Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1520

"No, he doesn't dare to bully you with me here."

Jingxi pulled Tan Ruyi to the sofa and sat down. "Even if you want to go home, you have to change your clothes. Your mother should be worried when you go home in open clothes. What's more, he didn't mean to tear your clothes just now. His nervous forehead is full of sweat. You may not have noticed it

Tan Ruyi is silent, and she is also afraid that Wang Qiu will be worried if she goes home dressed like this.

Wang Qiu raised her on her own and tried every means to protect her from being hurt. If she knew that her clothes had been torn and her underwear was exposed, she would be heartbroken.

But is Luo Feiyang nervous?

Tan Ruyi doesn't believe it.

This man is so bad that he is fierce and arrogant. He has to stay away from him in the future!

Thanks to Jingxi being here, she would have been scared to death.

Tan Ruyi thanks Jingxi in a low voice. Since she knew Jingxi, Jingxi has been talking for her. She always believes that she did not steal. She is very grateful.

Jingxi said with a smile: "thank you for what. I should thank you. I learned later that I was taken away in the United States last time. You told Lou Ziling in time to save me. The woman who took me away is a madman. I'm sure I'll suffer if I fall into her hands! "

Tan Ruyi was distracted, embarrassed smile: "nothing, I know you are a cousin's friend, you have something I told cousin the first time. That Are you going to be my cousin? "

Jingxi was stunned and then laughed: "if you have a cousin in the future, it must be me! I gave Lou Ziling two choices: one is to be a bachelor for life, the other is to live with me, ha ha! "

Tan Ruyi is very surprised. She doesn't understand how Jingxi is such a good girl. How can she like her cousin?

Lou Ziling's indifference and solitude are well known to all. Even Lou Ruofei can't stand him sometimes. Jingxi doesn't think his personality can't live together?

"Did my cousin choose to live with you?"

"Wrong! He chose to be a bachelor all his life


Tan Ruyi glared: "would he rather be a bachelor than you?"

After asking, she thinks it's wrong. Lou Ziling has already been careful enough to send her a super luxurious lunch to Jingxi. She must care about Jingxi.

"I heard from the three of you that you seem to be my cousin's girlfriend already!"

Jingxi nodded: "maybe he doesn't want to be a bachelor all his life? It's good to correct the mistakes, so I'll give him a chance

Tan Ruyi nodded fiercely: "yes, yes, to give my cousin a chance. He is cold outside and hot inside. Maybe You can take care of people... "

She said, the voice has been low down, because it is really lack of gas - Lou Ziling is cold outside, ice inside, there is no heat at all!

Moreover, she once reported age with Jing Xi. Jing Xi is only 17 years old and is still very young!

Being poisoned by her cousin at such a small age, Tan Ruyi is very guilty.

As they were talking, there was a knock on the door: "I'm back!"

Tan Ruyi hears this voice, immediately hugs oneself to shrink.

Jingxi patted her on the shoulder, got up and went to open the door: "leave the clothes, people go to other places first!"

Luo Feiyang a head of sweat: "this is clearly my office, how to drive me out when the boss?"

"Who let your boss tear other girls' clothes at random!"

Jingxi glared at him angrily, slammed the door, took the paper bag and went to tan Ruyi, but turned her back and didn't look at her, lest she be embarrassed: "change the new one! Fortunately, your school uniform style is ordinary, otherwise it's really hard to buy

Tan Ruyi took out the clothes, quickly took off his own, changed for a new one, and then found that the clothes were just right.

She scolds Luo Feiyang in the heart, this person certainly does not know how many women have bought clothes, can have a look to know how big she wears! Flower cluster veteran, love field Master!

Jingxi turned around and saw Tan Ruyi's clothes and said with a smile, "I can't see that the second childe of the Luo family still can buy clothes like this. Isn't he even buying his own size right? I bought you the right one

"No, how can you buy your own? He must have bought clothes for many women, so he knows so much about the size of girls! "

"Oh, you have misunderstood him. He has never bought clothes for a woman. You should also know that he is a very local tyrant. He gives things like diamonds and jewelry. Where can he have the leisure to go to the mall to pick clothes for girls? "

A mention of diamonds, Tan Ruyi suddenly patted his forehead: "by the way, I almost forgot one thing!"

She took out a ring from her skirt pocket and handed it to Jingxi: "some time ago, my cousin gave it to me. Luo Feiyang said it was for me to make an apology. How could I think it was wrong? He said it was originally a gift for you. I think it's better to give it back to you."She didn't dare to ask Luo Feiyang directly because she was afraid that Luo Feiyang said she had stolen his things.

She was a good student with excellent character and learning, and she was also an excellent class cadre. She didn't want to be framed again.

If the reputation of "thief" spreads to her school, Tan Ruyi can't imagine what she will face. At that time, teachers and classmates will certainly look at her with different eyes, and they will also guard against her like thieves. This is terrible!

Jing Xi took a look at the huge diamond ring, but refused to accept it: "this ring is not mine. If you want to return it, you should return it to Luo Feiyang."

She kept laughing in her heart, because she knew the whole story. Luo Feiyang had scolded Lou Ziling for many times. She thought that Lou Ziling had taken his diamond ring as collateral.

It turned out that Lou Ziling gave it to tan Ruyi, and said it was from Luo Feiyang!

Is he not afraid that Luo Feiyang has money and asks him to redeem the ring?

"Put away the ring, it's worth it! If you are short of pocket money, you can sell this, and you don't have to worry about college tuition! You can do whatever you want, that is, don't give it to me. Luo Feiyang didn't say that this is mine. If you really want to give it to me, he has already sent it, and it will fall into your cousin's hand? "

Tan Ruyi doesn't dare to sell the ring casually. Otherwise, she can't buy one of the same. In case Luo Feiyang wants the ring from her, it's bad that she can't take it out.

Jingxi refuses to accept it. Tan Ruyi has no choice but to put the ring back in his pocket. The pressure mountain slowly goes out.

She opened the door, made a detour to the corridor, and then ran into Luo Feiyang, who was in a hurry.

With a thump, they fell to the ground at the same time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!