Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1490

Tan Ruyi is in a daze!

What was in her bag she knew best. The diamond ring the size of pigeon's egg didn't belong to her at all!

Jingxi and Wang Qiu are also a little stunned. It is obvious that such a large diamond can not be tan Ruyi's.

Luo Feiyang has already jumped.

In fact, he doubted that he had misunderstood Tan Ruyi yesterday. After all, sometimes people's innocence can't be put on. Tan Ruyi is a person who has no idea and doesn't cover himself up. If someone hadn't testified, Luo Feiyang would not have suspected her.

"Tan Ruyi, please explain to me clearly, what is this? How my things got into your bag

Luo Feiyang picked up the ring and put the beautiful diamond in front of Tan Ruyi and asked her angrily.

The diamond symbolizes pure and eternal love, but the ring has been stolen or even worn secretly. If it is given to Jingxi, it will be disrespectful to her.

There is only one such big diamond in luofeiyang.

His pocket money is so limited that he has no spare money to buy a diamond.

If not for Tan Ruyi is a girl, Luo Feiyang would really hit people.

Tan Ruyi explained incoherently: "no, no, no, I don't know how it got into my bag. I didn't take it! What's the use of stealing your ring? I'm so small, I don't need to get married

Her face turned pale and her forehead was sweating. She looked like a frightened fawn.

Wang Qiu felt that the matter was a little serious. Her daughter could not explain it clearly, but she believed that her daughter could not steal.

She had no choice but to call Lou Ziling. Ten minutes later, Lou Ziling came.

As soon as Lou Ziling entered the room, she saw Jingxi first.

Jingxi just raised his head and looked at the door.

Two people's eyes meet in the air, but only for a moment, they are wrong again.

"What's going on?"

Luo Feiyang didn't like to shake the ring in front of his eyes: "found it in your good cousin's bag!"

"Cousin, I didn't take it! I don't know what this is about

Tan Ruyi's face is still white, but she has been able to maintain calm now, she believes that Lou Ziling will not let her be wronged.

"You didn't take it. Did my ring have long legs and ran into your bag?"

Luo Feiyang thinks that Tan Ruyi is too good at pretending. After being caught, she still refuses to admit it. Her impression of Tan Ruyi has dropped to the lowest point.

Lou Zi Ling said faintly: "it is also possible that others put it into Ruyi bag."

"Lou Ziling, you should also have a degree towards your cousin! I don't know her for the first time? Delusion of persecution? You! Several people saw her move my bag

"Who are the witnesses?"

"All reliable friends! You don't have to doubt them. There's no need to frame them up! "

"Ruyi is not so stupid as to steal something and put it in her bag for you to find out. You'd better go back and check on your reliable friends. Their goal is certainly not satisfactory. "

Jingxi quietly listen, but suddenly feel that Lou Ziling's suspicion is reasonable.

When Tan Ruyi saw the ring before, she was surprised and surprised. It was possible that someone else had put it into her bag.

But she didn't understand who would harm Tan Ruyi.

Among those who attended the wedding ceremony, few people knew Tan Ruyi, and she didn't have much use value. There may be other conspiracies behind this event.

It's just that the plot has nothing to do with the Jing family. Jingxi instinctively feels that this matter is aimed at the Lou family.

But she said nothing because the man standing in front of her had nothing to do with her.

Even, he has stood on the opposite side of her. The Lou family no longer cooperates with the Jing family, and is not willing to be a subsidiary family of the Jing family. He begins to unite with Li Zhi and expand its strength rapidly with a speed of 10 times.

Jing Yichen and Jing Rui both want to take advantage of the Lou family is not yet climate, destroy the building, is she gave Lou Ziling a way to live.

Jingxi only hopes that in the future, Lou Ziling will not let her regret her decision.

If he dares to unite with Li Zhi to deal with the Jing family, she will fight with him personally!

Jingxi never thought that one day she would follow Lou Ziling to this point. She did not understand why he did not accept her.

Is it because she is too young?

Maybe she never had a chance to ask him why.

She didn't want to ask.

Time can smooth everything, she can always forget him.

But, such torment her, Lou Ziling also don't think better!

It is he who chose to die alone, then she will help him!Jingxi has forgotten about the diamond ring. Anyway, Luo Feiyang can't do anything to tan Ruyi. He looks arrogant and domineering. In fact, he is easy to be soft hearted and won't force people to die.

Only Lou Ziling is that kind of cold hearted person who can sacrifice everything for the benefit.

Jingxi suddenly laughs at herself. How could she not find it before? When he first approached her and protected her, was it not to let the Jing family support the endangered Lou family company?

Now Lou's company is back to life, he can't wait to kick her out.

Jingxi's heart was like being crushed by a heavy object. It was painful and stuffy, and he couldn't breathe.

She lowered her eyes, covered all her emotions, and walked out of Tan Ruyi's room with a white face.

Luo Feiyang only cares about the fierce argument with Tan Ruyi, and doesn't notice that Jingxi has left.

Lou Ziling's thoughts are almost all in Jingxi's body. He saw that her face turned white and wanted to chase her out, but she only took half a step and took back her feet.

"Luo Feiyang, Jingxi left, she is not comfortable, you go to see, don't let her accident!"

Luo Feiyang fiercely turned his head, subconsciously yelled: "why don't you go? Why do you order me?"

When he finished speaking, he realized that what Lou Ziling said was that Jingxi was uncomfortable. He could not care about anything. He put the ring in his pocket and immediately went after Jingxi.

Jingxi has entered his room, Luo Feiyang knocked on her door: "Xi Xi, what's wrong with you? Are you all right? "

Inside came Jingxi's calm voice: "it's OK, I'm off, you go home!"

Luo Feiyang looked at his watch. It was 1:30 in the morning. It was time to have a rest.

See Lou Zi Ling also Tan Ruyi's room to come out, Luo Feiyang glared at him and asked him in a low voice: "Xixi is good, where is uncomfortable? You're just trying to distract me so that your cousin can get away from me! "

Lou Ziling frowned. He just saw that Jingxi's face was not good. How could he be ok?

He was impatient with Luo Feiyang's carelessness, thought for a moment, and then turned to leave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!