Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1521

Tan Ruyi's figure should be petite. Her nose directly hit Luo Feiyang's hard chest. She felt that the bridge of her nose would be broken!

More painful is, she was Luo Feiyang pressure in the body, the whole back fell on the marble floor, the pain of her tears are out.

Luo Feiyang didn't do anything, but he still scolded people in a neutral manner:

"what's the matter with you? I don't have long eyes when I walk. I'm such a big and handsome guy. Can't you see it? Or did you hit me on purpose

Tan Ruyi has nearly broken her breath, and she can't say a word of pain. She subconsciously pushes Luo to her chest, trying to push away the big stone pressing on her.

"Oh, I don't want to poke the money, but I don't want to poke the money

Tan Ruyi shook her head in pain. With the movement of her head shaking, two lines of nosebleed flowed out of her nose.

Luo Feiyang was very surprised and proud: "tut Tut, I'm handsome. Look at your bloody nose. Have you been in love with me for a long time? It doesn't matter. You can say it out loud. I'm sure I won't hesitate Refuse you! You know, my favorite person is Jingxi

He boasted about himself there with no face or skin. After waiting for a long time, he found that Tan Ruyi did not respond. After a careful look, the people who were under his pressure did not know when they even fainted!

Luo Feiyang's face suddenly turned white. He hurriedly came down from Tan Ruyi and shook her: "Hello, Hello, Tan Ruyi! Why are you acting dizzy? Wake up

Tan Ruyi lies on the cold marble floor, silent, and has no reaction to Luo Feiyang's words.

Luo Feiyang was completely flustered. He didn't think of such a slight collision that he knocked Tan Ruyi into a coma!

He immediately picked up Tan Ruyi, ran quickly into the elevator, out of the elevator and quickly put Tan Ruyi into the car, drove her to the hospital.

Jingxi a person in Luo Feiyang's office after lunch, waiting for a long time did not see Ji Mo Xuan and Luo Feiyang's figure, can't help calling them.

Ji Moxuan's mobile phone can get through, but he did not answer the phone, Jingxi full of question marks, do not know what he is, had to call Luo Feiyang again, but he did not answer the phone.

Jingxi had no choice but to give up looking for them and began to work alone in the office.


In a garden house, Wu Wei looks at Ji Mo Xuan's mobile phone finally does not ring, lips show a sneer.

She looked at the records of the five missed calls for a while, picked up the phone, input the password to unlock, and quickly deleted the call records just now.

After deleting the record, Wu Wei put Ji Mo Xuan's mobile phone back to its original place.

Ji Mo Xuan wiped his hair and came out of the bathroom and asked, "did someone call me just now?"

Wu Wei's face was at a loss: "no!"

"Oh, maybe I heard it wrong."

Ji Mo Xuan did not doubt Wu Wei. He sat down on the sofa and looked at his mobile phone. He was disappointed that he did not receive the call.

He did not return to the company, Jingxi also did not look for him, he is in her heart, not even a bit of position?

The loss of Ji Mo Xuan's face is clearly visible. The jealousy in Wu Wei's eyes flashed away. His face was covered with a gentle smile: "I'll wipe it for you. You look at you, just like a child, you won't take care of yourself."

She took a towel and gently wiped Ji Moxuan's hair.

Ji Mo Xuan originally wanted to refuse, but Wu Wei wiped too comfortable, he also let her.

But rubbing, I don't know what's going on, so I hold them together.

Because he was at home, Wu Wei only wore a thin silk suspender skirt with a large amount of spring light at the low neckline. The outline was clearly visible under the thin skirt, sending out fatal temptation.

Ji Mo Xuan only felt the whole body of blood in the surge, thinking of Jing Xi's refusal to him, his heart suddenly raised a anger.

He violently pushed down Wu Wei and let out his anger on her.

However, after venting, Ji Mo Xuan immediately regretted.

Not determined to stay away from Wu Wei? Why

Well, it's not the first time anyway. Just give Wu Wei more money.

Ji Moxuan put on his clothes and handed a card to Wu Wei before he left: "take good care of yourself. Don't try too hard. Here you are. Go buy some clothes you like. You should dress up well."

Wu Wei pushed the card back, and his tone was sweet and tender: "don't do this, Mo Xuan. I'm willing to follow you because I like you. It's not for your money. Just now I love it too. Don't give me money. I can make money myself now. "

Ji Mo Xuan fixed to look at her, suddenly found that Wu Wei seems to be more and more beautiful, she exudes the kind of charming enchanting from the bone, is no woman can compare.

No wonder he was seduced by her every time. There should be no man who can resist Wu Wei's charm!Ji Mo Xuan step out of the pace and back, he fiercely picked up Wu Wei, toward the bedroom.

I don't go to work today. No one needs him anyway. Only Wu Wei really likes him. He will stay here for a day with her!

Isn't she in love with filming?

I can help her to have a look at it later, and contact several troupes to let her play a female number one.

Wu Wei had already planned everything in his heart and asked for money, so Ji Moxuan would feel that he did not owe each other. If he wanted to ask him to help, it would be difficult to open his mouth without money. With Ji Moxuan's soft hearted degree, he would take the initiative to help her take over the drama!

She took herself off a clean, let her most beautiful side show in front of Ji Mo Xuan.

She has a plan to deal with Ji Moxuan.


In Mu's Hospital, Luo Feiyang anxiously circled outside the emergency room. His mobile phone fell on the car, so Jingxi called him. He didn't know.

He also wants to call Jingxi and ask her to come and help. Unfortunately, the mobile phone is not around. He is afraid that Tan Ruyi's life is in danger, so he can't leave easily. He can only stay outside all the time.

Tan Ruyi knocked dizzy, if Lou Ruofei knew, she must be distressed, and did not know whether she would be scolded by Luo Fei.

Luo Feiyang can only pray that Tan Ruyi has nothing to do, and that his brother and sister-in-law must not return to a city these days.

I don't know how long it took for the doctor to come out of the emergency room.

"Are you a family member of the patient?"

Luo Feiyang a Leng: "no, no, I'm her friend. How is she?"

"It's nothing serious. It's just a mild concussion. I've got a little spinal injury. I may need to stay in bed for a month." , the fastest update of the webnovel!