Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1523

Luo Feiyang saw Tan Ruyi's face of disbelief, hesitated for a moment, put the ring into Tan Ruyi's palm.

"Here you are. Take it and play with it."

, this is as like as two peas!

Tan Ruyi quickly put the ring to Luo Feiyang: "no, no, I don't want it, I don't want it!"

"Here you are. I think you like this ring very much. Anyway I don't need money either. You are my sister-in-law's cousin. In terms of relatives, I'm also your brother. It's OK for my brother to give her a small gift! "

Luo Feiyang still remembers that he and Tan Ruyi were the best man and the maid of honor respectively at the wedding ceremony of Luo Feiyang. When he opened the ring quietly, Tan Ruyi also leaned over her head to follow him.

Tan Ruyi startled not close mouth, how to return a responsibility son, Luo Fei Yang brain water?

Who is with his brother and sister, her brother is only Lou Ziling!

She looked at Luo Feiyang and put the diamond ring into her hand, and quickly explained: "it's not that I like this ring. It's from my cousin. He said that you gave me an apology. He said that you apologized for misunderstanding that I stole your ring."

Lou Ziling?!

Luo Feiyang, a small flame came out of his eyes!

He took his diamond ring as a mortgage, turned his head and gave it to tan Ruyi!

"Good! Very good! "

Luo Fei's exalted eyebrows are flying. I wish I could go to fight with Lou Ziling now!

Tan Ru thought that he was so angry that he shrank in the quilt: "you, you, you Don't hit me. I've never stolen anything from you. These two times were accidents, not Every girl likes diamonds! This is This is just a beautiful stone. I don't think it's as important as my math textbook... "

Luo Feiyang frowned: "impossible, girls all like this kind of thing, what Ruby Sapphire pearl diamond, the more expensive the more like! This one can buy a train of math textbooks

In fact, Tan Ruyi also likes this kind of glittering gem. Her mother's wedding diamond ring is also very beautiful and precious. She has always wanted one.

But since meeting Luo Feiyang, she has completely lost interest in diamonds!

Because this beautiful and luxurious pink diamond is her disaster!

Tan Ruyi opens her hand, and the ring lies quietly in her palm.


It's beautiful, of course.

The ring was always around her, and she would take it out in the dead of night.

Such an ornament is worth millions, and she doesn't know how to hide it.

Put it at home, in case of being stolen by a thief, take it with you, for fear that it will be lost accidentally.

Tan Ruyi suddenly showed a shallow smile and said to Luo Feiyang, "give it to the girl you like. You're right. Most girls like these gems very much. Don't give it to me. It's too wasteful!"

Luo Feiyang was dazzled by her smile. Tan Ruyi fiercely saw that she was not that kind of gorgeous beauty, but belonged to that kind of durable type. Her facial features were small and delicate, and there were two shallow pear whirlpools in her smile, which was very popular.

Luo Feiyang rubbed his eyes and felt that he was too short of women recently, so he had an illusion!

This wench also skin white dot son, which other has advantage?

"No, it's for you! The girl I like has already thrown herself into your cousin's arms. Her family has a lot of money. It's useless for me to give her a truck of diamonds. "

This ring is not suitable for anyone now.

Give it to Jingxi, Luo Feiyang is willing, but Jing Xi won't accept it.

Luo Feiyang is not willing to give it to other girls. The high value of the diamond is needless to say. Even the style of the ring was designed by himself. It took a long time to find a master to make it. It was also a waste to put it at home. He didn't want to exchange the ring for money.

This ring can grow legs every time and run to tan Ruyi. Maybe it's predestined with her. It's nothing to give it to her.

Lou Ruofei is so kind to him. Every time Luo feiran gets angry and hits people, he is protected by Lou Ruofei. The ring is given to Lou Ruofei's cousin, which is nothing to be distressed about.

Luo Feiyang convinced himself, and finally made up his mind: "it really belongs to you. Your hands are very beautiful. It should be very suitable to wear. This ring can be adjusted in size. Try it on. I haven't seen the effect on your hand yet

After the ring was finished, in addition to his touch, only Tan Ruyi touched it. Jingxi didn't even look at it carefully.

Tan Ruyi is scared silly, diamond ring is used to propose, Luo Feiyang let her wear?

This, this, this

Luo Feiyang suddenly saw Tan Ruyi's idea. He glared at Tan Ruyi: "what do you think? You, no one wants the ring, just for you to play! I would not look for a girlfriend so stupid, hit can faint, but also nosebleed concussion, paper paste than you

Tan Ruyi quickly touched her nose and felt that there was no blood before she put down her heart. Then she reacted fiercely: "concussion?! It's over. I'll have an exam next Monday. I won't break my brain. I can't do it any more? "Luo Feiyang gave her a white eye: "that's not concussion, that's brain damage!"

He stood up, poured a cup of hot water for Tan Ruyi, and handed it to her: "I'll go down and bring up your shoes. You're not allowed to run around. Do you hear me?"

"I feel dizzy and uncomfortable. My back seems to be broken. It hurts so much. Do you think I want to run?"

"I ran faster than the rabbit just now. Why didn't you feel pain? Don't worry, the bones are fine. It's OK to keep them for a month! "

Luo Feiyang turned his head to go out and sighed: "Alas, you are really fragile. I fight so many times, and I still live tenaciously. Am I a mutant?"

He went downstairs to get the shoes for Tan Ruyi and took his mobile phone. Then he saw a lot of missed calls from Jingxi.

He was startled. He quickly went back and told the story again and again pleaded: "Xi Xi, I'm a man. It's inconvenient for me to take care of Tan Ruyi. Will you help me?"

At the other end of the phone, Jingxi was a bit crafty with a smile: "you hurt people, how can you let me take care of the wounded? I work for you every day even if, now also want to be a free nanny? Take good care of Ruyi yourself. I won't go! "

"No, no, no, that's not what I mean! I'll give you money and I won't let you work in vain

"Oh, how about paying the king's eldest lady to be a nanny? Luo Feiyang, you are rich

"No, no, no, I'm wrong! I That No money... "

Luo Feiyang's head is as big as a fight. He is poor now and owes Jingxi two million yuan, which is rich!

Forget it, it's better for him to take care of Tan Ruyi.

It's really unreasonable. She gave Tan Ruyi a diamond worth more than 4 million yuan for nothing, and she also had to be a nanny. He luofeiyang is really more and more miserable! , the fastest update of the webnovel!