Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1516

Jingxi is not a suspicious person. She dares to love and hate. Her character is always free and easy. However, Lou Ziling is her killer.

She repeatedly ran into the wall here in louziling. Her proud family background, appearance and intelligence were not attractive to him.

These days, Lou Ziling suddenly changed her attitude towards her, no longer indifferent, but full of warmth. Jingxi always felt like a dream.

He changed too fast, change without warning, Jingxi some fear.

She was afraid that after waiting for her trap to go, Lou Ziling suddenly said, "I was just acting before. How can you take it seriously?"?

Jingxi thought, sitting on the floor of Ling, gave him a punch: "let me go, I don't want you!"

Lou Ziling didn't hide and got a punch. He put his hands around Jingxi's waist and didn't let her get off the bus: "I won't let you go. If you let go, you'll find Luo Feiyang Ji Moxuan. I won't give you this chance!"

He knows Jingxi, really want to let go, she can really leave him, she definitely belongs to the kind of people who can afford to put down!

No reason, she entangled him for such a long time, integrated into his life, and then walked away naturally, so that he experienced the warmth and then fell into loneliness and cold!

"I will take you abroad! Hee, leave tonight

"I'm not going! You want to sell me? Ha, you see who dares to buy it

The little lion was angry again. Jing thought of him as bad. Lou Ziling pressed her into his arms and said in a low voice, "am I so bad? What's the advantage of selling you and me? If you go missing, I will be the first suspect of the Jing family. And don't say anything else, if something happens to you around me, my father will kill me first. Do you believe it or not

Jingxi doesn't believe it. She doesn't know Lou Mingyang at all. How could Lou Mingyang kill her son for her!

How could she not find that Lou Ziling would lie and exaggerate before?

Jingxi's expression of distrust was directly written on his face. Lou Ziling said helplessly: "when you marry to my house, you will understand that your status is far higher than me. My father would rather let me get hurt than let you hurt."

Jingxi was angry and funny. She was caught in both hands by Lou Ziling. She could not beat anyone, so she had to lie down on his shoulder and bite him.

"Don't be so amorous. Who will marry you! Let me go. I'm only seventeen. I belong to the category of underage. You are indecent girl! Breaking the law

"That's why I'm going to take you abroad. City a is not allowed to register for marriage under the age of 20. But as far as I know, many countries in the world can get married when they are 15 years old. You are still over two years old, so it's no problem to get married."

Jing Xi looks at Lou Ziling with consternation. Does he really want to marry her?

Or Register with him first? Married, isn't Lou Ziling her man? When he dares to be ambiguous with other women, she can clean him up!

However, if she married at the age of 17, would she be scolded to death by jingyichen Shangguan?

Jing Yichen is so powerful that he can find someone to eliminate her marriage record!

No, I can't. My mother said that we should get married in a fair and aboveboard way. If we marry a man secretly, the other party will easily think that she has no backbone and will look down on the woman in the future.

Marriage is a sweet and happy thing. How can we make it so shady!

"I'm not going! You don't want to kidnap me and get married. I must tell my parents that I want to marry you at the age of 17, Lou Ziling, you beast with human face and beast heart! Do you want to destroy the flowers of the motherland

Lou Ziling didn't hold back and burst out laughing.

Flowers of the motherland? Cannibals?

The whole body is prickly, who dares to destroy her!

"What are you laughing at? I'm not a flower? I don't look good? I used to be the flower of our school

This is no exaggeration. When she was in University in the United States, her suitors could row from the Pacific Ocean to the Arctic Ocean, and even students from other schools would send her flowers and love letters.

Lou Ziling chuckled: "you are beautiful. I have never denied it. But I don't admit that I am an animal. If I were, I would not let you leave last night

Jing Xi's anger gradually subsided. He tilted his head and looked at Lou Ziling. His eyes were full of doubts: "would you praise others?"

"Is there anything I can't do?"

Lou Ziling asked herself, "No. All will not, but I don't want to do it. As long as I want to, I am omnipotent. Otherwise, why do you like me

"Who says I like you?"


"I I just see you look good! I used to like a lot of people, every handsome I like, you are just one of them! I used to want to marry brother Musen. He is much better than you. He loves me very much! "

Xier didn't say anything before.

This can step on the thunder, the floor Ling gas face is black.

"Musen? The doctor in Mulder's hospital? What do you like about him? Where is he better than me? If I remember correctly, isn't he your cousin? Can you marry a close relative? "Lou Ziling asked several questions in a row. His voice was cold and his anger could hardly be suppressed.

He didn't know that Jingxi still liked Musen!

He has never thought about this. One is that there are many differences in age between them. Secondly, they are relatives. They never think of another level.

What's more, Lou Ziling knows that Musen has always liked his sister Lou Ruofei before!

Before Jingxi chased Lou Ziling, she was very active and enthusiastic. Lou Ziling thought that she was special, but she still liked others!

His heart is sour enough to brew vinegar!

Lou Ziling suddenly pressed Jing Xi under his body and restrained his sour feelings. His voice was hoarse: "no one is allowed to like it. Your cousin can't either!"

He bit Jingxi's lips and chin, and his hands went into her clothes. If he couldn't get into it, he pulled hard and tore Jingxi's clothes.

Jingxi exclaimed to stop him: "Lou Ziling, are you crazy?! Don't touch me. You've torn my clothes

Lou Ziling bit her delicate earlobe and said in a low voice: "I can buy you any kind of clothes you want, but you only belong to me! I'm not willing to touch you and spoil you. I dare to think about other men

Ears are all Lou Ziling breath, warm, itchy, Jingxi face crimson, body some soft.

He bit her ear does not hurt, but it is so numb that Jingxi is at a loss.

She has never felt like this!

Jingxi blushed and begged for mercy: "good, good, I'm wrong, I won't miss others any more! Get up quickly. Don't bite my ear. It's hard... "

After listening to her delicate and weak voice, Lou Ziling knew that her ears were so sensitive! , the fastest update of the webnovel!