Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1493

Jing Xi looks relaxed, and even smiles on her face. Li Zhi, who is two meters away from her, is on guard.

Lou Ziling has known Li Zhi for such a long time, and has never seen her so cautious.

Li Zhi saw him and immediately called out in the sweet dead tone: "Zi Ling, are you here to pick me up? Come on, I've been waiting for you. Didn't you say that you would accompany me to pick up a skirt last night

Lou Ziling stood still, indifferent to her words, her eyes only looked at Jingxi.

He saw with his own eyes that the smile on Jingxi's face slowly disappeared, and his ruddy face gradually turned white.

Her slender figure, standing in the cold wind, seems to be able to be blown away the next moment.

Li Zhi saw that Lou Zi Ling didn't move and didn't respond. She walked to him with a smile and took his arm: "Zi Ling, how can you wear so little? Didn't I buy you a coat? Remember to wear it next time

She is a mature woman at the age of 28, but her tone is like an 18-year-old girl. She seems to be in love and is being spoiled by her boyfriend.

Lou Zi Ling knew that Li Zhi was intentional.

Of course, she didn't buy him clothes. Even if she did, he couldn't have worn them.

Jing Xi's eyes fall on Li Zhi's arm holding Lou Zi Ling. Her face turns white and her eyes turn red.

It's a pity that she can't beat Li Zhi. Her brother Jing Rui has warned her many times not to fight against Li Zhi. She was once a powerful killer, and killing people is easy.

The cold wind was blowing on her, perhaps because she was wearing too little today, or because she was too cold in her heart, she was shivering all over.

Lou Zi Ling can really pick, he picked any woman, she can beat, but this time it is Li Zhi, a cruel woman who even her brother is afraid of.

Lou Ziling took Li Zhi's hand away and went to Jingxi. She took off her suit and put it on her body. She only wore a thin white shirt and sat in her car. Then she drove away.

Li Zhi almost did not get angry, she called Lou Zi Ling several times, but Lou Zi Ling didn't take her seriously.

Li Zhi has never been afraid of anyone in her life. She has never been afraid of the powerful Jing Rui. But now as long as she sees Jingxi, her scalp will be numb.

She called Lou Ziling to let Lou Ziling take her with her, so as to save face and keep away from Jingxi.

She was really upset by Jingxi!

Jingxi ghost ideas emerge in endlessly, can not be prevented, but her identity is special, Li Zhi even if want her life, also dare not start easily.

If Jingxi dies, the Jings will kill her, the chief culprit, regardless of the cost.

Before this, Li Zhi never thought, a Jing Xi will be so difficult.

Her original plan is no longer workable. Although she uses Jing Xi to meet Jing Rui, Jing Xi always doesn't play cards according to common sense. She clearly likes Lou Ziling, but she says she gives up and gives up!

Because the main actors didn't follow the script, Li Zhi had to readjust her plan.

Now Lou Zi Ling left, Li Zhi is more alert to Jing Xi, for fear that she will take out a moment and throw it on her!

Hard encounter hard Jing Xi is not Li Zhi's opponent, but Jing Xi also has a lot of research on the virus, always let Li Zhi suffer.

Li Zhi this period of time has Shu Yin to scold 10000 times, Jing Xi used to harm her those viruses, must be Shu Yin to!

Jingxi step by step toward Li Zhi, looking at Li Zhi in the retreat, she cold smile, put on the body of Lou Ziling suit off, a throw to Li Zhi body.

Li Zhi startled, she screamed, some flustered block Lou Zi Ling's clothes, quickly opened a shot at Jingxi.

The sound of the gun was unexpectedly slight, and Jing Xi looked down at his chest.

There, an anesthetic was inserted.

Vertigo immediately hit, Jing Xi's vision began to blur, reason began to crumble: "the old woman surnamed Li, it seems that the lesson I gave you last time is not enough!"

The effect of this anesthetic Li Zhi is very clear, one can anesthetize an elephant, a little girl is no longer under the words.

This is for Jingxi.

Originally, Li Zhi was still hesitant to use it, but just now Jingxi threw her suit. She thought it was mixed with something disgusting, so she opened the gun subconsciously.

Although Jing Xi is anesthetized, she may anger Jing Rui, but she can finally get revenge! Half dead by such a girl film, she has been holding a fire!

Li Zhi looked at Jing Xi's tottering face with a grim smile: "it's all this time, your mouth is still so hard! You'll be at my disposal in a moment. Ha ha, you'll cry for me

She looked around, but no one noticed. Jing Xi, who was still holding up her consciousness, pulled her into her car and took her away.

Li Zhi thought that no one knew about her taking Jingxi. However, in a room on the sixth floor of the hotel, Tan Ruyi stood by the window and saw clearly what happened in the small square downstairs.Tan Ruyi is frightened, and her face is paler than when she is wronged by Luo Feiyang as a thief.

Jingxi had been talking for her before. She was very grateful to Jingxi. Seeing that she was shot and taken away in the car, she couldn't find Luo Feiyang any more. She called Lou Ziling with trembling fingers.

"Watch Cousin, something's wrong

Tan Ruyi voice with crying cavity, Lou Ziling thought she was bullied by Luo Feiyang again, light asked: "how?"

"Jingxi Jingxi I was shot

Lou Ziling's fast-moving vehicle suddenly stopped, the voice was cold and sharp: "what do you say?"

"It's true! It's the woman who held your arm before. She shot Jingxi! She knocked Jingxi unconscious and dragged him away! Drive away

Tan Ruyi was so scared that her words had already been incoherent: "you go to help her, in case she What if you die! "

She did not know that Li Zhi was using an anesthetic gun. She only saw Li Zhi take out the gun and shoot at Jingxi, thinking that Jingxi was going to die.

Lou Zi Ling's face turned white instantly, and her hand holding the steering wheel was also slightly trembling: "which direction did her car go?"

Tan Ruyi can't tell the East, the west, the north and the south in the United States, and she doesn't know what the road is called. But she is very smart at the moment and says in a hurry:

"you drive in the opposite direction, there are two intersections, and the car turns right at the second intersection! The last four digits of her license plate number are 1211. I didn't see the letters in front of her! It's a red Porsche! "

Lou Ziling immediately turned around and drove to the fastest speed to chase Li Zhi.

He was a little surprised at Tan Ruyi's intelligence. He didn't expect her to be so careful that she remembered all the information about the vehicle.

"Ruyi, call Luo Feiyang and tell him about it. Let him find someone to check the car immediately! Better intercept! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!