Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1531

On the road of protecting Jingxi, jingyichen has done almost impeccable.

Lou Ziling was once again shocked by the powerful strength of the Jing family!

Yes, that's the power! Can protect the power of family members and lovers!

He knew that jingyichen would inevitably intervene in this matter, and even the time when he got the news was earlier than anyone else.

Lou Ziling lay on the bed, pale face, tightly clenched his fist.

Originally, he was getting closer and closer to that kind of power. Unfortunately, he was moved to Jingxi and his career suffered unprecedented heavy damage.

At present, it will be extremely difficult.

In the morning, Lou Ziling coughed and drove to work again.

There are important meetings and resolutions today, and he must be present.

However, he did not know that Li Zhi was not only playing his idea, but also planned to start on Song Xin.

Compared with Lou Ziling, Song Xin has better control. Li Zhi wants to defeat the Jing family. How can she just put the chips on Lou Ziling alone? She actually buried countless pieces of chess.

However, so far, Lou Ziling is the most useful one.

Li Zhi likes the type of Jingrui louziling, but doesn't like the delicate type of Song Xin, so she doesn't buy Song Xin in person, but gives it to her subordinates.

But her luck is really too bad, send out the right-hand general, unexpectedly like Song Xin!

So Song Xin here did not make any progress, Li Zhi had to call Lou Ziling in the evening, deliberately stimulated him, and wanted him to chase Jingxi back.

I didn't expect that Lou Ziling was not cheated at all!


In order to avoid the limelight, Song Xin has not gone out for three days.

Jingxi went out as usual, but encountered all kinds of troubles.

Jingyichen has the ability to withdraw all kinds of news and ask the major media to take back the photos of Jing Xi. However, many people have taken pictures of the news released before and saved the photos of Jingxi. Jingxi can easily be recognized by Song Xin's fans when he goes out.

At noon, Jing Xi was blocked in Luo Feiyang's company and couldn't get out at all.

She was a little agitated and depressed. Those fans were so frightening that they even threw rotten egg vegetable leaves at her, and there were people pouring sulfuric acid on her!

Until today, Jing Xi understood why Lou Ziling was willing to expose her other girlfriend, but she was not willing to let her exposure.

She is not afraid of gossip, but often reality drives people crazy.

If it wasn't for Jing family's powerful and powerful force, she'd wipe out her photos in time. I'm afraid the fans would not be more than a dozen, but hundreds.

Jingxi helplessly called Song Xin: "Songxin, you'd better open a press conference or something, clarify it!"

"Hee, my company has made a statement that we are just ordinary friends."

"But if you don't have a lot of fans in the company, will you affect me?"

Song Xin quickly said: "don't don't, don't hurt them! They just like me, they don't mean to you

No malice?

There's no malice to pour sulfuric acid on it?!

But for her good health and quick reaction, she would have been disfigured by now!

Jingxi's tone was a little cold, and said: "then you'll make a statement again! If not, hold a press conference immediately to clarify our relationship! Why should I bear all this? "

Song Xin was silent. After a while, he whispered: "Xixi, what I said last time, you can think about it!"

"What's the matter?"

"I haven't been in love yet. Would you like to try with me?"

Jingxi Leng for a moment, last time she thought Song Xin was just saying it casually. Unexpectedly, she was serious!

No, no, it doesn't have to be serious!

It may also be hype!

He has dominated the entertainment headlines for three days in a row!

"Are you trying to mislead the public by making your statement vague? Are you not trying to clarify our relationship at all? "

Song Xin was annoyed by Jingxi and immediately comforted her: "no, no, how can I deliberately mislead my fans? I just really like you. I thought you liked me too, so... "

"I don't like you, I have a boyfriend! Haven't you seen it before? "

"Didn't you break up with him? Haven't we been dating for the last two months? Xixi, don't do this. My fans may be impulsive. Can't you tolerate more? They just can't accept that I have a girlfriend. Just give them a little buffer time! "

Jingxi is stunned. When did she communicate with Song Xin?!

Is having a meal together just a relationship?

In her heart some place suddenly a shock, Lou Ziling should not also think so?

Now the news is flying, Lou Ziling must have seen it too!Now, I can't explain it clearly!

She fiercely turned her head and asked Luo Feiyang, "do you think I'm in contact with Song Xin?"

Luo Feiyang was confused: "isn't it?"

Jingxi stomped angrily: "of course not!"

Luo Feiyang's eyes brightened: "are you single now? Can I keep chasing you? Ha ha ha, Lou Ziling was kicked by you, Song Xin is out, Ji Mo Xuan doesn't know where to run, now I have the best chance! "

Jingxi doesn't pay attention to Luo Feiyang's nonsense. She doesn't see that Luo Feiyang likes her. Now she's fighting with Tan Ruyi all day long. If Tan Ruyi doesn't send him a message, he will become very angry.

She called her bodyguard, who took a few minutes to clean up the dozen or so crazy fans.

Especially the one who splashed sulfuric acid, Jingxi specially told her to educate her well!

Originally, she was also concerned about Song Xin's reputation and was afraid of beating his fans to blackmail him. Now Song Xin completely ignores her, and all Jingxi's concerns have disappeared!

Than crazy? Who can go mad over her!

Jingxi also did not go to work, the company to Luo Feiyang a person, let the driver take her to Lou's group.

The person who received Jing Xi was Wu Shen.

"Miss Jing, our building is always out to discuss business. We are not in the office at the moment. Please come back."

Wu Shen is not afraid to be angry with Jing Xi. He knows the background of Jing Xi and the strength of Jing family. He also knows that the dilemma of the Lou family group is actually because Lou Ziling is trying to protect Jing Xi.

He is Lou Ziling's right-hand man. He is also the person who has witnessed the rise of the group. He knows how much Lou Ziling has paid for the company.

He thinks Lou Ziling's choice is not worth it.

"No? Then I'll go to his office and wait for him to come back! If I don't come back, I'll wait every day. I don't believe I can't wait! "

Wu Shen doesn't stop him. He lets Jingxi go to Lou Ziling's office. Anyway, Lou Ziling is out to talk about business. , the fastest update of the webnovel!