Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1513

Lou Ziling slightly bowed her head and went to kiss Jingxi's bright and clean forehead, but she felt that it was not enough to kiss her forehead!

He raised Jingxi's chin, in her shy eyes, bit her lip, tossed and sucked, strong and domineering city.

Her lips are ruddy and soft, like honey, like petals, with sweetness and fragrance, so that Lou Ziling would like to indulge in it.

Such a she, if someone else touched and tasted, Lou Ziling felt that she might lose her mind in an instant!

He bit Jingxi hard, heard her snort, his breath unsteady warning Jingxi: "don't go to see that song letter! I don't like it! "

Luo Feiyang and Ji Moxuan chase Jingxi all day, and Jingxi still works with these two evil people, which is the limit of Lou Ziling!

Jingxi was surrounded by Lou Zi Ling, and almost all the people were hanging on him. Listening to his overbearing prohibition, she raised her head slightly and said in a coquettish voice: "then you can't see those messy women. I don't like it either..."

"Well, No

Lou Ziling agreed to what he didn't want. Who else could he go to see? He is not interested in meeting anyone. What he holds in his arms is already the best.

He knew that Jingxi would be jealous, but Jingxi did not know that she was in his heart and could not be replaced.

No one can like her, let him so willing to compromise, let him give up everything!

Lou Ziling's eyes were deep. He pecked at Jingxi's full and ruddy lips, and with a little force, he picked her up and walked slowly upstairs.

Lou Ziling's eyes were too hot, and Jingxi was scared. He grabbed his clothes in a panic: "Ziling, you What are you doing? "

Louzi Ling steps slightly, the heart lake is like falling into a stone, the waves rise and fall, excited and stirring.

He carried Jing Xi into the bedroom, put her on the bed, covered the whole person, uncontrollable crazy kiss her.

"Xixi, call me again..."

Jingxi is dizzy. What's wrong with Lou Ziling today Crazy Her heart beats fast!

Just now she blurted out the name of Lou Ziling, but now let her call it again, but it is hard to speak, and she is extremely shy.

Jingxi buried his face in front of Lou Ziling's chest, embarrassed to speak again.

Lou Ziling has just taken a bath. What he is wearing is a wide bathrobe, without buttons, only a belt around his waist..

His arm tightened, his voice was low and restrained: "Hey, don't make trouble, you're igniting!"

Jingxi didn't know that Lou Ziling would react so much. She just felt funny and bit her. How could he

She had already felt the change of Lou Ziling's body. Her face was as red as an apple. She didn't dare to move and was flustered.

Lou Ziling felt happy and suffering at the moment. His beloved girl was beside him, lying under him. It was delicious, but he couldn't eat it!

He's going crazy sooner or later!

Lou Ziling quickly got up from the bed and went into the bathroom to take a cold shower.

After a long time, he came out of the bathroom wet.

Jingxi lying on his bed, see him come in, the original calm look of a moment some helpless, white small face also quickly turned red.

"You, you, you Why don't you get dressed

When Lou Ziling saw her like this, the desire that just disappeared began to revive.

He looked at his body, a faint smile: "how did not wear clothes, this is not wearing it?"

Jing Xi couldn't lift her head with shame: "you just put on a bath towel. Where's your coat?"

Lou Ziling has a good figure, straight and symmetrical, without a trace of flesh all over her body. Her muscles are smooth and her skin is fair, but she feels full of strength and security.

Seeing his body, Jingxi always wanted to take a bite.

Lou Ziling sat on the edge of the bed and hooked her finger on Jingxi's chin. She forced her to look up at herself and said in a low voice, "what are you blushing about? Didn't you see a lot of topless people in the United States?"

In Jingxi's eyes, there was a surge of light, and her breath was a little short: "that Those people are different... "

Lou Ziling laughed low and couldn't help but put Jingxi in his arms. His fingers lingered around her waist, and then slowly went up: "what's the difference? I look better than them? "

Jing Xi flustered to catch his restless big hand, shy and anxious: "don't move around!"

Lou Ziling was a little disappointed that she didn't meet her little white rabbit, but she felt hopeful and beautiful when she thought that she would be his all over the body.

He slightly bowed his head and pointed to his chest in a gentle and doting tone: "do you belong to a dog? Do you like to bite people so much? Look, this is what you bit before, leaving a tooth mark."

Jingxi was surprised: "eh, did I bite you before? I don't remember! It's impossible. I won't be willing to bite so hard. It's scarred! "

Lou Ziling chuckled. The little girl bit him, but she didn't remember it!Originally would not bite so heavy, but at that time he was too heartless, she completely angered, so turned into a little lion.

Jingxi touched the shallow scar, and suddenly raised his head: "say, was it bitten by another woman? For fear of my suspicions, it will come to my head first!"

Lou Ziling has no choice but to caress her forehead. Is there a limit to being jealous? Who on earth depends on whom?

He shaved Jingxi's small nose, and his voice was low and serious: "you may not know that no one dares to bite me except you, and I won't let anyone else have a chance to bite me except you."

Warm and sweet straight into the bottom of my heart, Jing Xi's lips rose, eyes bent: "hum, that's not necessarily Oh, Li Zhi made you dizzy, you don't know a bite of you!"

Lou Ziling had no choice but to be jealous.

"It was an accident last time. There will be no such accident since then. Besides, she did not bite me. You can't believe it yourself."

Lou Ziling got up and got out of bed and turned on the headlight in the bedroom. The room suddenly became bright. However, Jingxi saw the bruises on his body at a glance.

She exclaimed: "Lou Ziling, you have so many injuries, who let you take a bath?! Didn't I tell you that you can't get water on the wound? "

Lou Ziling was innocent: "you didn't say..."

"That's common sense! How about common sense? I didn't say you don't know the wound can't be watered

Jing Xi angrily pulled Lou Ziling to himself and carefully examined the wound on his body. He said heartily, "look, it's not easy to get well after soaking in water."

Lou Ziling saw that she was in love with herself, and felt that the injury was worth it. He felt soft in his heart. He touched Jingxi's long hair and said in a soft voice: "it's OK. Don't worry." , the fastest update of the webnovel!