Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1502

Luo Feiyang himself said that countless times, this diamond ring is worth millions, in the end millions, Tan Ruyi is not clear, but even if it is the lowest one million, it is a huge sum of money for her!

This diamond ring at least can buy two small apartments, Luo Feiyang used to apologize to her?

Cousin Isn't it really fun for her?

But Tan Ruyi has never seen Lou Ziling joking when she is so old. She is very reticent and has never cheated her.

Tan Ruyi wants to call Luo Feiyang to prove it, but just now she scolded others. Now go to find him again. Will it be hot face and cold buttocks?

She carefully holding that valuable diamond ring, along the way are afraid of being robbed, tightly protect.

If it is lost, Luo Feiyang repents to send her and wants to go back again, what compensation does she take!

The new year is coming soon, and city a is full of jubilant scenes.

Luo Feiyang was angry with his parents. He didn't go back to the United States. Instead, he went to Ji Moxuan's house and went to celebrate the new year with his family.

Lou Mingyang called out to him and wanted him to go to the building for the Spring Festival. But Luo Feiyang was quarreling with Lou Ziling. He didn't like to see Lou Ziling, but he thought Ji Moxuan was more pleasing to the eye.

Jibo likes Luo Feiyang very much. He calls Luo Yi and says that he is happy to leave Luo Feiyang at his home for the Spring Festival.

Ji Bo has known about Luo Feiyang's management of the company's bankruptcy, but Luo Yi has already said hello to him, so that he doesn't need to help, and let Luo Feiyang fall down first so that he can be self-motivated.

Luo Feiyang has ambition, Ji Bo doesn't know, but he knows that Luo Feiyang is more diligent than Jimo Xuan in chasing Jingxi!

This is a very competitive opponent!

Then, Ji Mo Xuan can't help being cleaned up by Ji Bo, so that Ji Mo Xuan is angry and wants to drive Luo Feiyang out.

Luo Feiyang didn't care about it, but he also said brazenly: "good brother, lend me some money and flowers! As you know, my company is bankrupt and my brother doesn't give me pocket money. You see, I don't even have a new dress for Chinese New Year. How pathetic

Ji Mo Xuan has no good spirit way: "want money not, want a life!"

"If you don't borrow it, don't blame me for telling your father and mother about you and Wu Wei carelessly."

Jibo and his wife have general feelings, and they often disagree with each other. Quarrels are also common. However, Ji Moxuan's girlfriend is surprisingly consistent.

Their husband and wife will never allow girls like Wu Wei who have no background or personality to enter the house.

"Don't frame me up. I haven't got in touch with Wu Wei for a long time."

"Oh, really? Who were you on the phone with last night? Believe it or not, just check your phone record and you'll know where the other party is? "

Ji Mo Xuan's face was gloomy: "this is my business. You can take care of yourself! Do you think it's not enough to have only one company bankrupt? "

Both of them poked at each other's pain. Luo Feiyang was also angry: "are you sick of your brain? Clearly know Wu Wei is not a good thing, why do you still associate with her? How much money did you spend on her? It's over 10 million! She's just a bottomless pit. She'll never be satisfied with it! "

Wu Wei is now living like a rich lady. She was good at abroad. She was far away. She had to spend a lot of effort to entangle Ji Moxuan.

Now Ji Mo Xuan took her back home again, and she was entangled all day long.

Now, she has used Ji Mo Xuan's resources, smoothly stepped into the entertainment industry, is climbing up by any means!

"Enough! She has a poor life experience and really likes me. I should help her! If she leaves me, she will be in agony. Can I watch her commit suicide

Luo Feiyang a Leng: "she threatened you with suicide?"

Ji Mo Xuan some irritable way: "not a threat, just to say goodbye to me, I found that she wanted to commit suicide."

Luo Feiyang frowned tightly: "I don't think it's possible. She loves life more than anyone else. You must have been cheated by her."

"Even if I was cheated by her, I would still help her again, otherwise she would die and I would have a bad conscience all my life."

"But have you ever thought that if Wu Wei gets better and better, she will still harm Jingxi! When she has no power and no power, she can use the money you give her to hire someone to harm Jingxi. What if she has power and power in the future? "

Luo Feiyang was also infatuated with Wu Wei. Before, he thought Wu Wei was the purest and most beautiful girl in the world. In fact, he could understand Ji Moxuan's feelings now. Ji Moxuan was more emotional and softhearted than him.

However, he has now seen through the essence of Wu Wei. How can Ji Moxuan continue to immerse himself.

If this goes on, Ji Moxuan will be completely destroyed by Wu Wei.

Luo Feiyang looked solemn: "Mo Xuan, we fight back and fight back, but if you are in danger, I will not stand by! We grew up together. You should understand my character. If you can't give Wu Wei a hard hand, I'll do it for you! "Ji Moxuan knows that although Luo Feiyang has dug him countless times, it is really trivial. He has never done anything to hurt the interests of the Ji family.

He was a little moved. Just about to say "thank you", Luo Feiyang said again: "if I help you solve Wu Wei, you can give me 10 million reward. How about this? It's the price of friendship. I'm interesting enough!"

Ji Moxuan directly gave him a blow: "go away, why don't you rob the bank!"

"Are you a friend? I'm short of money now. Can't you help my brother? I owe Lou Ziling a lot of debt. Even the diamond ring given to Xi Xi Xi was taken to pay off the debt. You should take care of a beautiful woman and give me 10 million yuan to use first! "

Ji Mo Xuan was angry and inverted: "I take care of a beautiful woman, and I can keep my eyes warm. What can you do? If you open your mouth, you think it's a small amount? "

"It's OK. I can also warm the quilt. Come on, let's try warming it tonight."

"Go away!"


Luo Feiyang finally borrowed a million yuan from Ji Moxuan, but it was a drop in the bucket for a young master who spent money like water.

Helpless, a few days later, he called out Jingxi.

"Hi hee, will you lend me some money?"

Just after the new year, the coffee shop is very cold, only Luo Feiyang and Jingxi two people.

This coffee shop is owned by shangguanning. Now it has been transferred to Jingxi. If Luo Feiyang wants to drink coffee, the coffee shop may not open so early.

Jingxi did not ask much, only said, "how much do you want?"

"That Five million? No, no, no, no, two million will do! "

Jing Xi didn't even have a trace of hesitation, and said, "OK!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!