Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1495

Lou Ziling holds Jingxi away, and Li Zhi stomps her feet. She hasn't had time to torture Jingxi!

Who leaked the news? How can Lou Ziling come so fast!

It's a pity that she can't keep Lou Ziling together. He has to fight with her. At this stage, Li Zhi still needs him and can't really tear his face.

And outside the villa, Luo Feiyang has also brought people to drive the car.

He saw that Lou Ziling put Jingxi into the car, and immediately stopped: "Lou, Xi Xi is unconscious, I can't give her to you! Isn't Li Zhi your girlfriend? Who knows if you ordered her to do it? "

Lou Zi Ling light way: "give Jing Xi to you, I also don't trust."

He said, sat in the car, closed the door, and left with Jingxi.

Luo Feiyang was stunned to see Lou Ziling's car disappear in his sight. He felt as if he had been used by Lou Ziling!

It's like breaking a bridge over a river!

He helped to find Li Zhi's car, but Lou Ziling took Jingxi away alone!

His handsome face turned red, and he called Tan Ruyi angrily: "say, where is your cousin's favorite place?"?! This bastard, I'm going to kill him

Tan Ruyi was stunned for a minute. She didn't know how Luo Feiyang got so angry. She asked: "how is Jingxi? Did my cousin find her? "

Luo Feiyang didn't have a good breath: "found it, he took people away! I have to get hee back and tell me where he likes to go most

"Where do I know that! It's my first time to come to America, and I'm not familiar with my cousin! "

Tan Ruyi heard Luo Feiyang's tone and knew that Jingxi should be OK. When she heard that Jingxi had an accident, Luo Feiyang was serious and dignified, which made people feel very different.

Tan Ruyi is relaxed. She thinks that it is the safest thing for her cousin to take Jingxi away. Louziling has always been safe. Luo Feiyang is not reliable.

"Not familiar? Tan Ruyi, you tease me! Your mother is Lou Ziling's aunt. You are his cousin. How dare you say you are unfamiliar? Believe it or not, I will take you to the police station and accuse you of stealing my huge property

Oh, yes, that's right! I really didn't take your ring. You misunderstood me. Someone must have framed me. Look for the monitor. Maybe the monitor has caught the person who stole the ring? "

Tan Ruyi began to think about the situation at that time and reported to Luo Feiyang in every detail. She even said when she went to the bathroom and how long she stayed in the bathroom.

Luo Feiyang is very painful. He always dislikes Lou Ziling's coldness. How can his cousin say so!

Don't girls know how to be reserved?

He had seen the monitoring for a long time, but the position where he put the bag happened to be the dead corner of the monitoring system. He didn't take any pictures at all.

He is also anxious to find Jing Xi, who has time to talk to tan Ruyi!

Luo Feiyang directly hung up the phone, or let his men to help check the car of Lou Zi Ling.

Lou Ziling didn't go too far. He found a hospital nearby and went to the emergency room with Jingxi in his arms.

After the doctor checked that there was no big problem, Lou Ziling put his heart down and left with Jingxi again.

Lou Zi Ling originally thought Li Zhi really shot at Jing Xi, but now she only knew that Jing Xi was just anesthetics. No wonder she didn't wake up all the time.

He was worried that the hotel Jingxi had stayed in was unsafe, so he took her to another hotel.

He checked into the hotel with a sleepy girl in his arms, which attracted a lot of people's strange eyes. Lou Ziling didn't see her. He went through the check-in procedure and carried Jingxi into the warm room.

The bed of the hotel is very big, and Jingxi's thin body is lying on it, which seems a little petite.

Her body is wet through, Lou Ziling wants to help her change clothes, but hesitates for a while, still did not start.

Tan Zhen has been worried that her son has too many girlfriends and becomes a playboy, but she has no idea that Lou Ziling and Lou Ruofei are deeply influenced by her.

Lou Zi Ling is a traditional man who never easily destroys a girl's innocence.

He turned on the air conditioner to the maximum, covered the quilt for Jingxi, held her head, and slowly wiped her hair with a bath towel.

Until now, Lou Ziling's uneasy heart just calmed down.

When he heard that Jingxi had an accident, he felt that everything was unimportant. Only the safety of Jingxi was the most important.

Fortunately, Tan Ruyi came here to attend the wedding. Fortunately, he went in time. Otherwise, Jingxi was in a daze. Even if someone did something to her, she knew nothing about it.

At the thought that Li Zhi might let those men touch her, Lou Ziling felt extremely angry.

Even he was reluctant to touch her. How could he allow others to touch her!

The room was warm as spring, and Jingxi's pale face gradually became ruddy, and even her lips became bright and lustrous again, which made people want to take a bite.Lou Ziling sat beside her, reached out and gently stroked her delicate face. Her fingers caressed her soft lips, and a kind of palpitation began to spread in her heart.

She is like the sleeping beauty in the fairy tale, lying there quietly, as if only a kiss from the prince can wake up.

Most of Lou Ziling didn't believe in fairy tales since childhood, but now, he thinks that Jingxi is just a girl in fairy tales.

He slowly bent over and gently kisses Jingxi on her forehead, calling her: "Xixi, I'm wrong..."

It's a pity that Jingxi can't hear it. Only Lou Ziling knows the pain to the extreme.

Everyone felt that he was lonely, indifferent, heartless, and did not need emotion, but he was not.

Lou Ziling is also a human being. He has seven passions and six desires, but he is more introverted than ordinary people.

Who is naturally indifferent?

He refused people thousands of miles away, just to protect himself from injury.

In fact, he was used to loneliness, but this habit was broken by Jingxi.

Lou Ziling guarding Jingxi, looking at her sleeping face, but did not touch her again.

Her temptation to him is fatal. When Lou Ziling only looks at her red lips, she feels the blood flow all over her body is speeding up, and the skin touching each other will make his emotions which have been suppressed for too long break out in an all-round way.

I don't know how long, the sky outside has been completely dark, has been silent Jingxi suddenly moved.

Lou Ziling took her hand and gently called her: "Xi Xi, wake up..."

He yelled many times, if jingxicai was conscious of opening his eyes.

Anesthetics make her brain reaction a little slow, hands and feet do not listen to the command, she saw Lou Ziling, but slow for a long time to reflect who he is.

However, when she remembered who Lou Ziling was, her first sentence was: "go out, I don't want to see you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!