Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1494

Tan Ruyi should a, and then in a hurry to call Luo Feiyang.

"Luo Feiyang, I'm Tan Ruyi!"

When she heard that Tan Ruyi called him, Luo Feiyang was surprised. She thought she was going to ask him to apologize and admit her mistake!

Did not expect her next sentence is "Jingxi accident"!

When Luo Feiyang listened to tan Ruyi finish the story and Lou Ziling's request, he didn't even hesitate for a second. He immediately said, "OK, I'll check it right away."

Thinking that Jing Xi might die, Luo Feiyang was so anxious that he mobilized all the forces he could mobilize to check Li Zhi's car.

Fortunately, Li Zhi's car is a very conspicuous red Porsche sports car. It is easy to find it. It took Luo Feiyang only a few minutes to determine the specific location of the car.

After he told Lou Ziling the location, he immediately drove his car to catch up with him.

Get the specific location, Lou Ziling has been very close to Li Zhi, but before he can catch up, Li Zhi's car drove into a delicate villa.

Lou Ziling's car can't get in. He stops at the door of Li Zhi villa and calls Li Zhi.

But he played three times, Li Zhi did not receive.

Li Zhi in the villa, looking at the mobile phone ring again and again, in the heart is very strange, how can Lou Ziling find so quickly?

When she took Jingxi, no one saw her!

Li Zhi some impatient to throw the mobile phone, a will Jing Xi from the car out, easily threw her to the living room floor.

Anesthetics have begun to play its powerful effect, Jingxi was violently thrown to the floor by Lizhi, there is no sign of waking up, drowsy like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Li Zhi feels relieved when she sees Jing Xi. Of course, she dare not kill Jing Xi. She can toss her around and take her as bait. Let Jing Rui come once again.

The weather in November has been chilly and the wind is piercing. Jingxi was originally wearing thin clothes today. Li Zhi took a bucket of cold water and poured them all over Jingxi's body. Her face was extremely pale with cold.

Let Li Zhi some regret is that the amount of anesthetic is too strong, with cold water splashing Jingxi can not wake up, so there is a lot less torture fun.

When Jingxi tortured her, she was awake all the time!

The best way to revenge Jingxi is to use all the means of Jingxi's revenge on Jingxi, so that Jingxi can taste the taste of life is not like death. However, before this, Li Zhi still wants to strip off Jingxi's clothes and take more photos for her. If Jingxi doesn't listen, she can threaten her with photos. No girl is afraid of this, right?

Li Zhi asked the bodyguard to get her camera, and then squatted down to take off Jing Xi's clothes.

Just untie a button, the living room on the sound of footsteps, Li Zhi some strange bodyguard how so quickly to get the camera, and so on she raised her head, appeared in her line of sight, is the cold eyes of the frightening Lou Ziling.

"How did you get in?"

Li Zhi just wants to stand up, Lou Zi Ling has already kicked over.

She wanted to fight back, but it was too late. She was kicked out by Lou Ziling for several meters.

But she stood up from the floor like a person who had nothing to do. Then she rushed to Lou Ziling and gave him a hard blow.

Fighting alone, like Lou Ziling, who has not undergone rigorous training, is not Li Zhi's opponent at all. Her reaction ability is not at the same level. Li Zhi was kicked a foot just now because she was not prepared.

What's more, here are Li Zhi's people, Lou Ziling has no chance of winning.

Li Zhi's fists were quick and sharp. Although Lou Ziling avoided most of them, she still got a few punches on her body.

Li Zhi looks charming and gentle, but can be ruthless, leaving no leeway, Lou Ziling only felt that his internal organs were almost moved.

"Lizhi, you promised me not to hurt Jingxi!"

Lou Ziling wiped the bloodstain on the corner of her mouth. Her voice was full of anger.

Li Zhi had the upper hand steadily, and her attitude was extremely arrogant: "what are you? I'm sorry now, and you can't help me! "

She watched the bodyguard take the camera back, and stopped him from trying to fight Lou Ziling. Instead, she tore the bodyguard's clothes to reveal the bodyguard's strong upper body.

She patted the strong chest muscles of the bodyguard and laughed with some insidious smile: "is my bodyguard in good shape? Now there are twenty such bodyguards in this villa. If I let them go together, do you think Jingxi, who is not yet an adult, can bear to live with them? "

Lou Ziling came from negative intelligence for many years, but he didn't feel so incompetent at any moment!

Jingxi lies at his feet, but he doesn't have enough ability to protect her!

Lou Ziling's body trembled slightly, not because of fear, but because of anger: "Li Zhi, if you dare to move her, unless I die, otherwise you will live in a nightmare in this life!"

"Oh, Mr. Lou, how can you take it seriously! I'm just kidding. Miss Jing, I don't dare to move. Didn't you see that I did it myself to undress her? It doesn't matter if I dare to hurt the little princess, Jingrui will kill her immediately! "Li Zhi suddenly changed a relaxed tone, it seems that it is really playing with Jingxi.

Lou Ziling's tension and anger finally calmed down. He knew that Jingxi was standing behind the king family. Anyone who wanted to move her had to weigh it carefully.

He pulled a blanket on Li Zhi's sofa and wrapped up the wet Jing Xi. He held her up and said coldly, "the contract is invalid!"

"It won't work!"

Li Zhi eyebrows wrinkled into a group, her plan just implemented a small step, big move son also a useless, how can void!

She also thought that she might be able to rescue her father from Jingrui through Lou Ziling.

For Li Zhi, only her father is her real family member, and the Li family has a lot of resources that only her father can mobilize. The resources she now controls are actually less than half of the total assets of the Li family.

"Lou Ziling, if you break the contract, I will destroy your company!"

"It's you who broke the contract first! You already know that my bottom line is Jingxi. "

Lou Ziling has already let Jingxi suffer a wound, do not want to let her because of his injury again.

Li Zhi sneered: "Lou Zi Ling, do you really like her? She's only sixteen years old, under age! Don't you think you have a desire for an underage? You deserve her? "

Lou Ziling hugged the pale little girl in her arms. He remembered that Jingxi had also scolded him for being inferior to animals, and even Jingxi was more cruel than Lizhi.

He took Jingxi out and said in a low voice, "I'd rather be an animal than an animal..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!