own life.

The housekeeper sent Jingxi out of the Li family's manor, but Jingxi threw him away easily. Then she went back to the banquet hall of the birthday party and sat down beside Luo Feiyang.

In the banquet hall, the crystal lamp and the retro palace lamp contrast each other, showing a different kind of luxury and wealth.

On the stage in the center of the banquet hall, beautiful women are dancing, and there are people playing violin in the four corners of the hall.

The hustle and bustle here is in sharp contrast to the loneliness outside.

At first, Jingxi thought that there was a conspiracy in the Li family, or that there were amazing secrets hidden in the manor, so there was no one in the Li family, and there was a sense of silence everywhere.

However, looking at the lively atmosphere here, Jingxi suddenly woke up!

Perhaps, it's not that the Li family wants to cover up any secret, but that Li Xiao doesn't like to be lively and lonely!

Jing Xi in the hand of a glass "pa" of a sudden she crushed!

Lou Ziling!

No one likes solitude but him!

But Li Xiao Ming is not like him!

She said before that Li Xiao's eyes were a little similar to a friend of hers, just cheating him.

Li Xiao just did not show a trace of flaw, Jing Xi was almost cheated by him!

"Oh, hee, are you ok? Li family is so rich, how can I buy such poor quality cups? "

Luo Feiyang saw the glass in Jingxi's hand broken violently, and was shocked. He just wanted to hold Jingxi's hand to see if she was hurt, but Jingxi took his hand to the other side.

"Just another line."Glass debris stabbed in Jingxi's palm, her tender palm has exuded blood, but she did not care.

Does it hurt?

It hurts, but it is far from her heart.

She didn't control her mood just now. When she thought that Lou Ziling might live in this vast manor, she was out of control, so she would accidentally crush the glass.

Jingxi stood up, picked up a white napkin and went to the bathroom.

She simply cleaned her palm, took out the glass in her palm, threw it into the garbage can, and then wiped off the blood on her hand with a napkin.

The wound was very painful. Thanks to Jingxi's strong endurance, she pressed it with her napkin for a while. Seeing less bleeding, she threw the napkin into the garbage can and went out.

The birthday party started soon. A huge cake with more than ten layers was pushed out by the servants of the Li family. In the happy birthday song, Li Zhi appeared in the public's sight with a bright red skirt and high-heeled shoes.

She was accompanied by a man in a wheelchair and wearing a mask.

Li Zhi dressed up very festive, but the man was dressed in black, black suit and leather shoes are also considered, even the shirt is black, also wearing a pair of black leather gloves.

With his cool dark gold mask, it doesn't look like a birthday party, but a funeral!

The band was still singing "Happy Birthday to you", but all the guests were dead.

Although Li Zhi made up and dressed up very happy, but her body was thin and she looked very bad, her eyes were gloomy and her expression was angry. She didn't look like a birthday at all.

Happy ending of a happy birthday, without the cover of music, the scene suddenly froze down.

All people's eyes, after staying on Li Zhi for a few seconds, all transferred to the person sitting in the wheelchair. , the fastest update of the webnovel!