Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1517

Before even kiss Jing Xi's lips, she did not have such a big reaction.

Lou Ziling seems to have discovered the new world, with Jingxi's soft earlobe, gently sucking and biting.

His hand gently stroked her smooth back, trying to reach her chest, but her chest was blocked by Jingxi's arms and refused to let him touch it.

Lou Ziling was reluctant to force her. Seeing Jingxi's resistance, she didn't go deep. She just stroked her back inch by inch.

She is really beautiful, delicate skin, feel tender and smooth, Lou Zi Ling can't let go.

But at the moment, Jingxi felt like a fire all over his body!

Lou Ziling's hand seems to have electricity, where it touches, it will cause a shiver, causing Jing Xi to breathe unsteadily and his heart rate to quicken.

"Lou Ziling, this is a foul You deliberately bully me... "

The voice of the exit was unexpectedly enchanting. Jingxi's face turned red with shame, but Lou Ziling took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

Together with Jingxi, his willpower is tested all the time.

She was so fresh and delicious that she was always luring him into crime.

After a long time, Lou Ziling sat up, took off his suit and wrapped Jingxi: "your clothes are broken, wear mine first."

Jing Xi glared at him angrily. He said that the wind was light and the clouds were light. It seemed that he didn't do it at all!

She was wearing a suit with Lou Ziling's temperature, covering her skirt, which had been torn by him. She shrank in a corner and refused to pay attention to him.

When he tore her clothes, he was crazy and frightening. He was quite different from him who was calm and rational now!

How many faces does this man have? Is there really a split personality?

Jing Xi's eyes were full of doubts. Lou Ziling couldn't help but get close to her and knocked on her forehead: "what are you thinking about again? Don't worry about me in your heart. Ask me if you have any questions, and I will tell you the truth. "

"You really don't have a split personality? It is said that the more talented people are, the more likely they are to split their personalities, and you will be very talented. "

Lou Zi Ling held his breath in his chest. He knew he would not let Jing Xi ask!

What a mess!

What does he look like a split personality? He's just a little more self-control!

He stretched out his hand and rubbed Jingxi's hair in a mess. He said as if nothing had happened: "I'll take you to buy clothes."

Lou Ziling opened the back door of the car, changed to the driver's seat, and drove Jingxi to the mall.

Being accompanied by Lou Ziling to buy clothes, this is the first time. Jingxi is angry and happy.

Happily, he is going to buy her new clothes.

Angry is, her clothes are torn by him, go home do not know how to explain with Shangguan Ning.

Say it's scratched?

Such a big gap, even she does not believe, her mother will not believe.

Knowing that she was with Lou Ziling, shangguanning had to tell her a hundred times a day not to take the initiative or do anything too intimate.

She is still a child who hasn't grown up in the eyes of Shangguan Ning!

Many people in the shopping mall are looking at Lou Ziling and Jing Xi. Many people recognize Lou Ziling, but none recognize Jing Xi. Jing Yichen has always protected her privacy very well. He never allows her underage daughter to be exposed to photos and personal information.

But now Jingxi is wearing louziling's suit and standing beside the tall and handsome louziling, which is very eye-catching.

Many people are looking at Jingxi, have guessed whether Lou Ziling has changed his girlfriend.

Lou Ziling is a little disgusted with these people's eyes. If he is the only one to be watched, it doesn't matter. He is not afraid to be seen.

But he didn't like these people staring at Jingxi with unfriendly eyes.

He turned to look at Jingxi and wanted to hold her hand. However, he found that Jingxi didn't care about other people's eyes. He ran into a shop excitedly and asked for two skirts to go to the fitting room to try on clothes!

Lou Ziling laughs. The girl's psychological quality is not so strong. It's clear that the shop attendants are whispering about her. She went straight in and made the waiters at a loss.

Lou Ziling also entered the store. He glanced at several waiters coldly. His fierce eyes forced several people to lower their heads. Only then did he take back his eyes and concentrate on selecting clothes for Jingxi.

He never bought clothes for girls. Even his own clothes were bought by his assistant and sent to the villa. At this moment, he felt quite helpless.

He only thought that Jingxi looked good in everything. She could hold down the lively, solemn, fresh and gorgeous clothes.

The clothes in this store are more mature. It is suitable for office workers. It is estimated that Jingxi will make her look mature for several years.

Lou Ziling picked out a light gray suit and a white fishtail skirt with ol style. She said to the waiter, "wrap these two suits up!"

The waiter was surprised that he could judge Jingxi's size so accurately. After years of working in this line, they could judge the size by looking at someone. Ordinary people have to try on clothes.The clothes were wrapped, and Jingxi also changed new clothes and came out of the fitting room.

She picked out a black-and-white dress with thousands of bird patterns, because she has already started to work in the company, and the clothes she bought recently are more mature, so as not to be said to be a child and go to work to play.

She likes to look like an urban white-collar - she doesn't like people saying she's small.

How can I look like I'm 20 years old in this dress?

She turned and showed Lou Ziling her clothes: "how about it?"

She is tall and tall, her legs are long and straight, her skin is white, her long black hair is casually draped on her shoulders, and she is wearing a simple and elegant black and white dress, which looks like a painting of water and ink.

Lou Ziling went to her side and pinned the broken hair in front of her forehead behind her ear. She said in a soft voice, "it's very beautiful. It's very ordinary, but it's not ordinary to wear it on you."

Although his voice was very light, all the waiters around him could hear him.

A few of them looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

Lou Ziling, a business genius, has a lot of rumors. His appearance is so outstanding that women will inevitably have a strong heart for gossip about him.

His comments on love have always been bad, because it is said that he will not care about his girlfriend at all. He has been in love for N times, never willing to spend time with his girlfriend and devote himself to his career.

A lot of people say that he actually likes men, and looking for women to fall in love is just a cover up. Otherwise, why is he so indifferent to every girlfriend? Cold to not even a hug!

So far, the most intimate photos of him and women taken by the media are just Li Zhi holding his arm once. , the fastest update of the webnovel!