Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1514

In fact, Jingxi is very self reproached. She caused all the injuries of Lou Ziling. It's only because she was so angry that she saw the photo of LiZhi and louziling at that time.

"Do you have any medicine at home? I'll give you a new dose of medicine, or the wound will be soaked in water and it will be inflamed. "

Lou Zi Ling nodded: "yes."

He brought the medicine box, and Jing Xi dipped the ointment with a cotton stick and carefully filled him with medicine.

She looked serious, and very careful, as if afraid of hurting him, Lou Ziling's heart suddenly moved, bow his head and gently kiss her.

On a tree outside the villa, Jingzhi looks at the scene in the villa and is furious with jealousy!

He didn't expect that Jingxi would treat a man so well one day!

Jing Zhi is not Qi Jingxi. He is good to others. He is Qi Lou Zi Ling. He can't protect Jingxi well.

The picture is too piercing. Jingzhi can't see it anymore. He jumps off the tree trunk and disappears into the night.

It doesn't matter. As long as Jingxi likes it, let her pursue it. Anyway, he and Jing Rui are here. If Lou Ziling dares to be ambivalent, their brothers can tear down the building in minutes, leaving only bones!

It's a pity that he didn't teach Lou Ziling a lesson today. Jingzhi wanted to give him a lesson.

Jingxi gave Lou Ziling medicine and pasted various band aids on his wound.

Lou Ziling frowned: "don't you need to stick this? It's all small scratches. It'll be fine in two days. It's not easy to heal with band aid. "

Jingxi's eyes swept past: "I said that if I want to paste it, I have to paste it! Paste is not easy to infect, but also has anti-inflammatory effect on the wound! "

"Good, good, paste!"

Lou Ziling immediately chose to submit to his girlfriend, after all, she had such a caring feeling of special warmth.

Don't say there is a wound on his body. Even if there is no wound, Jingxi will stick a band aid on him, and Lou Ziling will connive at her.

Jingxi is finally satisfied. Looking at the band aid on Lou Ziling, she suddenly feels a little funny. She wanted to bear it, but after a while, she laughs.

Lou Ziling didn't care about being laughed at by her. He put on a loose T-shirt and covered those band aids. He laid down on the bed with Jingxi in his arms and spoke to her quietly.

Jingxi lies in his arms, feeling sweet and unreal.

She likes Lou Ziling's voice and his unique breath.

When he talked to her in a low voice, he always liked to touch her hair, and from time to time he would kiss her on the forehead and cheek. As long as she was a little far away from him, he would take her back and ask, "where are you going?"

The feeling of being loved by him is clearer and clearer.

She inadvertently found that Lou Ziling even remembered the little things she had been getting along with in the past. She clearly knew her preferences and contained all her small temperaments.

Jing Xi has always thought that she is paying unilaterally, but slowly it seems that this is not the case.

Lou Ziling is just too introverted and too able to hide himself.

Night is already deep, Jingxi's mobile phone rings ceaselessly, Shangguan Ning urges her to go home.

Jingxi didn't want to go: "Lou Ziling, I'll live with you. I can change your dressing tomorrow morning."

A smile appeared in Lou Ziling's eyes and said in a soft voice: "I'm afraid it won't work. You'd better go home and sleep safely. If you sleep beside me, I may want to eat you at any time..."

Jingxi stamped his feet and left with a red face.

Louziling at the door to see the driver carrying Jingxi leave, standing outside for a long time before returning to the bedroom.

When Jingxi didn't come, Lou Ziling had a good time alone. She never thought the house was in space, but she came and left, and her temperature remained on the bed. For a moment, Lou Ziling felt empty in her heart and felt that the house seemed too big.

Originally, if he is lonely, he will feel lonely.

This night, louziling's dream is full of Jingxi.

The next morning, Lou Ziling opened her eyes and saw the girl in her dream standing in front of him like a white magnolia.

Lou Ziling got up and hugged Jingxi's waist, put his chin in Jingxi's neck socket, and said in a low voice: "as soon as I open my eyes, I can see you. It's good."

Jingxi also hugged Lou Ziling and said softly, "I'm afraid you've been taken away again. You've come here without breakfast."

"It's not so easy to be taken away. Don't think about it."

Lou Ziling looked down at Jingxi's youthful white face, kissed her forehead and led her hand to the living room downstairs: "what do you want to eat? I'll let the servant do it for you."

Jingxi was surprised: "did you find a servant?"

Lou Ziling nodded: "found one, the cooking is very good."

"When did you find it?"

Lou Ziling was silent for a moment and said in a soft voice, "since you ate instant noodles here last time. I'm afraid you'll come again. When there is no nutritious food, I'll find a servant who can cook. "

Jingxi was staring at him. He was so attached to her!

Lou Ziling is a lonesome person. He doesn't like people entering his living space. Even servants are rejected by him. Before that, he was only an hourly cleaning worker."Stupid?"

Lou Ziling low smile, he touched Jingxi's head, said: "I'll go wash, we'll have breakfast together later."

He turned and went to the bathroom, and the servant came into the living room with vegetables and fruits.

Seeing Jing Xi, the servant was not surprised. He said hello to Jingxi with great enthusiasm.

Obviously, Lou Ziling should have told her for a long time.

Jingxi's heart is filled with shallow happiness, he can consider all.

Breakfast is rich and delicious. Maybe because of louziling around, Jingxi eats more than usual.

On the contrary, Lou Ziling doesn't eat much. He takes care of Jingxi all the time.

If she takes a look at it, he will put it in the bowl for her. If she doesn't like it, he will ask the servant to withdraw and replace it with a new one.

After dinner, Lou Ziling drove Jingxi to work. Jingxi felt his round stomach and muttered: "if I eat like this, I will soon become fat!"

Lou Ziling held her hand and said faintly, "you are only seventeen and still growing up. It's good to eat more. You're too thin. You can have more meat. "

At the thought of Jingxi's age, Lou Ziling is a little sad.

She was so young that he always felt like he was committing a crime.

Tan Ruyi is also 17 years old, but she is still in high school.

If you were a 17-year-old girl, Lou Ziling would not even think about it. But this man is Jingxi, and his inner feelings can't be restrained.

Maybe Jingxi is not like a 17-year-old girl, especially when she is angry, she will give people a strong sense of oppression.

Encounter things, she is also calm and rational, to bully her people will not be merciless.

Most importantly, at seventeen, her body has grown very well.

Lou Ziling's eyes unconsciously fell on her tall and straight peaks, and her eyes gradually deepened. , the fastest update of the webnovel!