Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1496

"Well, she still did not move her hand

Jingxi felt his movement and wanted to take back his hand, but found that both hands were numb and could not use their strength.

After a moment of anger, she soon remembered what had happened before she fainted.

"Where is this? What about Li Zhi? "

"This is the hotel. I brought you out of her."

Jingxi full of suspicion: "you and she are not a group?"

Lou Zi Ling's face was slightly cold: "no! You should stay away from her and bring your bodyguard when you go out. "

He didn't know when Jingxi didn't take bodyguards. Girls like her should always carry them.

Jingxi sneered: "Lou Ziling, are you split personality or abnormal spirit? Previously in the hotel square, you but with Li Zhi en love can not, now Li Zhi is not in, you changed a face? Are you going to be a movie king

She fainted before the scene remember very clearly, Li Zhi said those words, for her are all a root of the thorn, stab into her heart pain can not pull out.

Lou Ziling looks at Jingxi quietly. Every time he sees another woman close to him, Jingxi will turn into an angry little lion.

Before, he didn't quite understand this change. He just thought it was because Jingxi had been with him for a long time and had a strong possessive desire for him.

But now he knows that Jing Xi is angry because she cares about him.

In Jing Xi's shocked eyes, he raised her hand and gently kissed her on the back of her hand, with a low voice and a trace of hoarse sexiness: "Ruyi called me, said Lizhi shot you, said Lizhi dragged you into the car and took away, said that you will die immediately, I feel that the brain is blank, even the heart is empty."

"I regret that I left alone. I should have let Li Zhi get on my car at that time, so that you would be OK. It's just that I'm afraid I'll let her in my car, and you'll be very angry. When you're angry, it's a little scary, you know? "

Jingxi can't get back to God. What's the situation?!

Is she dreaming?

No, no, no, even in a dream, Lou Ziling can't be like this! He held her hand tightly, and now he kisses the back of her hand!

Jing Xi bit his lip with all his strength, but he found it didn't hurt at all!

Is it really a dream? But now everything seems so real!

Lou Ziling stretched out his fingers and pinched Jingxi's chin: "don't bite, it's not a dream."

He clearly knew every little habit of Jingxi. When she didn't believe in a thing, she would bite her lip, and then said with a smile, "it's very painful, it's not a dream"!

"Can't you feel the pain? You still have a lot of narcotics in your body, which is normal

Lou Ziling's voice gently explained her current situation to Jingxi, "I've taken you to the hospital, it's OK. Li Zhi also said that she did not dare to do anything to you

Jingxi has not seen Lou Ziling say so many words at one time. She stares at her eyes and suddenly asks, "who are you?"

"Louziling, the real louziling."

The gentleness in Lou Ziling's eyes overflowed little by little. He loosened Jingxi's chin and touched her forehead: "it's a little hot. You may have a fever. I'll go to buy you medicine and some food. Don't move around. Don't go anywhere."

Jing Xi's eyes are a little confused. She really can't tell whether it's a dream or a reality.

Until Lou Ziling left for a long time, she did not come back to God.

The sky outside is as dark as ink. Jingxi remembers that it was morning and day when he was unconscious. How could he feel that it was night in a twinkling of an eye?

The most suspicious thing for her is Lou Ziling. He has changed so much that she can't recognize it.

In terms of strict neuropsychology, the more intelligent people are, the more often they are unable to distinguish between reality and dream. There are many talented people in the world who have illusions. Jingxi has never been unable to distinguish reality from dream before, but now she is very suspicious of the credibility of reality.

Some people say that if you look in a mirror and see if you are yourself, you can know whether you are dreaming or in the real world.

If it is a dream, the person who appears in the mirror will not be his own face, it may be someone else's face that comes out of the brain automatically.

Jingxi tried several times, finally got up from the bed and staggered to the mirror in the room.

The effect of anesthetics is still there, Jingxi feel that the limbs are almost not their own, knock touched a little bit does not hurt.

She suspected more and more that she was dreaming.

But when she stood in front of the mirror, it was her own appearance in the delicate mirror.

The dress was the same as she had worn in the morning, only wrinkled.

King Xi as like as two peas in the mirror, she followed the crooked head, and she sat on the carpet. She sat on the carpet in the mirror. It was exactly the same.As like as two peas, it is impossible.

She was still wondering, Lou Ziling opened the door and came in.

He put the medicine and food on the table, and then went to Jingxi and gently held her whole person.

"Still doubting my dreams?"

Jingxi nodded obediently: "well."

Lou Ziling was helpless. He put Jingxi back on the bed and covered her with quilts. He asked faintly, "I look so unreal?"

Jingxi suddenly stretched out his hand and bit Lou Ziling's arm. Seeing that his expression had not changed at all, he could not help saying to himself, "it seems that you are really dreaming. You don't know the pain..."

Lou Ziling took up his shirt sleeve and showed his arm to Jingxi: "you've all bitten out the impression."

"Yes, you don't cry for pain when you bite the tooth marks, and you don't even wrinkle your eyebrows. It's obviously fake."

Jingxi lay on the bed in a low tone: "you don't appear in my dream in the future, or I will be very sad and disappointed when I wake up. I have already decided to forget you. How can you come back?"

After a day's sleep and half a night's sleep, she didn't eat any food, and she didn't have any strength. She pushed Lou Ziling: "you go!"

Lou Ziling felt as if she had been seized by a hand. She couldn't tell what it was like. She pulled Jingxi up and hugged her in her arms. She whispered in her ear, "Xi Xi, I'm sorry."

Even though she thought she was dreaming, Jingxi also resisted Lou Ziling very much. Sometimes the more she hoped, the more disappointed she would be. She was worried that if she fell deep in her dream, she would fall into it in reality. , the fastest update of the webnovel!