Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1526

"I'm a good man, too. Why didn't you see it at a glance? Do you think that the man surnamed Mu is handsome and always smiles at you? "

Luo Feiyang roars a little loud, which makes Jing Xi and Tan Ruyi confused. I don't know how he suddenly seems to be exploded.

Kimmori didn't do anything!

Tan Ruyi has some grievances. Can't the doctor help her to have a look at her body?

Before Luo Feiyang said that she would rest in bed for a month, but she still had to go to school. If she didn't go to school for a month, the course would fall behind a lot. She wanted to get better early.

It's just a fall. She thinks it's OK to rest for a week at most.

"You are not a good man..."

Tan Ruyi complains in a low voice, "you will frame a good man, and you will not go to the person who really stole your ring. You will not go to the doctor for bumping me and scolding me. I will not be hospitalized. You will send me home."

Jingxi thinks that there is nothing wrong with her. She is also worried about Mu Sen, and she doesn't know whether Lou Ziling is serious.

She smiles and waves at Tan Ruyi, but she doesn't take Lilo Feiyang and goes straight out of the ward.

Jingxi found him in Musen's office. Seeing that he was doing ice on his cheek, he felt sorry for him: "brother mu, let me help you!"

Musen's look has returned to the warmth and sunshine of the past. He said with a smile: "no, I'm more than enough to do this little thing myself. You'd better go and have a look at Lou Ziling. Don't misunderstand me because of me."

Jingxi nodded and left.

Looking at Jingxi's back, Musen suddenly found that the original little girl really grew up.

She used to run after him, like to stay in his office, like to run to his home, it is clear that the character of causing trouble everywhere, but always very clever around him.

Now she has someone she really likes.

Outside the hospital, Jingxi did not go to Lou Ziling, but went home directly.

Musen was beaten by Lou Ziling for no reason. She should have apologized to Lou Ziling. She didn't do anything wrong. She didn't need to apologize to Lou Ziling.

The next day is Sunday. Jingxi goes to Luo Feiyang's company as usual. She doesn't need to rest. She just wants to do a good job.

Maybe she has to go to work on Sunday, but she is just looking forward to meeting someone.

Ji Moxuan and Luo Feiyang did not come to the company. Usually, the three of them would work overtime on Saturdays and Sundays. Otherwise, they would all be idle and wasted their time. It would be better to work together to improve the company's performance.

Obviously Ji Mo Xuan and Luo Feiyang don't want to fight today, and Jingxi doesn't feel any imbalance. She guesses that these two people should be accompanying women.

Luo Feiyang is accompanying Tan Ruyi, which is for sure. I don't know who Ji Mo Xuan is accompanying.

But without the interference of these two people, Jing Xi can devote herself to her work. When she encounters problems she doesn't understand, she no longer discusses with them. Instead, she calls Jing Rui and asks him, the current president of Jingsheng group.

Jingxi's problems are very simple in Jingrui's opinion. He can make Jingxi realize in a few words.

This weekend, Jing Xi worked late into the night.

But she didn't feel tired, but she felt an unprecedented sense of fulfillment and accomplishment.

On this day, it was not her driver and bodyguard who came to pick Jingxi home, but Jing Rui came in person.

Jingrui's tone was joking and his expression was relaxed: "I'm working so hard to get my job?"

Brother seldom joked, and Jingxi was in a good mood. He said with a smile, "your job is too heavy. I can't carry it! However, the small bowl still needs to be carried up. I also thought, when my little nephew marries his daughter-in-law, he will be given a helicopter! Last time I took him out to play, he saw a model helicopter, his eyes were straight! "

Jingrui also laughed: "you bought the helicopter model which was broken into pieces by him! You can save money. Now he likes tanks again

"Oh, he must not like the atomic bomb any more. I can't afford to save a hundred years for my level!"

Jingxi felt extremely secure and warm when she stayed by her brother's side and listened to his voice and ridicule. In fact, she had not seen Jing Rui for a long time. Jingsheng group is a huge business empire, and needs him every minute. He is very busy.

Lou Ziling is similar to him. He is always busy for his career and family, and most of the time he is ruthless.

"Brother, is career important to men?"

Jing Rui said faintly: "of course! It can be said that a man without a career is not called a man. If I do nothing every day and depend on your sister-in-law to support me, do you think you will want such a brother? "

Jing Xi thought for a while and shook his head: "I can't imagine this."

Shuyin has been committed to virus research and development in recent years, and has successfully developed several kinds of virus prevention and treatment vaccines, saving countless lives. She is now a distinguished expert of the International Center for Disease Control and is often invited by the United Nations health organization to attend conferences and lectures.With such a powerful wife, if Jing Rui doesn't have anything, I'm afraid he will be ridiculed.

"I have to work hard, or I'll be sorry for my last name!"

All of a sudden, Jingxi has a high morale. Her brother and sister-in-law are so powerful that she has to become powerful!

She is the only girl in the Jing family for generations. She can't disgrace the Jing family!

Isn't Lou Ziling good at running a company? She must let Lou Ziling look at her with a new look!

Jing Rui doesn't want his sister to work hard: "you're a girl. You're only seventeen. You can play as you like. If you don't have enough money, you don't have to work hard to make money."

"I can't do that. What a shame! My father said that the assets of the Jing family will be very strict in the future. If you are an aunt, you can't steal money from your nephew! "

Jingche is smart and cute. Jingxi wants to give him all the good things in the world.

Jing Rui has no choice but to smile: "assets are used to squander. He can't spend so much on his own. You can just squander with him. He will make money when he grows up. His surname is Jing, and he can't make money."

"Last time your second brother said, you want to see Song Xin? I have an appointment for you. Tomorrow night, you can have a candlelight dinner with him or something

No, my brother is so quick?!

"Or Forget it. I just said it casually that day. " In order to be angry, Ziling said that Song Xin was too delicate and beautiful. Jingxi thought that he was very suitable to live in the movie and be a youth idol.

Jing Rui takes a look at her and says faintly: "there are many good men. Lou Ziling is just a very ordinary one. Song Xin is better than him. It's settled. I'll see you tomorrow. No pigeons! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!