Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1519

Ji Moxuan is not the only one who has this idea, but also Luo Feiyang.

He is more eager than anyone to develop the company and prove his ability!

At noon, three people want to go downstairs restaurant for lunch, but Tan Ruyi carries a lot of food into Luo Feiyang's office.

"Tan Ruyi, what are you doing here? Didn't you run faster than the rabbit last time? "

Luo Feiyang is ferocious. Tan Ruyi shrinks her neck. She dislikes Luo Feiyang's stinginess in her heart. She cares about it even now, but she whispers: "my cousin asked me to send you lunch, saying that you can work after eating well. Don't be tired out."

Luo Feiyang and Ji Moxuan's question mark, will lou Ziling be so kind?

No way!

It would be nice if he didn't poison them. How could he care about their health!

Luo Feiyang grabs to open each lunch box. Seeing that there are all exquisite dishes and several kinds of fruit salads, Luo Feiyang suddenly realizes that Lou Ziling doesn't care about them. This is clearly for Jingxi!

Jingxi also felt that Lou Ziling was a gift for her to eat. She had experienced his coldness and could not give food to anyone except her.

With a faint smile on her face, she waved to Luo Feiyang Ji Moxuan: "you two go downstairs to have dinner. All of these belong to me! Seeing how sweet my boyfriend is, is it time for you two to find a girlfriend

Luo Fei puffed up his blood: "Xixi, you are stabbing my fragile soul! Where is Lou Ziling good? You really became his girlfriend? You're still young. Get busy with your career first. Don't worry about falling in love! "

"Isn't it true that I love each other in my career? Don't speak ill of Lou Ziling again, or your company will go bankrupt tomorrow

Jingxi tone with a trace of pride, she is just aware that she is indeed the cause of love!

Ji Mo Xuan look more sad than Luo Feiyang, he lost out of the office, Luo Feiyang in the back to call him, he also ignored.

"You see, Mo Xuan how poor, he must have found a corner to cry! No, no, I think I'm going to cry too! Tan Ruyi, come here and lend me your shoulder! "

Tan Ruyi was scared and quickly stepped back: "don't borrow or not. My mother said, money and shoulders are not lent out!"

She has already understood, the original cousin really likes Jingxi, and the two people have begun to officially fall in love!

This is really big news. I haven't heard from my cousin before. My cousin certainly doesn't know about it!

"You are too mean to borrow a shoulder? You stole my 4 million worth of pink diamond ring before, I forgive you, look how generous I am

A mention of this matter, Tan Ruyi's combat effectiveness suddenly soared, also not afraid, angry way: "I did not steal, did not steal! Your friends are framing me. They are not good people like you! If you ruin my reputation again, I will call the police! "

Luo Feiyang's big eyes widened: "I'm really knowledgeable. It's so reasonable to be a thief these days! How dare you rush to the police? Do you think that the police can't find out what happened after such a long time? "

He stepped forward, grabbed Tan Ruyi's collar, and roared angrily, "go, go to the police immediately. I didn't want to worry about this mess. You have to hit the gun yourself. Don't blame me for being cruel!"

Jingxi listen to Luo Feiyang and Tan Ruyi fight, did not take seriously, she sat on the sofa with a smile, began to eat lunch.

Although Luo Feiyang is arrogant, he can't really throw Tan Ruyi to the police, or he can't tell Lou Ruofei.

Tan Ruyi tried to cover her clothes so as not to go away. Her tears were about to fall down: "what are you doing? What are you taking off my clothes for? I'm not going to call the police. I'm not going to call the police. Let me go

Luo Fei's exalted head almost smoked: "who took off your clothes! You think you look good? Do you want breasts... "

"Stab" a clear ring, Luo Feiyang words have not finished, Tan Ruyi's white shirt style school uniform was torn by him.


Tan Ruyi screamed and cried: "hooligan! Help, mom

Jingxi looked at the scene, quickly got up and went to embrace Tan Ruyi, blocking the spring light on her chest and comforting her: "don't cry, don't cry. It's OK. He's blind and doesn't see anything!"

Luo Feiyang rubbed his eyes and silently recited the pot.

"That Tan Ruyi, I didn't mean to. The quality of your school uniform is average. How can I have such a weak shirt? I didn't exert myself here! "

Tan Ruyi is in a state of shock. She still leans on Jingxi and sobs.

She was conservative, and she was suddenly looked at by a man and wanted to die.

Tan Ruyi is also the last two years of chest development and growth, but the larger she is more embarrassed, sometimes walk deliberately bent waist, this will appear more flat.

She wanted to wear tight underwear and tighten her chest, but her mother Wang Qiujian would never allow her to gird her chest, saying it was not good for her health.Wang Qiu bought her that kind of thin cotton underwear to wear, so that it would not appear big chest.

Tan Ruyi cry sad, don't know thought Luo Feiyang how she!

"Hey, hey, hey, don't cry. It's not a big deal. There are a lot of big breasted beauties in bikinis on the beach in America, and there are many naked swimmers without clothes. Even if you are naked, I will..."

Luo Feiyang only half said, Tan Ruyi cried more loudly.

Jingxi glared at him: "can you talk! Can the situation in city a be the same as in the United States? Which girl did you see swimming naked here? Hurry out and buy Ruyi a shirt similar to her school uniform

Don't say that Tan Ruyi, such a conservative high school student, is an adult, and may not be calm to a man's chest, right?

Luo Feiyang a brain sweat, he himself is also very clear that Tan Ruyi is different from those women, he just wants to comfort her, who knows that he said the wrong thing!

He went out in a hurry, went to the door but folded back, took off his suit, put on Tan Ruyi, and then ran away.

Jingxi suddenly felt that this scene was familiar. After thinking for a while, he found that Luo Feiyang's act of dressing Tan Ruyi was very similar to the way Lou Ziling dressed her today.

She laughed and wrapped Tan Ruyi in Luo Feiyang's suit and said, "don't cry Ruyi. Luo Feiyang is gone. Here we are!"

Tan Ruyi tried to wipe her tears, wrapped up her suit and went out.

Jing Xi stopped her in a hurry: "where are you going?"

Tan Ruyi whispered: "I, I I'm going home Otherwise, Luo Feiyang will come back later and bully me , the fastest update of the webnovel!