Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1511

Lou Ziling drank water and opened the news page of her mobile phone. Then her face became colder and colder.

Li Zhi slander him does not matter, but slander Jingxi, Lou Ziling can not bear.

He had known for a long time that he and Jingxi would be attacked, but he was always ready to be attacked. He never thought that the target would be Jingxi!

Lou Ziling, with a gloomy face, said in a cold voice, "go to contact the major media. No matter how much money they want, the news will be withdrawn!"

"President, this They will take advantage of the opportunity to speak up. We are short of money

Lou Ziling gave Wu Shen a cold look: "do as I say!"

Wu Shen could only do what he was told. He knew for a long time that Jing Xi's position in Lou Zi Ling's heart was different. But now it seems that maybe Jingxi is more important than he thought.

He left in a hurry and went to the major media with his hands to negotiate the cancellation of the news.

However, he was ready to bleed, but none of the media would accept the money.

At noon, there was not even one defamatory news about Jingxi! Even the gossip newspapers in the streets almost disappeared!

Wu Shen was shocked, but then he realized the possibility that the Jing family had made a move!

In addition to the Jing family, no one has the strength to make the major media bow in such a short period of time.


The midday sun is very bright, Jingzhi a black clothes, quietly appeared behind Li Zhi.

The killer's intuition let Li Zhi startled, she quickly turned her head, rapid retreat, clothes sliding exposed a large piece of skin also ignored.

Jing Zhi laughs at some evil spirits: "Miss Li, you are as good as you used to be!"

Li Zhi looks dignified, slowly spit out two words: "evil spirit!"

The person she was waiting for was Jing Rui, but she didn't expect that Jing Rui didn't come to settle accounts with her this time!

Jingzhi laughed and seemed very happy: "it's rare that someone knows the name of my son. Miss Li has such a good eyesight. If I kill you, I don't have an admirer."

Li Zhi's whole body is on guard, without a trace of joking mind.

No one knows more about the strength of Jing Rui and Jing Zhi than she did. However, although Jing Rui ranked first among the new killers in the killer organization, in fact, the most powerful person was Jing Zhi!

Li Zhi has seen Jing Rui's all-out appearance. Although she is very strong, she is still in the normal range of human beings.

However, Jing Zhi, Li Zhi has not seen his hand, has seen his hand, has become a ghost.

He in the killer organization training data, Li Zhi have seen, his ability, rare in the world!

Her father, Andrew, who was the number one leader in the killer organization, once commented on Jing Zhi: all his potentials are beyond human ability! In case of encounter, absolutely can not fight, just admit defeat.

The most important thing is that, unlike Jing Rui, who is calm and rational, Jing Zhi is a tyrannical person. If he says anything, he will kill people, regardless of the consequences.

Li Zhi can restrict Jing Rui with her status as Shu Yin's elder sister, and she can use her mother and Shu Yin's common mother to be the death free gold medal, but none of this works in Jingzhi!

Li Zhi's back instantly out of a layer of cold sweat, even the forehead is a layer of fine sweat.

Jingzhi, however, seemed to have discovered something new, laughing strangely: "Oh, Li Zhi, you are almost naked, how can you still be so hot! It's May. It's cool! You say you sweat so easily. In the hot August, are you dehydrated into a mummy

Thanks to Li Zhi's strong psychological quality, otherwise Qi was also angry to death.

She tried to calm down and said in a calm voice, "I have no injustice or hatred with you. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to break into my house like this!"

Jingzhi gave her a scornful white eye: "don't pretend, but it's good to say that there is no injustice or hatred? My sister was bullied by you, even her boyfriend was robbed by you. My brother is always too polite to you, so today I knocked my brother out and killed him instead of him! "

"Kill me?"

Li Zhi Leng hum: "if I die, the Jing family will be the crazy revenge of the Li family! What's more, I'm Shu Yin's sister-in-law. If you kill me, how can you tell your sister-in-law?! My mother will hate Shu Yin this daughter all her life

Jingzhi shrugged his shoulders and said casually, "whatever, I'm not the one who lives with the shade of a small tree. I have a wife myself."

He said, then with the speed of terror near Li Zhi, mercilessly kicked her a foot.

Li Zhi screamed, was kicked to fly, fell on the floor, almost was broken!

Jingzhi's face was cold: "dare to threaten me? You think I really dare not kill you? Even Jingxi, do you dare to use it when I am dead? "

Li Zhi vomited out a mouthful of blood. She sat up from the ground, leaned against the wall and gnawed her teeth: "the person who used her is Lou Ziling. What's the relationship with me! If you have the ability, you can kill Lou Ziling and bully me a woman here, insulting the name of magic spirit! "Jingzhi sneered: "don't worry, I'll go to clean up the building after I finish cleaning you up! What's more, you can't be included in the category of women

A few minutes later, Jing Zhi left Li Zhi's residence, and he added a few wounds to Li Zhi. It is estimated that he can't make any waves for a while.

In the evening, he quietly sneaked into the villa of louziling, ready to clean up the "heartless man" for his sister.

Lou Ziling just came out of the bathroom after taking a bath, and immediately felt a strange atmosphere.

This has nothing to do with strength, but Lou Ziling's instinctive perception of danger and strangeness.

"Who, come out!"

Lou Ziling quickly took out a gun from the dark grid under the table and looked around with vigilance.

Jingzhi slowly came out of the shadow in the corner, with a trace of surprise on his face: "perception is so sharp, you have been a killer?"


Lou Ziling immediately reacted to this man in black, who had been a killer!

"Are you from Li Zhi?"

He felt that except Li Zhi, no one would hire a killer to deal with him.

Jingzhi raised eyebrows: "no, I'm from Jingxi!"

The gun in Lou Ziling's hand slightly clenched: "impossible!"

"Why not? Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jing. I'm Jingxi's second brother. Today I'm here to beat people for my sister! "

Lou Zi Ling was stunned and hesitated to ask, "are you Jingzhi?"

No wonder he always feels that Jingzhi is a little familiar. He has seen it before!

However, when we met at that time, he was only 15 years old, Jing Xi was eight years old, and Jing Zhi At that time, he was wearing a monk's robe and shaved his head. When he saw people, he would recite the name of Buddha with his hands together. He looked like the murderous and cold one! , the fastest update of the webnovel!