Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1536

The next day, the rain had stopped.

The sun shines on the earth, bringing a little warmth to this cold late autumn.

Jingxi drove a black Jaguar to Luo Feiyang's company.

Jing Xi bought this car from others. She suspected that it was the one Lou Ziling sold, so she bought it back.

The car is very new, and all aspects of performance are very good, but it is precisely because it is so new that Jingxi can't identify whether this car is Lou Ziling's.

However, Lou Ziling is always right to like this car.

In the office, Luo Feiyang has been waiting for Jingxi. Seeing her, he went forward to give Jingxi a hug and said in high spirits: "for you, I flew from North America all night!"

Jingxi pushed him aside and said faintly, "for me, you should not be so positive. It should be for other beauties."

"Who? Tan Ruyi? Is she beautiful? Is there anyone more ugly than her? "

"I didn't say who it was. It was you who automatically assumed it was her."

Jingxi was not in the mood and finally got better. A smile appeared on her face. "Ruyi is more and more beautiful. I heard that she has many pursuers in the University, and you have so many competitors. You'd better perform well!"

"Oh, don't get me wrong, Xi Xi. I've always loved you alone! Tan Ruyi is a thief. He stole my diamond, and he still doesn't return it! "

"Well, she should have stolen something else."

Luo Feiyang was shocked: "what? Why don't I know? She's still a recidivist? "

"Your most important things have been stolen. Don't you know that?"

Jing Xi gently pointed to Luo Feiyang's chest: "your heart."

Luo Feiyang was a little flustered: "Hello, Hello, no evidence, don't talk nonsense. If she hears this, it will be misunderstood! How shameless I will be

Like a person, all kinds of thoughts and behaviors can not be hidden.

Luo Feiyang may not know himself, but Jingxi as a bystander, see very clearly.

She did not say anything more, with Luo Feiyang's character, after realizing that he likes a person, he will ignore to pursue.

Now the main problem is that Tan Ruyi doesn't feel too much about him. When she sees him, she always hides from him, just like avoiding the plague.

"Well, I don't want to tell you. I want to know about Li Zhi and her brother Li Xiao."

"Ha ha, are you finally interested in this? Not to mention, my family and the Li family are also involved in a bit of kinship, Li Xiao his mother is my aunt's cousin's distant nephew's cousin

What a mess of kinship!

Jingxi frowned: "Li Xiao's mother is still alive?"

"No way, I'm dead! It's said that Li Zhi killed it, so Li Xiao has come back to revenge! "

Jingxi nods. The news she gets from Jing Rui is that Li Xiao's mother is dead.

"When did Li Xiao return to his home?"

"Oh, I don't know. It's been half a year at least. Li Zhi didn't come out for more than half a year. My father said that she was afraid that it would be unsafe to come out and that Li Xiao's people would be assassinated if she was not careful!"

Luo Feiyang saw Jingxi sitting on the sofa and quickly followed him. He said in a low voice: "you may not know. Li Xiao heard that he was involved in the killer organization. A large number of top killers around him have been hiding and wanted Li Zhi's life! If Li Zhi is dead, Li Xiao will be able to revenge and swallow the family property alone

Jingxi almost sneers, killer organization?

The top leader of the killer organization is now Jing Rui!

However, it is also possible that Li Xiao paid a high price to hire some killers.

You have to go back and ask Jing Rui for the details.

Jing Xi pressed down the doubts in his heart and asked faintly, "have you ever seen this Li Xiao?"

Luo Feiyang shakes his head: "of course not, he is more careful than Lizhi, for fear of being harmed by Lizhi again, no one would like to see, anything is conveyed by the people around him."

"Then you meet him and take me."


Luo Feiyang was surprised: "what are you going to see him for? He has serious delusion of persecution, so don't go! And it's still confidential. Many people don't know his existence. Everyone thinks he's dead! "

"Didn't you say that it's better to send charcoal in time of crisis than to add to the icing on the cake, so I want to send charcoal."

"But you also advise me not to send charcoal. The Luo family doesn't need the support of the Li family, so does your Jing family."

Jingxi stood up and went out: "but I need it! You think of a way to meet your relatives. Don't be too nervous. "

Luo Feiyang looked at her cold and clear back, for a time did not know what to say.

Alas, Jingxi is more and more like the king's family. He is cold and indifferent, and his IQ is so high that people can't reach him.Tan Ruyi is more lovely!

They are both 20 years old, but Jingxi can't be seen through. Tan Ruyi is like a pool of clear water. You can see it all at once. It's fun.

Think of Tan Ruyi, Luo Fei Yang lip corner up, take out the mobile phone, don't want to call Tan Ruyi.

Played twice, no one to pick up, Luo Feiyang did not give up, a strong fight.

At the tenth time, it was finally connected.

"Tan Ruyi, why don't you answer the phone? Looking for death! I'm back in city A. you'll treat me to dinner at noon, and I'll have the most expensive one! "

From the mobile phone came Tan Ruyi's low voice: "neuropathy, you, I'm in class, don't fight!"

"You must promise to invite me to dinner, or I will fight all the time, every day!"

"I have no money!"

"Don't you still have my diamond ring? If you sell it, you can treat me to eat for a lifetime

"I'm not fooled! If you sell it, you should scold me for being greedy. I will not tell you about my class! "

"OK, I'll pick you up at X University at noon."

Tan Ruyi's gnashing teeth: "no! Don't bother me any more. If you call again, I'll make you black! "

She hung up the phone angrily, looked at the teacher with a guilty heart, and then took notes obediently.

Next to her classmate and roommate Pan Yan poked her arm and asked in a low voice, "Ruyi, did your boyfriend call you again? Envy the dead! If you call every day, you are not afraid to waste money on cross ocean phone calls

Tan Ruyi's face turned red: "don't do it Don't talk nonsense. It's not a boyfriend, it's just a friend! No, no, no, it's not a friend, or I owe him something, and he's been asking me endlessly

"Really? You owe him back what you owe him. How could it have been like this all the time? "

"I gave it to him, but he didn't want it!"

"He doesn't want it? Then why did you say that he asked you endlessly

Tan Ruyi was almost dizzy. She waved her hand: "it's not clear what to say. Let's talk about it later." , the fastest update of the webnovel!