Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1522

Hearing that it was ok, Luo Feiyang was relieved at last. He had no place to cry when he wanted to cry.

Tan Ruyi turns into the ward and soon wakes up. As soon as she opens her eyes, she sees a magnified face of Luo Feiyang. She almost doesn't faint again.

The head is still dizzy, the back is still painful, Tan Ruyi originally wanted to hide a little bit, but the action of slightly getting up hurt her "ouch", dare not move.

"Don't move. Lie down. If anything happens, can I live?"

Luo Feiyang is in a hurry and presses down Tan Ruyi. After pressing it, he feels wrong. It's too soft and comfortable!

Tan Ruyi can't lie down any more. For a moment, she forgets the pain. She pushes Luo Feiyang away. When she gets out of bed, she runs out of bed, looking like she is in a hurry to escape.

She was so flustered and dizzy that she didn't know where she was now. After only a few steps, she couldn't keep her balance and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the ward Luo Feiyang wanted for her was an advanced ward, and the floor was covered with a soft carpet. Otherwise, it would have to fall heavily.

Luo Feiyang worried about the hair are white, hate himself even under the urgency of holding down Tan Ruyi's chest!

Before a look at her cry, now touch, Tan Ruyi should not want to die?

He quickly stepped forward and held Tan Ruyi in his arms.

Tan Ruyi is scared, struggling and screaming. Luo Feiyang has just put her on the bed. She gets up from the bed and wants to run for her life.

Luo Feiyang pressed her shoulder, wrapped her with a quilt, and then pressed her, scolded for a while and coax, busy with a head of sweat.

"If you run again, you will be stripped of all your clothes! Are you an idiot? I just accidentally pressed the wrong place. Do you use it like crazy? "

"Shut up! Stop yelling, call me again and I'll kiss you! This is the best way to stop the mouth! "

"OK, OK. Can't I apologize to you? Don't cry, don't run, this is the hospital, you fainted before, just finished the examination, the doctor said you need to rest, it's best not to get out of bed and walk around, or it will be vegetative after that! You want to be a vegetable? "

Coax for a while, Luo Feiyang suddenly found that Tan Ruyi with a strong point of no use, or soft words most effective!

"I'm wrong. I'm wrong. I'm not a hungry person. It's really a mistake. If you're still angry, I'll let you touch it back. My chest muscles are very strong. Don't you feel it?"

What a mess!

How about touching it back?

She touched him, not to let him take advantage of it!

Tan Ruyi originally pale face, quickly red, see Luo Feiyang really took her hand to touch his chest muscle, she was scared to quickly draw back her hand, hide in the quilt.

Luo Feiyang also pressure on her body, afraid she ran, two people close can even feel each other's breath.

Luo Feiyang didn't feel anything. Tan Ruyi felt the masculine breath coming from her face. She was ashamed to bury her face in the quilt.

"What are you doing with your head covered? Do you want to suffocate yourself?"

Luo Feiyang didn't understand Tan Ruyi's embarrassment and helplessness. He opened the quilt and revealed Tan Ruyi's face. Seeing that her face turned red into an apple, he was in a hurry: "don't you have a fever? You wait. You can't go anywhere. I'll call the doctor to show you! "

Tan Ruyi was startled and pulled him tightly: "no, no, I'm fine."

"Let the doctor have a look. If something happens to you, my brother will kill me!"

Luo Feiyang was about to go out, but the door of the ward was opened. The doctor who had examined Tan Ruyi came in and raised a ring in his hand: "it was found in the emergency room just now. Whose is this?"

The pink diamond on the ring was too bright. Luo Feiyang and Tan Ruyi said in one voice:



The doctor immediately laughed, accentuated the airway: "well, yours!"

He thought that they were little lovers, and handed the ring to Luo Feiyang, who was closer to him: "such a valuable thing, you should take good care of it next time. Little girl, your boyfriend is really nice to you. He has been guarding you at the door of the emergency room before sending such a big diamond ring. Cherish it

Tan Ruyi's eyes widened, and her tongue was all knotted: "no, no, I, I, I He is not! "

With a look that I understand, the doctor walked away with a smile. Tan Ruyi couldn't explain it again.

However, heard the doctor said that Luo Feiyang has been guarding her, before the anger finally turned a little warmer.

Luo Feiyang is not totally inhumane, that is, the eldest young master is a little too angry.

Luo Feiyang was holding the ring, a face of doubt: "what's going on, Tan Ruyi, you've made it clear to me, how did this ring come to you again?"! Are you addicted to stealing? "

Tan Ruyi just rose in the heart of a trace of warmth suddenly disappeared!

She was wronged with red eyes and biting her lips. She endured dizziness, nausea and pain in her back. She opened the quilt and was about to go out.Luo Feiyang was angry: "you come back to me! I'm worried about your discomfort and sequelae in the future. I coax you carefully. You're OK. You can go and feel like you can't die, right? "

He threw Tan Ruyi on the bed for the second time and pressed her angrily: "be honest!"

"Don't worry about me! Isn't it just the right time I'm dead? No one will steal your ring from now on! "

Tan Ruyi said angry words, tears on the big big drop.

Her face was pale and her body was shaking. She looked like a little white rabbit held down by a beast. She wanted to resist but had no strength.

Luo Feiyang can't stand Tan Ruyi's appearance, how heinous he is!

Although he is a dandy, he has never done anything to hurt a girl until now. The girls who have fallen in love with him basically don't speak ill of him after breaking up, and they all approve of his character.

How come to tan Ruyi here, he became a wolf?

Impulse is the devil, just an impulse and angry, she was scolded.

How can he forget that the girl needs to coax, eat soft not hard ah!

Luo Fei Yang's teeth were almost broken, but he could only force his anger down and coax her with patience: "don't you run outside without moving?"? Your shoes are still in my car, running barefoot? If you really like this ring, I'll give it to you. As long as you take good care of yourself and don't move around. "

Luo Feiyang suddenly became gentle as water, but also gave her the ring. Tan Ruyi only felt hairy all over her body. She didn't even dare to cry!

Did you come up with a conspiracy to kill her with the ring?

Tan Ruyi's small heart is about to break. She complains about Lou Ziling in her heart. Her cousin has made her suffer. Why give her the ring? Can't you give it to Jingxi! , the fastest update of the webnovel!