Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1515

Girls are generally very sensitive to this kind of vision, and Jingxi is no exception.

Her cheek was a little hot. She reached out to straighten Lou Ziling's face and said angrily, "you're good at driving."

"You sit next to me and I can't drive well."

Lou Ziling's voice is faint, but her eyes are full of blazing temperature, even the speed has dropped.

Jingxi feels that he doesn't know Lou Ziling any more. He can say anything now, which completely subverts the image of Gao Leng and few words.

"Then I won't take your car next time?"

"That's not good. I have to take my car. I'm not sure to be another man's car! I have strong self-control, but I always want to hold you. It's too unsafe to change to something else with low self-control! "

Jingxi suddenly laughed, which has no such exaggeration, her charm has not reached this level, just because he likes her, will be weak willpower.

She went all the way to Luo Feiyang's company with a smile. When Luo Feiyang and Ji Moxuan saw that Jingxi was actually sent by Lou Ziling, they immediately glared at Lou Ziling.

"Hello, Hello, what expression are you two? You want to eat people!"

Jingxi doesn't like Luo Feiyang and Ji Moxuan's eyes on Lou Ziling. It's too dazzling!

"Hee, why did he send you? His girlfriend is Li Zhi, don't you know? He is not a good man. Don't be deceived by him

Luo Feiyang's face was angry. He was worried that what was said in the newspaper yesterday was true!

Didn't he break up with Ling Zijing? Before every time Lou Ziling came here, Jingxi didn't talk to him. Why did he come to work in his car today?

Ji Mo Xuan also frowned, his face even more ugly than Luo Feiyang: "Xi Xi, he doesn't deserve you!"

Jingxi was angry: "nonsense, Lou Ziling's girlfriend is now me! He is so powerful that he is better than me in all aspects. Where can he not match me? Li Zhi's things are completely rumors, she has never been Lou Ziling's girlfriend! "

Lou Zi Ling sees the scene Xi angry, can't help gently holding her hand, light way: "Xi Xi, it's OK, Ji Mo Xuan also didn't say wrong, this fact I knew for a long time, not afraid to be said."

Jingxi turned his head: "what is the fact that you are excellent in all aspects and will not be inferior to anyone!"

Luo Feiyang and Ji Mo Xuan see Jing Xi's hand is so held by Lou Ziling, their anger rubbed upward!

They have been guarding Jingxi. They thought that every day they were in front of them. Lou Ziling couldn't have a chance, but they didn't know when they were together!

Both of them had a feeling of being struck by thunder. They realized later that it was like luring a wolf into his house!

"Lou Ziling, if I remember correctly, you said yourself that you would never marry Xi Xi Xi! What's going on now? "

Luo Feiyang is frank and outspoken, and calls out what Lou Ziling said at the beginning.

He was crazy, but he would never lie and frame him up. Jingxi glared at Lou Ziling: "do you still say such things to them?"

Lou Zi Ling looks light: "yes, I said so."

Jingxi's eyes quickly turned red, and she shook off Lou Ziling's hand: "when did you say that? Why

Lou Ziling couldn't see Jing Xi like this. He said in a low voice: "I didn't realize how important you are when I said it. Moreover, you are too young. I thought it was impossible for us. At that time, I only wanted to develop the company. I was afraid that I would be involved with you. I would unconsciously use you to use Jingjia, so I would rather stay away from you. "

What's the reason for that?!

Didn't the Lou family always belong to the Jing family at that time?

Haven't they been involved all the time?

To put it another way, Lou Ziling wanted to leave the Jing family. He wanted to get rid of it long ago!

No wonder, no wonder he wants to pretend to be lovers with Li Zhi. With the support of the Li family, the Jing family will be angry and give up the house!

As long as it has been through a period of low ebb time, the Lou family can be separated from the Jing family, and then from the Li family and become an independent portal!

Jingxi forced tears back, heartache to numb!

"Lou Ziling, have you always regarded the Jing family as the burden of the Lou family? Is the Jing family hindering the future of the Lou family? "

Jingxi's voice was hard and harsh: "you bastard!"

Lou Ziling's voice also cooled down: "I didn't! I just don't want to be a vassal of the strong! If I have always been a vassal, I will never dare to say I like you! I'm ready to die alone, but as soon as you show up, all my determination will fail

Jingxi's face turned white, and his mind was in chaos.

She ran out of Luo Feiyang's company and wanted to escape.

Lou Ziling coldly looked at Luo Feiyang and quickly chased out.

There are only two people left in the office, Luo Feiyang and Ji Moxuan. Luo Feiyang sits on the sofa and asks in a low tone: "Mo Xuan, did I say something I shouldn't say?"

Ji Mo Xuan slowly sat on his side, his eyes were a little confused: "it should not be, that sentence was originally Lou Ziling himself said. But I think, Xixi should really like Lou Ziling, I still don't understand where I lost. "Luo Feiyang took a look at his messy office, scratched his hair and said, "is it because our company is not as powerful as Lou Ziling? But it shouldn't be. Xixi is not the kind of person who is open-minded about money. If she really likes money, she should choose one of us, and the Lou family is the one with the least money! "

On the road outside the office building, Lou Ziling catches up with Jing Xi, regardless of her struggle, holds her and shoves her into his car.

"Xixi, don't make trouble. There are too many cars here. It's too dangerous!"

"You are more dangerous! You are the worst person I've ever met

Jingxi struggles to get off the bus, but Lou Ziling's strength is much bigger than her, so she doesn't let her go.

"I admit I was wrong before, but I never thought of hurting you! Is it wrong for me to leave the Jing family? I just want to rely on my own strength to expand my family. I don't want others to mention my name and say that I developed by your family. "

"Isn't it? Is it not well known that the Lou family belongs to the Jing family? "

Seeing Jingxi's eyes turn red again, Lou Ziling sighed softly: "fool, what are you so angry about? You are so important in my heart, more important than myself. Is it not good that I am not greedy for your family's money and power? "

"No! You have not only given up the power of the Jing family, you have also given up me! "

Jingxi's tears finally fell down. She suddenly felt very insecure. Lou Ziling seemed to disappear from her life at any time.

Lou Ziling gently wiped tears for her, deep in the heart in the pain: "believe me, Xixi, will not, such a mistake, I will not make the second time." , the fastest update of the webnovel!