Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1529

Jing Xi was afraid that he would come. He said in a hurry: "you can't beat him any more. Didn't you sleep together?"

Lou Ziling didn't speak. Jingxi held his face in both hands and forced him to look at himself: "Oh, no, it's true that I went to his house to sleep, but I sleep separately! Besides, when I was only a few years old, he regarded me as my sister! And now, of course! "

Lou Ziling felt better at last.

When he wants to hide from Jingxi, when he wants to stay away from Jingxi, she always appears in his life in various ways, smiling brightly and invading his heart in a domineering way.

He has been afraid to admit his feelings, has been running away, but eventually failed to escape.

He was still in her hands.

But when he fell, she changed.

In her world, there are not only him, but also many men who attract her.

She has more and more friends, and his position is more and more backward. She first looks after Mu Sen and Song Xin, but he is the one who is pushed away.

Lou Ziling used to think that she was different, but now she feels like she is no different from others.

Perhaps he is the only one who is getting deeper and deeper.

He never let people into his heart easily, but Jingxi was too persistent, she ignored, blooming in his lonely world.

Lou Ziling raised her hand and wanted to touch Jingxi's face, but she restrained herself and slowly dropped her hand.

She was too young to know what love was.

Lou Ziling, she is a minor, are you a minor? Why can't control oneself!

Louziling scolded himself for being stupid in his heart. He let Jingxi loose, changed to the driver's seat, and drove Jingxi back home.

Jingxi didn't speak all the way. She knew that Lou Ziling was really angry at the moment.

He is the one who can beat people. Why should he be angry?

To Lijing District, Jing Xi got off the car in a huff, and left without returning.

Lou Ziling looked at her far away back, and felt as if she had been emptied.

With a bitter smile, he felt that he should be punished like this.

If he did not heart, then he and she, at this time may have been strangers, there will be no longer any torture.

Lou Ziling took a deep breath and drove away.

Everything will pass.

Night faded, dawn came, Lou Ziling got up in the morning, went to the airport, ready to go on business.

The development of Loushi group has encountered unprecedented difficulties. It has not only lost the backing of Jingsheng group, but also lost a large number of customers due to the deterioration of the relationship with Li Zhi.

The product backlog is serious, the rapid growth momentum of Lou's group drops sharply.

In July, losses have been incurred.

In the VIP room of the airport, Lou Ziling received a call from Li Zhi.

"Mr. Lou, I think you should have felt my strength. How about it? Do you want to think about it carefully and cooperate with me?"

Lou Ziling's tone is indifferent: "don't think about it."

"You're not so mean, are you? Are you still angry about last time? "

Li Zhi smile happy and relaxed, "you see, I didn't blame your girlfriend for blowing up my villa, you also don't blame me for using anesthetic for you, after all, you also have no injury!"

"I'll figure it out. You'd better keep it a little deeper, and I won't find it!"

"It's easy to find me. As long as you promise to marry me, I will appear in front of you immediately!"

Li Zhi's voice showed Charm: "as far as I know, your girlfriend seems to like Song Xin? Tut Tut, Lou Ziling, you have been dumped again! "

"So I have no use of value, you find other people to cooperate!"

"No, no one can replace you! I changed my plan recently. As long as you are willing to fake marriage with me, I can make the Lou family the number one family in a city! "

Lou Ziling sneered: "do you want to overthrow the Jing family? Dream

"My plan is perfect, as long as you are willing to cooperate, Jingxi will be the best breakthrough! If you don't cooperate, the Lou group will go bankrupt soon. Do you really want to challenge my patience? "

Li Zhi's voice became sharp, Lou Ziling heard her madness, but no matter when, he could not take Jingxi as a chip.

He rejected Li Zhi again, hung up the phone and boarded the plane.

The business trip lasted more than half a month, but it was not smooth.

Every time when the cooperation talks are almost the same, the other party will suddenly change his mind.

In August, Lou Ziling flew back to a city. As soon as he got off the plane, he received a call from Li Zhi.

"Lou Ziling, don't you consider my proposal? You are running around and working hard, but your little girl friend is very happy! Song Xin's latest scandal object is her. The two people are developing rapidly, and they eat together all the time! "

Lou Ziling didn't say a word and hung up the phone.He did not want to hear Li Zhi's voice, also did not want to hear any news about Jingxi.

He was afraid that he could not help looking for her.

Lou Ziling tried his best to give himself a psychological hint. He told himself that Jingxi was just a child and a sister like Tan Ruyi. He should not have other ideas about her.

Lou Ziling came home, did not wash, did not change clothes, lying in bed, sleepy in the past.

The company is in total collapse, he has not had a rest for dozens of hours.

In September, the group's capital chain, which Lou Ziling had been struggling to maintain, suddenly broke down, and losses continued to increase. Numerous customers defaulted. In the building of Lou's group, everyone's heart was covered with a shadow.

Wu Shen stood in front of Lou Ziling and reported to him the latest financial situation.

Looking at Lou Ziling's tired look, he couldn't help but say, "president, it's impossible to go on like this. It's obvious that the Li family is targeting US. If Miss Li has any request, you'd better agree with her! It's not easy for you to develop the company to the present scale. You can't destroy all your efforts! "

Lou Ziling was pale and coughed gently.

Li Zhi asked for other requirements, maybe he would agree because of the current difficulties, but her goal is Jingxi. Even if the whole group was destroyed, Lou Ziling would not agree to Li Zhi's request.

He tried to climb up, want to make himself more powerful, not to destroy who, but to protect Jingxi, never let her be used.

If you step on Jingxi, he will look down on himself.

"Leave the report. You can have a rest today."

Wu Shen has not had a day off for two months in a row. Lou Ziling wants him to take a day off.

"I'm fine, president. You'd better take a rest. I've had a cold for so long. You should go to the hospital to have a look."

Lou Ziling nodded perfunctorily. After work, he didn't go to the hospital and went home directly.

He should have a low fever all the time. Just take a few pills. , the fastest update of the webnovel!