Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1509

Just when Jingxi was a little angry, the mobile phone "Ding" made a sound and received a multimedia message.

The sender is Lou Ziling.

Jingxi's heart immediately jumped up, she was full of expectation to open the MMS, a picture jumped out.

In the photo, Lou Ziling shows her strong chest and lies on the bed with Li Zhi in an ambiguous and intimate posture.

Jingxi's face quickly turns white, even the fingers holding the mobile phone are shaking.

She suddenly sat up from the bed, her anger burned her whole body almost to lose her mind.

The mobile phone "Ding" rang again. Jingxi shook her finger and opened it, and a text message leaped into her eyes:

"Xixi, go to bed early. Ziling is here with me. We have a bit of intense sports tonight. He has been too tired to sleep. Otherwise, I will let him use for you tomorrow night."

Jingxi just felt his whole body's blood gushed to the top of his head in an instant, so angry that he almost wanted to smash the mobile phone!

She jumped out of bed, quickly changed her pajamas, wore a white sportswear, carried a small black bag, filled a lot of bottles and cans, and carried guns and bullets, and went out in a murderous manner.

Jingyichen wakes up when she hears the sound of opening and closing the door.

After he went to Jingxi's room, he knew it was his daughter who went out in the middle of the night.

He had no choice but to shake his head. He didn't know what kind of wind the little witch was, and who was the bane of her in the middle of the night.

He called the bodyguard and ordered him to follow Jingxi closely, so as not to provoke a strong opponent and suffer losses.


Li Zhi how also did not expect, Jing Xi in the middle of the night will find on the door!

And it's going to be so fast!

Behavior So rough!

At the moment, her whole villa is shaking and shaking, the crystal lamp on the ceiling is constantly colliding, making a jingling sound.

And outside, one after another of the explosions ring through the whole a city!

The red fire rose to the sky, making the dark night as bright as day!

Li Zhi is surprised and angry, how does this dead girl know her address? Is it Lou Ziling who told her?

This situation, this is to see that she and Lou Ziling are still in the villa, want to live to blow up the villa, buried them both alive!

Isn't she fond of Lou Ziling? Does she like it to death?

Don't you care if Lou Ziling is dead or alive?

Li Zhi took a look at Lou Ziling, who was unconscious around her. She quickly got up from the bed and casually put a piece of clothes on Lou Ziling and dragged him out.

The villa is full of fire, the ceiling was blown, there are things falling, hit Li Zhi's body.

Originally spacious and luxurious living room, smoke rolling, and even mixed with tear gas, Li Zhi just walked a few steps, feel that has to suffocate!

"Come on! Somebody! Where are they all dead? "

Li Zhi is anxious and angry to call his bodyguard, but there is no personal shadow around.

Thanks to her cruel training, her perseverance and reaction ability are very comparable. Even if the sky is going to fall, she can quickly wet the towel with tea, cover her mouth and nose, and drag the tall building Ling out with one hand.

As for whether Lou Ziling was injured, she didn't care!

It's better to hurt more, let Jingxi go!

But now, she wants to make sure that Lou Ziling is alive, and she can't burn him in the villa. Otherwise, she has no trump card in her hand today. What else can she do to confront Jingxi.

Li Zhi drags the building son Ling to escape from the fire, the face-to-face collision, is the scene Xi of angry flame towering sky.

Behind Jingxi, there are a large number of bodyguards with gas masks. On the open space in front of Jingxi, the people in black lying in all directions are Li Zhi's bodyguards.

Jing Xi raised the gun in his hand, aimed at Li Zhi's forehead, and said in a cold voice: "throw the Lou Zi Ling over here, I can let you die happily!"

Li Zhi gas jump feet, she tears, but not because of anger or fear, but by tear gas torture.

She felt that she must have made a great sin in her last life, and that she would meet the devil like Jingxi in this life!

Does this girl know what the bottom line is?

Such a big blow up of her villa, with a gun pointed at her to her life, are not afraid of her crazy revenge?

Does she think the Li family is a small family like the Lou family?

"Let me get out of here first, and I'll release Lou Ziling. If you dare to act rashly, I'll cut his blood vessel now!"

Li Zhi drags the unconscious Lou Ziling and lets him lean on his body. He turns out a sharp blade in his hand and reaches the carotid artery of Lou Ziling's jumping.

"Don't bargain with me, you are not qualified to bargain now!"

Jing Xi took a look at the dishevelled Lou Ziling, and ran up in anger.

During the day still with her sweet talk, at night ran Li Zhi here to offer hospitality? Or is he a victim?Hum, how can the victim's intelligence quotient be impossible?

In Jingxi's battle between heaven and man, one voice in his mind said that Lou Ziling really liked her, while another said that Lou Ziling was acting and cheating her.

But no matter which voice is higher, Jingxi can't let Lou Ziling die.

"Give me Lou Ziling!"

Li Zhi tears still keep coming out, but sneer on her face: "all back, stay away from me, or I will kill him now!"

She grabs Lou Ziling and rushes away from the crowd, quickly searching for the best escape route.

Lou Ziling is tall and tall. She is sure that she has Lou Ziling in her hand. Jingxi doesn't dare to shoot at will, so she is reckless.

And so on to run away from some, to make sure that far away from the range of the gun, Li Zhicai Lou Ziling throw away, quickly disappeared in the night.

Jingxi holding a gun, slowly approached Lou Ziling's side.

In fact, Li Zhilou doesn't care about her brother's family, so she doesn't care about her family's disaster.

Lou Ziling was sent to Mu's hospital. He suffered from mild trauma, but the content of anesthetic in his body was too high to wake up for a while.

Jing Xi thanks to Mu Sen, and guards beside Lou Ziling. He already knows that everything today is written by Li Zhi.

If it was Lou Ziling voluntarily lying in Li Zhi's bed, she would not have to give Lou Ziling an anesthetic.

No matter how bad, Li Zhi should also use spring medicine.

Jing Xi guess, Li Zhi may not be able to let Lou Zi Ling submit at first, so just used a lot of anesthetics.

When she wanted to use the aphrodisiac again, Lou Ziling was already in a coma. The dosage of the aphrodisiac was too small and useless. Too much of it would lead to Lou Ziling's death, so she didn't use it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!