Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1528

Jingxi didn't notice Lou Ziling. Her attention was attracted by Song Xin.

Although the present Song Xin is dull, but a face is perfectly enviable.

His facial features are very delicate, and his face is very small, which belongs to the very photogenic type. Jingxi suspects that Song Xin's face may be smaller than hers.

The atmosphere is very good, and there are violinists playing the violin in the restaurant. The melody is beautiful and pleasant.

Jingxi ordered the meal, drank the juice, stretched out the green onion like delicate finger, swayed in front of Song Xin: "Song Xin, what's wrong with you?"

"No Nothing

Song Xin's face finally returned to nature. His acting skills have always been excellent. Before going out, his agent told him to take it as a filming.

In the play, he is an attentive warm man who can do anything for the heroine.

Since the girl in front of her is not as frightening as the rumor has it, take her as the heroine.

Song Xin's face showed a signboard smile and took out the classic lines from the idol drama: "you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen!"

Jingxi vaguely felt that this seemed to have been heard somewhere, but she could not remember it. She said politely, "you are also very handsome!"

Song Xin handed a bunch of roses to Jingxi: "I chose the most popular one. I hope you like it! I'm glad to meet you. I don't have many friends. I'd like to be good friends with you

Good friends?

Jingxi smile, took the flowers, put them on the side of the table.

At the moment, Song Xin finally shows his agility and aura on the screen. Even if he looks like a beautiful woman, Jingxi still doesn't think he is too feminine. On the contrary, he is very sunny and looks like a young man, so that people can't guess his age.

Jingxi has never checked Song Xin's age. Her interest in Song Xin is just a TV play.

However, it is also very good to have a handsome man accompany her to dinner.

It's better to change one a day. I'm very angry with Lou Ziling!

After the last fight, he not only did not apologize, but also did not come to see her, should not have a new girlfriend?

He has been peach blossom all the time, which is really not a worry!

The restaurant soon began to serve, Jingxi eat elegant, Song Xin eat more elegant than her, and eat very little.

Jingxi, on the other hand, ate most of the dishes by himself.

Song Xin was surprised at Jingxi's food intake, but his face was gentle with a smile: "it seems that you have a good appetite. Unlike those actresses, you are always afraid that you are too fat and eat very little."

"Because I am very thin! Some people say that... " Some people say let her eat more and gain weight

"What do you say?"


Jingxi did not go on, and Song Xin did not ask questions. He kept a good gentleman's demeanor, which made Jingxi's liking for him increased a lot.

She was eating a fruit salad. The white salad accidentally dropped on the back of her hand. As soon as she was about to wipe it, Song Xin, opposite to her, had already picked up her napkin, pulled her hand and wiped it off for her.

Before Jing Xi had time to take his hand back, a figure came to her and hit song Xin to the bottom of the table with a fist!

"Lou Ziling

Jingxi is extremely surprised, can't it, eat with Song Xin, was really seen by him!

Song Xin is still lying on the ground, painfully sucking air-conditioning. Jingxi pulls back Lou Ziling to help Song Xin: "what's the matter? How did you hit people again?"! I have nothing to do with him, just a meal! "

"If I remember correctly, I used to eat with other people, you would destroy every time. I was just imitating you."

When Lou Ziling spoke, she was almost gnashing her teeth.

If Song Xin didn't touch Jingxi and had a meal, he would have put up with it, but the boy was so careless as to hold Jingxi's hand! How can he bear it!

"You're my girlfriend. What's going on with someone else?"

Song Xin was helped up by Jingxi, covered his chest and sat on the dining chair with a white face. As soon as he heard Lou Ziling's words, he immediately said, "misunderstanding is not a date, but a meal."

Don't say Jingxi has a boyfriend. Even if he doesn't, he doesn't dare to take it! The madness of Jing family's little witch is not blown out!

Being beaten for no reason, Song Xin is angry and aggrieved, but he obviously can't beat the other party, and as a public figure, he can't do it.

Otherwise, the headline of tomorrow's entertainment news is: actor song Xin is drunk and crazy, and his disguised image is destroyed! Even some unscrupulous media will exaggerate and slander his character.

Now, what is created is that he is a victim and innocent. Fans will only love him and will not scold him.

Song Xin's heart is a little bitter, he has the halo of ordinary people's envy. It seems that he is brilliant, but in fact, he is a abyss if he is not careful.

When he was beaten, his first thought was his image, not his own justice.

What a pity!Lou Ziling ignored Song Xin. He was as cold as ice. He grabbed Jingxi's wrist and took her out of the restaurant.

"Lou Ziling, let go! I don't want to go with you, I want to go home! "

Lou Ziling couldn't help but cram her into his car and said coldly, "yes, I'll send you!"

"You don't have to send it. Song Xin will send me back! Open the door, I want to get out of the car

This is equivalent to adding fuel to the fire. Lou Ziling was angry and said in a cold voice, "after only a few days' absence, do you like others again? No matter it's a messenger or a courier, I'll never see you again! "

"You don't like me, why do you stop me from seeing others! Aren't you a lot of girlfriends yourself? "

"Those people are all before you, and none of them are real girlfriends!"

Lou Ziling's eyes seem to have fire in the jump: "and, when did I say I don't like you?"

Jingxi bit her lip and doesn't speak. She turns her head and looks out of the window. She happens to see Song Xin coming out of the restaurant supported by her assistant. She moves and wants to get out of the car.

Lou Ziling pressed her more tightly: "don't make a fuss. Old honest is really staying in the car, or I'll give Song Xin a punch again!"

Jingxi was angry and funny: "Song Xin really wanted to be wronged and died, so he had a meal with me, and he was beaten up! He is also a big star with tens of millions of fans. If everyone knows that you hit him, you will be besieged by letter powder every day

Lou Ziling didn't speak, just holding Jingxi and forbidding her to get off the bus.

"You also beat brother mu. What do you think in your mind? He is my cousin. I used to sleep with him when I was a child. Are you going to kill him?"

Did you sleep?

Lou Ziling's body temperature dropped rapidly: "it seems that I played too light that day! It doesn't matter. I'll go again in a few days. This time he won't be so lucky! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!