Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1504

As if feeling Jing Xi's eyes, Lou Ziling looks up from a pile of messy documents and looks at Jingxi.

Staring at people and being caught by others, Jingxi looks down in a hurry and pretends to look at the documents.

But think about it and there is no good guilty, she looked at him, what's the matter?

Jingxi immediately raised his head and looked directly at Lou Ziling.

Their eyes meet again in the air, Lou Ziling's eyes with a trace of gentleness, it seems that she is not caring about all her willfulness.

Jingxi blinked and doubted that he was blind.

Lou Ziling, such a cold man, can be gentle?

Even if there is, it must not be gentle towards her. The warmest time she saw him was when he took care of his sister Lou Ruofei.

Jingxi worried that he was bewitched by him again, and lowered his head again, no longer looking at Lou Ziling's eyes.

"Liar!" she whispered

Lou Ziling didn't stay for a long time. He efficiently dealt with the affairs here and hurried back to Lou's group to deal with the affairs of the company.

Since then, every day, he will come to luofeiyang company, turn around, occasionally ask a few seemingly boundless questions, and then he will leave in a hurry.

A few days later, Lou Ziling sat on the main seat of Luo Feiyang's office, looked at the three people standing in front of him, and said in a formulaic tone: "you three, report the progress and difficulties in these days!"

Luo Feiyang rolled his eyes and said, "this is just the past five days. What progress can we make? You come every day. What do you not know? The company is still like that, it will die! "

Lou Ziling looked at him coldly: "five days have passed and no progress has been made?"?! How failed are you as a leader? Why? Where are the mistakes? How to improve? Tomorrow morning, I want to see your rectification plan! "

"I can't make a plan!"


Lou Ziling indifferently spit out a word, then ignore him, turn to look at Ji Mo Xuan and Jing Xi: "you two, also one person out of a plan."

Ji Mo Xuan frowned: "Feiyang has already written, how can we still write, what should we do so much?"

He has never seen Jibo write any scheme planning. In his impression, Jibo is such a leader who holds a meeting, eats a meal, signs a letter, and is relaxed and comfortable. The scheme planning is done by a special planning department.

Lou Ziling looks the same, but the tone is very tough: "don't want to write, you can sleep at home. When the season is young, you don't have to come tomorrow."

"This is a flying company, not yours. It doesn't count if you say it!"

Ji Moxuan has been holding his breath for the past few days. He thinks that his ability in all aspects is no worse than that of Lou Ziling. However, he was severely beaten in the face a few days ago. He tries hard to turn the tables and prove himself in front of Jingxi.

Now Lou Ziling is strong enough to drive him away, so Ji Mo Xuan's tone is not good.

Lou Ziling's tone is not good than Ji Moxuan: "yes, this is Luo Feiyang's company. I sacrifice my personal time to save a small broken company. Do I have nothing to do?"

Jingxi looked at him angrily: "what is a small broken company? We have been operating with great care, but we are not experienced enough. What qualifications do you have to laugh at us? Can you run the company in the first place? "

Lou Ziling suddenly stood up and went to Jingxi. He looked at Jingxi's eyes for a moment: "qualification? In three years, I have transformed Lou's group from a small company with a turnover of less than 10 million yuan into a large group with a turnover of tens of billions! "

"What's more, I don't need qualification. The quality of this logistics company has nothing to do with me. Is inexperience an excuse?! care? I didn't see these two words from the three of you. I didn't even bother to do the planning plan. This is also called "heart"

Lou Ziling's tone is too strict and looks too cold, which makes Jingxi feel strange.

Her eyes were slightly red, and she raised her head and asked him, "what are you so fierce about? Don't you say something well? You've made tens of billions, OK? "

Her tears whirled in her eyes, and Lou Ziling's momentum suddenly dissipated.

Damn it, he was so devoted to his work that he forgot that the girl in front of him was not his employee, but Jing Xi, who had been hiding in his heart and did not dare to let anyone know.

Lou Ziling's voice dropped. There was no strong and aggressive voice in her voice. She was gentle and incredible: "you did a good job. I said something wrong. I'm not so great. I'm still far away. Don't cry..."

Luo Feiyang and Ji Mo Xuan are stunned to look at him, four eyes are staring at the boss, as if they don't know Lou Ziling!

Strong and sharp like him, even can admit mistakes?!

Just now they were trained to be like dogs. How could they change completely when they got to Jingxi? The contrast is too big!

But Lou Ziling didn't admit his mistake. As soon as he recognized the mistake, Jingxi felt more aggrieved, and his tears fell one by one.

She is very sad, she actually knew that she did not do well, she wanted to do well, let Lou Ziling see, she was not worse than him.But all of a sudden, he pointed out all the problems and exposed their failure mercilessly by him. She felt very embarrassed.

These days, she can see Lou Ziling every day, but also can only look at him, can not get close, there is no reason to get close!

She wants to forget him. Why is he still hanging in front of her every day?

Xijing can't tell himself that the day is over.

But the next morning, she would lose control of herself and run here.

Jingxi cry sad, Luo Feiyang and Ji Moxuan to cry Leng, where they have seen Jingxi cry ah!

She has always been that kind of fearless little princess, who bullied her, she immediately bullied back, optimistic and happy like an Invincible Iron Man!

Lou Ziling took a look at them and said faintly, "you write the plan and give it to me tomorrow!"

He took Jingxi's hand and quickly got out of the company and brought Jingxi into his car.

Jingxi felt that it was a bit humiliating that he had just shed tears inexplicably. He wiped his tears carelessly, and then he was about to get off the bus: "what are you doing pulling me into your car for? I'm going back! "

Lou Ziling pulled her into his arms, circled her waist, and said in a low voice, "don't go back. I'll take you to dinner at noon."

Jingximeng was hugged by him, his heart beat a little bit fierce!

Lou Ziling's clothes are thin. Jingxi can even feel the heat on him!

This kind of intimacy is too sudden!

Why is Lou Ziling more and more abnormal recently?

Jingxi pushed him: "let me go, hold your girlfriend, I'll go back to make a plan."

Lou Ziling gently raised her delicate chin: "my girlfriend is not in my arms?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!