Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1527

Song Xin was told to have dinner with the king's little princess the night before, but he didn't sleep well after a headache.

It's a little princess to be nice, but a little witch to be ugly!

Will you let him perform a striptease?

No, no, no, striptease is nothing. It should be the kind of heavy taste SM, binding, wax dropping, whip popping and so on!

Song Xin didn't sleep all night. He got up the next day. His eyes were black and blue. He was scared to boil eggs for him.

Song Xin started his career as a singer because of his pure voice and excellent appearance. He was born with a talent for acting. He easily transformed into an actor. His acting career has hardly encountered any difficulties. Moreover, because he signed up with Xingyao media, which is owned by Jingsheng group, and has the biggest backing, he has a smooth sailing all the way.

Jingxi's dinner has become the biggest ordeal in his acting career.

"Sister Chen, can I not go? I'm sick, I have diarrhea, and I can't get out of bed! "

Agent Chen immediately shook her head: "no, must go! This is your chance. Not everyone can have dinner with Miss Jingjia. She likes you. You will have more and more resources in the company in the future. If you make her dislike it, Jingsheng group will block you. It's just a matter of words! "

"But But I heard, little devil She eats people

"Nonsense, no one will eat people! You are protected, too good, too simple, you believe what others say! Miss Jing is just an ordinary star chasing girl. You can take her as your fan and show your best side! "

Sister Chen said that she was right, but in fact, she didn't have a bottom in her heart.

Jingxi's image in a city has long been demonized. The primary school students who went to school with her talked about the change of scenery.

That class of students and teachers, can be she to toss miserable, to now there are psychological shadows.

A few days ago, Li's eldest lady was also tossed around. In the middle of the night, he took someone to blow up his villa. This is more willful and cruel!

Song Xin worked hard all day. He hoped that he would come later in the evening, and that he might as well come earlier and die early!

Jingxi was so busy that he almost forgot to eat with Song Xin.

In the company, she still has no idea what to do with the company's employees.

But she is still very busy and satisfied, she is not for money, but looking at the company getting better every day, she will feel that such a life is meaningful when she gives orders.

The development of Liyu technology is so perfect that there is no place for her to use. The opinions and suggestions put forward by the managers of various departments are 100 times stronger than her ideas, which makes her lose her enthusiasm.

But here, her ideas are useful, her methods have been proved to be able to improve performance!

There are also conscientious and good employees in the company. Most of them don't know her identity, but they respect her very much. They call her Mr. Jing. She is young and a girl and is willing to follow her command.

She hopes that with her own efforts, she can give more bonuses and benefits to these people. She also wants to improve the insurance of the company and hold more activities

Lunch to deal with a hasty, in the blink of an eye, on the evening.

Jing Rui calls her to remind her to be punctual.

Jingxi suddenly realized that it was getting dark!

Before going to see a star she likes, Jingxi will clean up herself. At least she has to do her hair, change into a beautiful skirt and wear bright high-heeled shoes.

But now, she felt that if she didn't have the spare time, as long as she dressed properly, it would be enough!

The restaurant about is a city in recent years especially popular restaurant, golden Chinese year.

The restaurant is luxurious and expensive, consumption is also luxurious, ordinary people can not afford such a price, so it has become a high-end restaurant with celebrities.

Here, even if the most famous stars come, they don't have to worry about being photographed secretly, and there are few fans who ask for autographs and group photos, because all the stars come, all of them are rich and rich.

In order to show respect, Song Xin arrived ahead of time.

He waited for half an hour when he was about to lose patience when a girl in a royal blue professional dress came into his sight.

She is tall and thin. Her skin is bright and white with the color of sapphire blue. She is young in the light. Her hair is long and her eyes are like stars. Her temperament is elegant. She looks like a magnolia just blooming.

Song Xin is used to seeing all kinds of beautiful women in the entertainment circle, but now he can't find anyone who can compare with the beautiful girl in front of him.

Is there a new comer in the entertainment industry?

This appearance and temperament, it is estimated that as soon as it comes out, it will soon become popular.He stares at the girl for a moment. In his shocked eyes, the girl comes straight to him and sits down in the seat opposite him.

"Mr. Song? Sorry, I seem to be late. I've kept you waiting! "

Song Xin looks shocked. Who is this? Could it be

"Hello, this is Jingxi! Good to meet you

It's really her!

Song Xin was a little confused. The scenes he depicted in his mind were all ugly monsters. At best, they were the non mainstream people with colorful hair, cigarettes in their mouths, and clothes exposed and heavily made up.

But I didn't expect that she should be so elegant and dignified!

And, it seems polite?

Isn't it a rumor that she is not afraid of heaven and earth, and that she even dares to blow up the building of Jingsheng group?!

Jingxi see the opposite Song Xin lenglengleng staring at himself, do not speak, eyes flash a trace of doubt.

She looked down at her clothes and her face on the screen of her mobile phone.

There's nothing wrong with it!

Song Xin, stupid?

On TV, there is a very vivid star. How can she match the Song Xin in her impression!

Have a look, or Lou Ziling look to be more pleasing to the eye, although he is not very good tempered, but also easy to hit people, but good or bad will not be so Leng!

Jingxi didn't know that she had a great impact on Song Xin. She didn't agree with the rumor. Song Xin didn't use any words she had prepared!

After a while, Song Xin returned to his senses and said with a stiff expression: "Miss Jing, nice to meet you."

Then he never knew what to say.

He couldn't even remember a word from the agent who told him to liven up the atmosphere!

Not far from them, Lou Ziling sat cold all over.

I just beat a Musen. It seems that I will hit someone again today! , the fastest update of the webnovel!