Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1530

It has been a long time since I saw Lou Ziling. Jingxi realized that Lou Ziling broke up with her quietly.

She was a little confused.


Because Song Xin?

Or Munson?

She didn't like them either!

Lou's group is going from bad to worse. At this time, he should ask her for help and ask the Jing family to help him?

She is waiting for Lou Ziling to come to her, to admit his mistake and to ask for help.

However, Jingxi forgot how proud Lou Ziling was, how could he abandon his dignity and beg his beloved to let her family support his career!

Lou Mingyang wants to turn to the Jings for help. Unfortunately, he thinks that his son has left the Jing family without permission and has no face to see jingyichen.

In the evening, Song Xin personally drives to pick up Jing Xi from work.

For fear of being recognized, he wore a mask and a baseball cap, showing only a pair of beautiful eyes.

Jing Xi sat in his car, with a faint smile: "even if you wrap your head, your fans can recognize you from your back."

He was so popular that he had a huge number of fans. Two days ago, they had a meal together. Then there was a lot of gossip.

Jingxi doesn't care. She is worried about implicating Song Xin and affecting his image.

Song Xin pulled down his mask and also showed a smile: "it's nothing to recognize it. I've been on the rise recently. I've received a soft hand after receiving an advertisement. It's not bad to have an affair! Most importantly, the rumor that I am gay has been completely denied. Thank you for that

He looks too beautiful, too delicate, and is always said to be gay, often questioned about sexual orientation, Song Xin himself on this matter.

"You're welcome. It's better not to have an affair, or the fans will cry."

"I'm going to get married sooner or later. Now I'm twenty-seven and I haven't been in love. Why don't you try with me?"

Song Xin's tone is half joking. He is skilled in acting and often makes Jing Xi confused that the sentence is true and that sentence is false.

As he was talking, someone was snapping pictures outside the window.

He immediately pulled up his mask to cover his face, stepped on the accelerator and jumped out.

However, Song Xin's speed to the headlines is faster than his speed. He and Jingxi have not finished their meal. His scandal has already exploded the entertainment circle.

However, the reporter did not get his face.

The only clear picture in the news headlines is Jing Xi's.

Song Xin only cares about protecting himself, but forgets Jingxi.

And Jing Xi did not want to cover up the consciousness, the reporter did not know her at all, could not find any information about her, so she was exposed.

There are so many netizens, do you know her? Will the girl's identity be clear then?

Of course, there are people who know Jingxi, but no one who knows her identity dares to reply online.

Lou Ziling sat at the table, had a simple dinner, then opened the mobile news page, and saw the picture of Jingxi at first sight.

National God Song Xin's love affair is exposed, and his girlfriend's identity is powerful and mysterious!

The title is full of gimmicks, attracting reverie and exploration.

Lou Zi Ling was so angry that she almost broke her glass!

Anger caused his cough, and he coughed for a long time and stopped after drinking half a bottle of cough syrup.

Song Xin is a member of the entertainment industry. He stayed in the circle for so long. Don't you know how much trouble Jingxi will cause once he is exposed?

The comments under the news have already scolded Jingxi!

Lou Ziling subconsciously wanted to call Jingxi and scold her for being so careless. But when the number was dialed out, he suddenly woke up and realized that he had not seen her for two months.

He canceled the number dial out, turned off the mobile phone, full of bitterness took the antipyretic, slowly walked back to the room.

Maybe Jingxi cares about being exposed, too?

If she really intends to be with Song Xin, sooner or later she will be exposed.

Song Xin is a star shining star. Wherever he goes, he will be photographed by paparazzi. Even if he goes abroad, he is often photographed secretly. It is impossible to be his girlfriend without being exposed.

No matter how well a star's love is hidden, it always comes to the surface.

Lou Ziling's heart is empty and lonely. The pain has been numb, but because of this news, the pain is superimposed.

The persistent low fever makes Lou Ziling's body unable to support, and he sleeps in the past.

I don't know how long after, the mobile phone rings, Lou Ziling's eyes are heavy, headache to crack answered the phone: "hello?"

"Mr. Lou, can you sleep when such a big thing happens? Your girlfriend has become someone else's girlfriend. The whole world knows that you are not ashamed to lose it! "

Li Zhi sharp voice into the ear of Lou Zi Ling, Lou Zi Ling subconsciously took the mobile phone far away.

His brain sobered up a little, only voice because of a cough, or hoarse: "she is not my girlfriend now, you want to use, I have no value."Li Zhi sighed: "Alas, you are really pitiful to die. What you do for Jingxi, she doesn't know anything. She also plays with other men so happily! Lou Ziling, she's so cruel. You can just cooperate with me. I promise that Jingxi people will be yours and the money of Jings will be yours too! "

Lou Ziling was silent for a long time and then said faintly: "why don't you find Song Xin to cooperate?"


Li Zhi's tone was full of disdain: "he is just an actor, an affair can make him disorderly, pour some dirty water, he will immediately fall off the altar, become a useless waste!"

"You are not the same. You have good resourcefulness and vision. You can bear it and dare to resist. It's easy to catch a woman's heart, but you don't want to do it!"

"For example, as long as you are willing to bow to Jingxi and ask for her, your company can get rid of my oppression immediately. Of course, if you are willing to ask for me and marry me, Lou's group will be rejuvenated tomorrow. "

Lou Ziling knew that Li Zhi had a deep obsession with Jing Rui and even the whole Jingjia family. He was worried that Li Zhi would deal with Jingxi through Song Xin, so he just tried.

Since Li Zhi did not find the idea of cooperation with Song Xin, he was relieved.

With Li Zhi, Lou Ziling has nothing to talk about. The reason why he still talks with Li Zhi in vain and accepts Li Zhi's phone calls is just to keep the company.

She's a lunatic, and if she doesn't answer the phone, she's bound to get worse.

Hang up the phone, Lou Ziling can't help but search for relevant news. However, the photos about Jingxi have basically disappeared.

Song Xin's photos with masks and hats are still there, and there are a lot of news about his mysterious girlfriend, but there is no picture of Jingxi.

Lou Ziling closed her eyes, and the Jing family made a move! , the fastest update of the webnovel!