Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1537

At noon, Luo Feiyang appeared in front of Tan Ruyi without accident.

After class, so many people went outside the teaching building, he could find her in the crowd!

Tan Ruyi subconsciously wants to hide. Luo Feiyang reaches out and gives her a shudder: "what are you running for? You think you can run out of my hand? "

Tan Ruyi touched his painful forehead and said, "I didn't run."

Pan Yan and five or six other female students came over and giggled:

"Ruyi, you are not interesting enough. You agreed to be a single dog together. Why don't you say that you are in love? How deep it is

"Ruyi, your boyfriend is so handsome. No wonder you always don't look up to those who pursue you in our class! Ha ha ha, look, Ruyi blushes! "

Tan Ruyi was teased by her classmates. Of course, she couldn't hang her face. She glared at Luo Feiyang and trotted away.

Luo Feiyang glanced at those female students and wrote down their looks in their heart.

I don't know why. Although it seems that they have no problem with what they say, they always feel that they are not good at it.

Tan Ruyi knows that he is a little white rabbit. He has no heart and always treats others as a good man.

Anyway, he's free. He has time to check the wolves in sheep's clothing for the little white rabbit!

Luo Feiyang took back his eyes, opened his long legs, and quickly caught up with Tan Ruyi. He took hold of her shoulder and wantonly laughed: "how can you run again? I don't know, or what? Look up and give me a smile

Tan Ruyi shook off his hand and trampled on his foot, showing a smile, and then quickly turned into a disdainful expression: "uncle, please stay away from me! You're a disgrace! "

"Who is master! When I was young, you called me uncle. Should you be called aunt

Tan Ruyi stares: "am I very old?"

"Well, very old!"

"Then you can call me grandma. I don't mind having more grandchildren!"

"Tan Ruyi! You are more and more bold. Come here, don't run. I'll peel your skin and make a braised rabbit! "


Campus laughter, Luo Feiyang in the chase with Tan Ruyi, even forget to eat.

Jingxi called him and wanted to ask him when he could contact Li Xiao. After three consecutive calls, she knew that Luo Feiyang must be with Tan Ruyi.

She suddenly chuckled and thought it was a very happy thing for Luo Feiyang to find a girl who was really suitable for her.

She drives to Jingsheng group and enters Jingrui's office.

"Brother, I want to ask you something."

This is Jing Xi's first official visit to Jing Rui's office. The last time he came was 12 years ago, um, the time he bombed this office.

As time goes by, the little girl who loves to make trouble and make fun of has become graceful, cool and calm, and her childishness has disappeared.

Usually she is calm like a machine, only when she is angry, she will show her sharp little claws and show her naughty side.

It's a pity that there are very few things that can annoy her now.

The one who could make her angry disappeared from city A.

Jingrui points to the sofa and signals Jingxi to sit down. He personally makes tea and hands Jingxi a cup.

"What's the matter?"

"Do you know Li Xiao?"

Jingrui frowned slightly: "where did you get his news? I only heard from my father this morning

"Yesterday morning Luo Feiyang said it."

Jing Rui eyebrows did not loosen: "it seems that the strength of the Luo family is getting stronger and stronger. The time to get the news is at least 24 hours earlier than us."

"Brother, I want to see Li Xiao's profile!"

"We have very little information about him, but this man is really suspicious."

Jing Rui knows more secrets than Jing Xi. He has a far-reaching vision and says faintly: "according to the information we have, there are no other descendants of the Li family except Li Zhi. Li Wu has also said that he has only Li Zhi now."

"Originally, he wanted his son to inherit the family business of the Li family, and let Li Zhi control the killer organization. The combination of the two was incomparable. Zhizhi and her brother Li have always been careful in eliminating her sister's ambition

Brother's analysis and his own completely consistent, Jing Xi took a deep breath: "Luo Feiyang also said, Li Xiao seems to hire a large number of killers, to kill Li Zhi, have you?"

Jingrui was silent for a moment and said, "No. But... "


"But Lou Ziling hired him."

Jing Xi Teng stood up from the sofa. She knocked over the teacup in her hand. The hot tea was sprinkled on the back of her hand, which made her white skin red, but she didn't feel it.

Jing Rui takes a look at her and calls her assistant to send ice in.The assistant left. He wrapped the ice with a towel and made ice compress for his sister.

"Lou Ziling wasn't hired recently. He actually started hiring two years ago."

Jingxi's eyes were slightly red, and his voice was low and stuffy: "is it? Why didn't you tell me? Have you heard from him? "

"No, I only know that the employer is him and where he is. The killer organization will not ask about it. On the contrary, it will protect his information and ensure that it is not leaked."

Jing Rui's expression is light, "however, if you want to know, I can make an exception to let the killer organization violate the rules and find out his trace."

If you want to find someone, Jing Rui can do it, but he doesn't want to find Lou Ziling.

He can forget the whole scene.

In the future, find a man who really loves her and protect her for a lifetime. Jingrui will be relieved to hand her sister out.

Lou Ziling is now bankrupt. He has nothing and is not a good match.

Of course, Jingxi understands Jingrui's thoughts. Not only does he think so, but her parents also think so. Only she is unwilling.

"No, I'll find him myself."

Jingxi sat down on the sofa again and whispered, "the sudden Li Xiao, elder brother, you should be more careful. However, since he is at odds with Li Zhi, he should also be our ally."

"Well, you don't have to worry, Li Wu is still in my hand, Li Xiao and Li Zhi will not act rashly."

Jingrui puts ice on Jingxi. Seeing that the swelling on the back of her hand has subsided, he puts down the ice and asks her seriously, "how about I introduce you a boyfriend? The conditions are very good in all respects, and I'm sure there's no problem with my character. "

Jing Xi shakes his head: "no need."

She wants to meet Li Xiao first!

She has a kind of intuition in her heart, find Li Xiao, it is not far from Lou Ziling!

In addition to Lou Ziling, she is not in the mood to see other men now.

She used to like all kinds of handsome men, but this problem has been cured by Lou Ziling. , the fastest update of the webnovel!