Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1518

What is the identity of the girl who came with Lou Ziling today? She can let Lou Ziling take care of her so carefully!

The eyes of several waiters all focused on Jing Xi's body, beautiful? It's really beautiful, but it shouldn't be the reason why Lou Ziling changed.

Li Zhi is beautiful enough, and her beauty is that kind of men and women kill the most beautiful, noble and beautiful coexist, figure and appearance are impeccable, a city countless men crazy for it.

However, Lou Ziling left her and went shopping with other girls?

Li Zhi can not only have beauty, but also wisdom and wealth, no one can compare.

Louziling paid the money and left with Jingxi. The waiter in the shop started to talk like a frying pan. It's a pity that they didn't dare to take a picture of Jingxi in Lou Ziling's cold eyes. Otherwise, they would take a picture of Jingxi and send it to the Internet for the majority of netizens to identify.

Jingxi has not been shopping for a long time. Now she is accompanied by louziling. She has a little joy in her heart.

Moreover, Lou Ziling bought clothes for her, which was the first gift he gave her. She was very happy.

So, even though some people talked about it and others gave advice, she was still in a good mood.

"Lou Ziling, I can't tell. You are still a celebrity in a city! If Song Xin, the male god, walks outside, at most that's how many people turn back? "

Lou Zi Ling didn't know Song Xin, but after Jingxi mentioned it last time, he went online to check it.

Song Xin was originally a singer, and later became an actor. After several idol plays, Song Xin became more and more famous.

Lou Ziling doesn't listen to songs or watch idol dramas, so he doesn't know Song Xin. However, he just looks at the photos and thinks that song Xinhuo is too inexplicable.

He didn't understand what Jingxi liked about Song Xin. He was as delicate as a girl, and his hair was colorful. Ji Moxuan and Luo Feiyang were also better than Song Xin. At least these two were trained by big families, and they would not make themselves different.

"I'm not the same thing as Song Xin."

Lou Ziling only said a word, and Jingxi recognized his displeasure. She said, "Song Xin is a warm man, you are an iceberg, of course it's not the same thing..."

Lou Ziling's eyes are dangerous: "have you met Song Xin?"

"No, he's busy filming! When he has time, I'll meet him and ask for a autograph and a photo! "

Lou Ziling one hand to buy clothes for Jingxi, the other hand holding her hand slightly forced: "deliberately angry me? Why didn't you say you like stars before

"Before, I only liked you. I gave up a whole forest for a green leaf. Oh, I'm so stupid!"

After hearing this, Lou Ziling didn't know whether to be happy or angry.

He refused to take Jingxi shopping malls, pulling her out: "you'd better be stupid, too clever, I can't resist it!"

"Why go? I want to go around again! "

"Not today. There are too many people who recognize me. It's not good for you. Go home first. If you like shopping, you can take you abroad next time. No one knows me there."

Jingxi looked at him suspiciously: "how about recognizing you? Are you afraid that people will know you have a new girlfriend? Or are you afraid that I'm your girlfriend? I want to tell the world that you are my boyfriend

Lou Ziling looked at her helplessly. It seemed that she had never felt how special her identity was as a little princess of the king family.

But she wanted to tell the world that he was her boyfriend, but it made him feel happy.

Lou Ziling protected her head and let her into the car. He sat beside her and patiently explained why she didn't want her exposed.

"I'm not afraid that people will know that you are my girlfriend. I'm just afraid that you will be attacked. Many people in a city know you exist, but no one can recognize you. Why? "

"Because your parents protected your privacy so well that they didn't let out a picture. I don't want you to be exposed because of me. That would be dangerous for you. "

"And once people know I'm so close to you, I'm rich, fool!"

Lou Ziling holds Jingxi's hand and gently touches the back of her delicate hand with her thumb. His voice is light and low, with infinite patience and tenderness.

Lou Ziling did not expect that he would be so delicate to a girl one day.

He is a man who is not even delicate to himself.

"Isn't it just the right time for you to get rich? You are mine. If you become rich, I will be rich. "

"Do you think I'll get rich in vain? Those people are not looking at my value, but your value. "

Lou Ziling sighs in his heart. Compared with him, the value of Jingxi is 100 times, 1000 times. He has worked hard to advance, but he is still not strong enough.

Don't say anything else, a Li Zhi can easily let him down.

In the past, he could fight fearlessly in the mall, and was not afraid of any means, but now, he has weaknesses.Jingxi, however, seemed to be able to see through Lou Ziling's worries. She whispered: "Lou Ziling, I'm not your weakness. You can do what you want to do. I'm with you, not to tie you down. I like to see your confident appearance and like you to be a dazzling star."

She wore new clothes, black and white color simple and elegant, let Jingxi show a trace of maturity.

At the moment, she is not childish, calm like an adult woman, without the previous kind of willful mischief.

"Send me to Luo Feiyang's company, and you can work in the company."

Jingxi embraces the building son Ling, the mood is a little low, but the face did not show.

Half an hour later, Jing Xi enters Luo Feiyang's office. Luo Feiyang and Ji Moxuan all stand up and want to talk to her, but they don't know what to say.

Jingxi said as if nothing had happened: "what are you looking at? Work quickly! If the company doesn't develop, I won't leave for a day! Or I'll lose face! "

She and Ji Moxuan have been helping Luo Feiyang without pay. They are really just fighting for breath, not for money.

Especially Ji Mo Xuan, he did not believe that he would lose to Lou Ziling!

If even such a small company is not well managed, it will be ready to go bankrupt after taking over the Jishi group!

In fact, Jibo has been watching the progress here, to observe his ability.

Jingxi didn't need to inherit the huge family business of the Jing family, but he also had to know how to run a company.

Ji Moxuan suppressed what he wanted to say and continued to call some people he knew with his mobile phone. Yesterday, a batch of goods of the company were detained by the customs. He needs to get the things back as soon as possible, otherwise he will face huge compensation.

If he becomes stronger, will Jingxi like him? , the fastest update of the webnovel!