Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1491

Luo Feiyang saw that Lou Ziling left without saying a word. He couldn't help chasing up and snatched to sit in the same elevator with him.

"Well, since you say that Xi Xi Xi is not comfortable, why don't you ask yourself and you have to ask me? What's the plot? "

Louziling was too lazy to pay attention to him, just stood cold.

Luo Feiyang saw that he did not speak, and suddenly said, "Lou Ziling, do you like Xixi?"

"You think too much!"

"I don't think much! Who hasn't been in love yet? I am very clear, like a person will have what performance, some details, even if you no longer how hide also can't hide

In fact, Luo Feiyang didn't really discover any details. He just vaguely felt that Lou Ziling was different from Jingxi.

Jingxi herself is in it. She is used to some things. She is used to louziling's connivance. She doesn't find that Lou Ziling is not like this to other people.

Chloe Feiyang found out.

Lou Ziling has had so many girlfriends, but the large number of people together may not be as important as one of Jingxi's hair.

Luo Feiyang said seriously: "Lou Ziling, of course I hope you don't compete with me, but if you really like her, you'll regret it if you miss it."

He took out the ring, stroked the bright diamond, and said with some chagrin, "this gift can't be sent out. Do you know what she likes? Tell me, and I won't pursue your cousin's stealing my ring

Elevator down to the hotel lobby, the door opened, Lou Ziling went out, his indifferent voice floated into Luo Feiyang's ear: "blueberry."

Luo Feiyang also walked out of the elevator, staring at Lou Ziling's back, muttered: "really, will not pit me again? It's too cheap to send this! Diamonds can be kept all the time, not blueberries


Night dew heavy, Lou Ziling left the hotel, an hour later, but returned.

He turned into the room through a half open window.

Jingxi lies quietly on the bed, deep asleep.

Louziling quietly went to her side and sat on her bed.

The bed was so big that she seemed a little petite.

Moonlight through the window, shining on her face, her long eyelashes cast a small shadow on the cheek, it seems a little cute.

She breathed evenly, her pale face had returned to ruddy, and everything seemed normal.

Lou Ziling gently grasps her wrist to probe her pulse.

After touching for a while, Lou Ziling found that her pulse beat faster and faster. He felt a shock in his heart and raised his head to see Jingxi's face.

Originally sleeping Jing Xi, do not know when to open his eyes, is looking at him.

Looking at Jingxi's clear eyes, louziling has a moment of panic.

He didn't know how to explain why he was here so late.

He didn't expect Jingxi to be so keen. He woke up with a touch.

Jingxi took back his hand calmly, and asked faintly, "so late, do you want to kill me? This is a foreign country. My parents and brothers are not here. It's really a good place to kill me. "

Lou Ziling could not help frowning and even got angry: "why should I kill you?"

Maybe he will kill in the future, or be forced to be anxious. He may become a murderer without blinking an eye, but he can never move Jingxi!

Jingxi slowly sat up and said coldly, "anyway, I have no use value. Your girlfriend is still half dead by me. You just killed me to avenge her."

When she does not smile, she exudes a kind of cold, noble, which is quite different from her usual lively and cheerful.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Where do you know I want your life? Where do you know I used you? "

Lou Ziling has always had a bad temper. All his patience in his life has been applied to Jingxi.

He didn't want to marry Jingxi, but he never wanted to make her hate him!

His tone was a little cold and sharp, and his voice was also a little loud. Jingxi stared at him, and his eyes were red: "are you teaching me a lesson? You are not qualified! "

She got up and got out of bed, grabbed Lou Ziling's sleeve and dragged him out: "get out! Don't let me see you again

The misunderstanding has not been explained clearly. How could Lou Ziling leave like this? Relying on his height advantage, he pressed Jingxi on the door: "I will go, but you have to erase all your thoughts!"

His voice unconsciously low down, "when I teach you, you don't always think of me as bad."

Jingxi's body is too soft. Lou Ziling doesn't know when she's encircled her waist. Like poisoning, she is reluctant to let go.

Jingxi kicked him for a while, and then beat him with his small fist. He was angry and angry: "you don't want to face. You are not a good man! Stay away from me. Don't touch me. If you dare to hurt me, my father and my brother will not let you go! "

Some emotion in Lou Ziling's heart almost can't help overflowing. He is very painful to suppress and allows Jingxi to punch and kick him.He would rather Jingxi angry with him, rather Jingxi to him, than every time she saw him, as cold as he did not know him.

He always thought, let Jingxi away from him, everything will fade away.

Unfortunately, no, maybe there is, but Jingxi is forgetting him alone, but in his heart, he never forgets.

Luo Feiyang said that he will regret later, but he has already regretted without "later".

Lou Ziling only hates himself, why not strong enough!

He doesn't want to be a vassal of the king's family, and he doesn't want to live without dignity!

However, is dignity really more important than Jingxi?

Before Lou Ziling would not hesitate to answer yes, but now, he hesitated.

Jingxi is still crying and scolding him as a jerk. Lou Ziling doesn't know how to coax her, but she says in a low voice: "Xi Xi, I may not be a good man, but I can't kill you or hurt you."

He didn't know how Jingxi had such an idea, but he couldn't stand being misunderstood by Jingxi.

Did she know that he would not even touch her!

She is sixteen years old, well-developed, full chest, slender waist, long legs, full of the breath of young girls.

Does she really think he's a stone?

He is an adult man, a normal and lustful man!

He was always afraid of scaring her, and never showed any weakness in front of her!

Jingxi scolds and beats tired, but she can't push Lou Ziling. She leans against Lou Ziling, feeling his heartbeat, smelling his familiar smell, and feels her heart is broken.

She wiped her tears and asked in a sarcastic tone, "are you holding other girls like that?"

She is jealous, the floor son Ling Meng tightens the arm, embraces Jing Xi in his arms, low way: "No." Never, I only held you! , the fastest update of the webnovel!