Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1503

The next day, Luo Feiyang received the remittance from Jingxi.

Looking at the extra money on his account, he suddenly felt that it was meaningless to get the ring back from Lou Ziling.

Use Jingxi's money to redeem the ring, and then give it to Jingxi?

It's too cheap!

Forget it, this money is still used to do the company's start-up capital, he can't really idle around all day.

The bankruptcy of the company has always been a thorn in his heart, which makes him feel very hard.

Especially, I have to borrow money from Jingxi. It's too shameless.

Two months later, Luo Feiyang was in a state of anxiety and reorganized the company.

The scale has been seriously shrunk, and the business has also been greatly affected. Luo Feiyang has worked diligently for many days, but still has no effect.

He had no way, simply called Jing Xi and Ji Mo Xuan.

Anyway, they are all children of aristocratic families. Although they don't have much experience in running a company, they are better than his own blind thinking, right?

But he really called the wrong person, Ji Moxuan understand is basically theoretical experience, hands-on experience is almost zero.

Jingxi has been managing Liyu technology for some time, but she doesn't need to make any efforts every day. All aspects of Liyu technology are perfect, and the senior managers perform their duties in an orderly manner.

If there is a big problem, Shangguan Ning and jingyichen are holding it. Jingxi is just following the meeting and listening to the debate.

But now Luo Feiyang's company is full of loopholes. Three new people who are well-off and have no worries about food and clothing all day long come together to dismantle the east wall to pay Paul's wall. They are not in a mess.

Jingxi was so cruel that he didn't even go to his own company. He didn't want to be paid every day. He came to luofeiyang's new company early in the morning and often argued with Luo Feiyang Ji Moxuan.

Luo Feiyang's father, Luo Yi, is mainly engaged in e-commerce. Now Luo Feiyang's company is in charge of part of the logistics distribution.

The competition in the logistics industry is fierce. There are at least a dozen logistics companies with good scale in a city. Originally, luofeiyang's company is still very large, but now it has become a small company.

The original customers were robbed by other logistics companies.

After the company went bankrupt, its reputation would be bad. Luo Feiyang was forced to change its name. Now it is called Feiyang logistics.

It's almost everything from scratch.

Jingxi and Ji Moxuan have never been in contact with the logistics industry, so they did not help, but added a lot of trouble.

Just when the three men were sad, Lou Ziling came.

He looked at Jing Xi who sat with Luo Feiyang Ji Moxuan and frowned slightly.

Jingxi saw the suit straight Lou Ziling, subconsciously took a look at himself.

Fortunately, she used to learn etiquette well, even though she was very tired and tired, she kept a good look.

Lou Zi Ling lightly toward Luo Fei Yang way: "gather your staff, I want to have a meeting!"

Luo Feiyang did not have a good temper back to him: "Lou Zong, you don't put on the prestige, my temple is small, can't accommodate you this Buddha."

"But for your father and cousin's Commission, you think I would like to come?"

Lou Ziling directly occupied the main position of the office, with a cool tone and a strong aura: "you three, make a brief report on the company's situation first!"

Jingxi three are a little confused. How do you feel that Lou Ziling is coming to be their leader?

But this is not Lou's group!

Jingxi doesn't want to take care of Lou Ziling, and Ji Moxuan is not willing to be forced to live under others. However, Luo Feiyang, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, is extremely calm at the moment. He neither speaks sarcasm nor is he unhappy.

He was silent for a long time, until Lou Ziling was about to lose patience and got up to leave. Luo Feiyang said, "which part should I introduce first?"

Jing Xi and Ji Mo Xuan are surprised to look at him, they both think that the last thing to yield is Luo Feiyang!

Lou Ziling said faintly: "let's talk about the financial data first. I want to know the income and expenditure situation, assets, debts and cash flow of the past three months."

Luo Feiyang a Leng, way: "then you wait, I call the financial manager to come in to report to you."

Lou Ziling looked cold and said sternly, "you don't even know the income and expenditure of your company? What about the brain? "

Luo Feiyang was directly annoyed by his scolding: "I can see this kind of thing by looking at the report. What do you do in your mind? Do you know the balance of your group? Tell it to us

"Loushi group's income and expenditure and profit statements are company secrets, you have no right to inquire!"

Luo Fei's face turned white: "if you don't say from your company, come to me and ask for my secret?"

"You can be classified? As for your company, I can't read all the information. "

Lou Ziling's words are merciless, Luo Feiyang looks ugly, but after thinking about it, it is true.

He suppressed his anger and scolded in his heart: I'm tolerant today! There's a long way to go. When I open the company well, I'll piss you off!Luo Feiyang called the financial manager to report the financial situation to Lou Ziling.

In the process of listening, Lou Ziling interrupts from time to time, asking for various data in detail.

The most amazing thing is that after listening to the whole reporting process, he remembered all the data.

From it, he found financial loopholes, and The financial manager embezzled the company's property.

The financial manager was scared to death when he met a master.

Lou Ziling threw a large pile of financial statements directly on his face and said in a cold voice, "tomorrow, I want to see the new statements. If there are any problems, the prison will welcome you!"

"Yes, yes, I dare not! I will do everything well and return all my property to the company! "

The financial manager shivered and left, but Luo Feiyang jumped up angrily: "Lou Ziling, why don't you dismiss that kind of picky stuff! I can't have such employees! "

Lou Ziling flew over with a cold eye: "open him up. Do you want to make a report?"

"I can recruit a new manager again!"

"Recruitment? How long does it take to recruit a senior financial manager? You must rely on good quality to recruit people? Will the new comers break in with you and the team again, without reducing their work efficiency? "

"What about that? Can't we still keep the people who dig the corner of the company? "

"Stabilize the company first, and replace the unqualified one by one. Now, let me introduce the other parts. "

Lou Zi Ling said a few words, and then Luo Feiyang was speechless.

After listening to Luo Feiyang's introduction to the company, he also held a short meeting of the management to control the overall situation of the company with a rapid and powerful speed.

In just one hour, he showed his strong logical thinking and operation ability.

Luo Feiyang's eyes are full of shock, but Ji Moxuan looks complicated. They never know that the silent Lou Ziling, so sharp and sharp, has dumped them for dozens of streets.

Jingxi sits in front of the long conference table, quietly looking at Lou Ziling on the throne.

The way he focused on his work was cold, awe inspiring and admirable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!