Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1492

Jingxi is not sure if what Lou Ziling said is true or false, but at least she knows that Lou Ziling does not easily fall in love with women and has absolutely no patience to cajole people.

The gentlest time she had ever met with him was that Lou Ruofei was unconscious at the beginning. When the situation was dangerous, he accompanied Lou Ruofei to take care of her.

Even if the elder sister is like this, other women don't need to expect Lou Ziling to treat them attentively.

Of course, Jing Xi also put himself in the category of "other women".

"You let go and get out. I want to sleep! If you don't go out, I'll call the police! "

Lou Ziling was afraid to hold her for too long and her body's reaction would be found by her. She immediately released her hand and stood on her side.

"Are you ill?"

"Has it anything to do with you? You came to my room in the middle of the night to ask if I was sick? You are sick

When Jingxi gets fierce, a word can choke him to death. Lou Ziling looks at Jing Xi who is full of thorns and knows that she is in good health, otherwise she would not have the strength to hit people just now.

Lou Ziling slowly released his hand: "you are OK."

Jingxi immediately retreated, opened the door and said unhappily, "go out!"

Lou Ziling found that he had no reason to stay. For the first time in his life, he felt that it was not a good thing that he was too reticent.

He has seen how Luo feiran coaxed Lou Ruofei, and how Lou Mingyang coaxed Tan Zhen, but he couldn't do those things.

Perhaps, he still felt that Jingxi was just a minor child, and he could not get over it.

Tan Ruyi is as old as Jingxi. She is obviously childish and ignorant of the world. She lives in a beautiful ivory tower and is not even aware of it.

Lou Ziling astringed all the emotions and returned to his usual coldness and walked out of Jingxi's room.

He heard the "bang" of the door behind him, and felt as if Jingxi had closed the door leading to her.

He smile bitterly, out of the hotel, a person disappeared in the vast night.

But Lou Ziling didn't know. After he left, Jingxi felt that his chest began to be stuffy again. He could not sleep there.

But if she did it again, she would not hesitate to drive Lou Ziling away.

She has been confused by Lou Ziling. Before, he always refused her indifferently. He wished that she would disappear from the world. But now she even climbed the window to see her in the middle of the night and seemed to care about her.

What exactly does this mean?

You want to be on both sides?

At the thought of Li Zhi, Jing Xi was very angry. When she hit Lou Ziling just now, she didn't give up her cruel hand, but she regretted now. She should fight hard and break his leg!

The next day just light, Li Zhi called Lou Ziling to find him.

"Mr. Lou, did you see Jingxi yesterday?"

Lou Ziling's voice was cold and alert: "what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I just want to remind you that there is one clause in our agreement that you can't have any intimate relationship with Jingxi!"

"You don't need to remind me of this!"

After a night, Lou Ziling has regained her senses.

He knew he shouldn't have gone to Jingxi last night, but seeing her pale face, he was not at ease.

"Now I am your nominal girlfriend and partner. Of course, I have the obligation to remind you so that you do not make mistakes. What's more, if you don't take me when your sister is married, it can't be said! "

Lou Ziling didn't have the patience to listen to her gossiping. Seeing that she still had the posture to continue to talk, she hung up the phone directly.

He knew that Li Zhi was recuperating in the United States, and that her body had completely recovered, but he never took Li Zhi seriously. Lou Ruofei was even more unlikely to take her with him when she got married.

Not to mention anything else, if Lou Mingyang saw Li Zhi also went, he would really break off the relationship between father and son and drive him out of the Lou family before returning home.

Hang up the phone, Lou Ziling had breakfast, went to the hotel to pick up Wang Qiu's mother and daughter to go shopping with Tan Zhen.

Standing in front of Wang Qiu's mother and daughter's room, Lou Ziling subconsciously takes a look at Jingxi's room.

The door of her room is closed and there is no sound inside. Lou Ziling is not sure if she is still there. The wedding is over. She should have returned home.

He took back his eyes and knocked on the door of Wang Qiu and Tan Ruyi. However, Tan Ruyi lowered her head and whispered, "cousin, do you know Luo Feiyang's phone number? I want to explain to him again that the ring was not really stolen by me. I don't want to bear the reputation of a thief. "

Her eyes were red and swollen like peaches, apparently crying all night.

Wang Qiu's face was not very good-looking. She felt that her daughter had been calculated, but she had no idea who the man was.

They are orphans and widows, and they are not familiar with the United States. They can not prove their innocence when they are thieves.

Wang Qiu originally thought that when Tan Ruyi graduated from high school, she would send her to the United States to study and broaden her horizons. With Lou Ruofei as her cousin in the United States, Tan ruoyi's coming to study can be regarded as a dependency.But if the relationship with the Luo family gets stalemate, even if Tan Ruyi goes to Lou Ruofei, she will be embarrassed by Luo Feiyang.

She is no longer in the mood to go shopping. She just wants her daughter to get rid of the crime and leave in vain. When she graduates from high school, she will come here to study in college, which will not be looked down upon by the Luo family.

Lou Ziling gave Luo Feiyang's number to tan Ruyi, and asked her to find Luo Feiyang to explain.

He always thinks that this cousin is too simple, belonging to the kind of people who will count money for others when they are sold. In this matter of Luo Feiyang, Tan Ruyi will not be so easily trapped if she has any dim sum eyes.

Now it's hard to find evidence. I'm afraid Tan Ruyi can't explain it clearly.

The person who designed her has erased all traces.

Although Lou Ziling doesn't like Luo Feiyang, he appreciates one thing about Luo Feiyang, that is, his openness and uprightness.

Luo Feiyang almost never lied. He said everything directly and never concealed it. In fact, he did not hurt Tan Ruyi, and even his parents and brothers did not tell him.

He subconsciously chose to protect a little girl's reputation and dignity, even if he had already confirmed that Tan Ruyi had stolen the ring, he did not publicize it everywhere.

Although the inheritors cultivated by the Luo family are out of tune, they still have a noble childlike manner in their hearts, and they never get confused in major events.

Luo Feiyang and Ji Moxuan want to strangle each other every time. They often pit each other, but they can always leave room for things to be done.

Lou Ziling deeply felt that his foundation was still too shallow.

Xi Xi ran into the west of the hotel, and he left the front of the hotel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!