Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1510

In the morning of the next day, a news item ignited the gossip enthusiasm of the people in a city.

The young president of Lou's group fell in love with Miss Li, who split up with the little princess of Jing family. Miss Li sent out a group photo to demonstrate at night. In a rage, Princess Jing turned into a little witch and blew up the nest of Miss Li and President Lou. President Lou was so dazed by the explosion that she was lying in the hospital all the time.

After that, all kinds of gossip spread all over the sky, and Jing Xi was labeled as "little three", "evil girl" and "cruel and cruel".

Jingxi read newspapers and mobile phone news, heart sneer, Li Zhi's action is fast enough!

She was thinking about how to pull back another round when her cell phone rang.

Jingxi ran, I'm worried about my voice, isn't it? Don't worry, I'm fine. It's others who suffer from it! "

Shangguan Ning's questions were blocked by her daughter. She said helplessly: "you can protect yourself. Don't use any explosives in the future. What can I do if I hurt myself? You don't have to worry about the gossip. Your brother has already solved it. "

When Jingxi heard her mother's voice, she felt very warm. Finally, a smile appeared on her face: "Oh, mom, you can give me more brothers at that time. If you don't like it, I'll be invincible in the world if several brothers come together!"

Shangguan Ningxin said, you are a brother-in-law and a cousin. Both of you have made great efforts in the killer organization. They are basically invincible together!

If I want more brothers, my daughter should rush out of the earth and go to Mars to find fault!

It is said that her daughter is a kind of small cotton padded jacket, but her daughter is a little bit of explosives.

Shangguan Ning was deeply worried about Lou Ziling, and he could not help but persuade Jingxi: "Xixi, I read the news that Lou Ziling was injured by you? He has protected you several times. Don't damage him. Lou Mingyang is such a son... "

Jingxi couldn't help crying and laughing: "Mom, your daughter is so cruel. Although I was a little bit big yesterday, no one was hurt too much. Even the man surnamed Li was intact. What's wrong with Lou Ziling! This is Li's rumor, and Ling Mingming was knocked out by her. "

Shangguan Ning was relieved. She didn't want her daughter to be so young. She didn't want things like love and hate.

They chatted for a while, and Jingxi hung up the phone. Turning around, she saw that louziling didn't know when she was awake and was looking at her deeply.

Jingxi led his lips and showed a smile without any smile: "is the building always awake? Isn't it nice to see me? But there is no way. Miss Li threw you to me. She said that she had a fierce exercise with you last night, and today she gave you alms to me. "

Lou Ziling frowned slightly. How could every word she said be so harsh?

Li Zhi stimulates her again?

He reached out to hold Jingxi's hand, but it was empty.

"Xi Xi, don't make trouble. Li Zhi and I have nothing."

For a long time, the lack of water made Lou Ziling's voice a little hoarse. He was so thirsty that his first reaction was not to ask for water, but to explain Li Zhi to Jingxi.

Li Zhi think right, she does not love Lou Ziling, really distressed, only Jingxi.

So even if she was still angry, she still put a glass of water on the head of Lou Ziling's bed: "drink some water, or you can't compete with your ex girlfriend if you're thirsty!"

She "fierce movement" four words bite very heavy, Lou Ziling doubt asked: "this is Li Zhi told you? Do you think I'll touch her? "

Jingxi handed the mobile phone to his eyes: "you see if you touch it!"

Hee Ling finally got up and saw the photo with her mobile phone.

He quickly deleted the text messages and photos, raised his head and whispered: "I was careless, fell into her trap, yesterday was to warn her not to meddle in the affairs of my company, but in the end, she should have used an anesthetic on me, I don't know what happened."

Lou Ziling is so honest, and he doesn't mean to defend himself. It seems that he is open and aboveboard.

But Jing Xi still resents the "bed photo" of Li Zhi and Lou Ziling. Even if the villa of Li Zhi is blown up, her anger can not be eliminated.

Last night, Lou Ziling held someone else. Even if he was not consciously photographed, Jingxi refused to touch him at the moment.

Her rejection is obvious, Lou Ziling faintly smiles, the girl's spiritual purity is not general heavy.

He took up the water that Jingxi poured for him and drank half of it in one breath. After drinking, his eyes and dew wondered, "Xixi, why is the water sour?"

Jingxi a Leng: "impossible!"

She said, grabbing a cup, lowering her head to smell it, and then drinking again, "where sour? You've lost your taste? "

Lou Ziling did not speak, just looked at her faint smile.

Jingxi suddenly reacted, Lou Ziling said she was jealous.

She looked at Lou Ziling angrily, but her heart softened.His face was very pale. His chin was bruised yesterday with a large bruise.

On his body under his clothes, there were also many wounds, which were caused by the explosion and burning of the villa yesterday.

Jingxi was a little uncomfortable. She knew she only used tear gas and smoke bombs. She didn't feel anything when she was hurt. However, Lou Ziling was hurt. She felt very painful.

In her impression, Lou Ziling has always been very strong, not injured.

I didn't expect to get hurt for the first time, but she did.

Jingxi slowly stood up, voice a little low: "you rest, I go home."

Lou Ziling was reluctant to let her go, but she was tired when she saw her face. Her clear eyes were all red blood. She knew that she should have been guarding him all night.

He nodded, "well, go home."

When Jingxi left the hospital, Lou Ziling left.

The injuries on the body are all skin injuries. For Lou Ziling, they are small things. What affects him the most is actually the anesthetic given to him by Li Zhi.

But the anesthetic was also good, at least for those skin injuries, he didn't feel any pain at all.

This physical condition is obviously not suitable for work, he took a taxi back to his villa, and then used the home phone to call assistant Wu Shen.

Half an hour later, Wu Shen came with a simple meal and a brand new mobile phone. Lou Ziling's mobile phone had already been buried in Li Zhi's villa.

Wu Shen saw that Lou Ziling was hurt all over his body. He wanted to stop talking. Lou Ziling said faintly, "what's the matter?"

Wu Shen said with a wry smile: "president, you'd better turn on your mobile phone to see today's news. You It's on the top , the fastest update of the webnovel!