Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1489

Jing Xi helplessly shakes his head, this matter son unexpectedly still has implicated with her.

If Luo Feiyang gives her a bag of food, she will certainly accept it. But if she gives her any diamond ring, how can she want it!

It's just that this is not the time to get tangled in this, and it's not too late for her to refuse the gift when it's over.

"If the ring is missing, it can't be proved that it was stolen by Tan Ruyi?"

When she heard Jingxi talking to herself, Tan Ruyi was so grateful that she shook her head: "not me, not me, really not me! I didn't steal your ring

Even Ji Moxuan on one side thinks that Tan Ruyi is a simple girl who can let people see the end at a glance. What she says is not like lying at all.

"Why not you?"

Luo Feiyang coldly hums: "you saw me take out from the pocket, also only you know I put the ring in the bag, not you steal, who stole it!"

Tan Ruyi felt that someone had helped her, but she was not so flustered at last. Her thinking gradually returned to normal: "I saw your ring, but it may have been seen by others. If you take it away, I don't want your ring!"

Tan Ruyi and Luo Feiyang are bridesmaids and bridesmaids at the wedding ceremony. They have been sitting together in full dress before. When Luo Feiyang takes out the ring from his pocket and looks at it, Tan Ruyi thinks that it is a pair of rings to be exchanged at the wedding of the bridegroom and the bride, so she comes to have a look.

As a result, Luo Feiyang yelled, and she knew that it was Luo Feiyang's own thing.

To Yu Luo Fei Yang exactly where to put the ring, Tan Ruyi really did not notice.

This is the first time for her to attend such a grand wedding, and it is the wedding of her cousin who loves her very much. She only cares about her excitement and happiness. Where does Luo Feiyang's ring go!

"There are several witnesses on my side. They all saw you touching my bag! You took it. No one else moved it! Otherwise you let me search, the ring must still be on you

Tan Ruyi is almost angry to death. It's enough aggrieved to be framed for stealing. Now she has to search her body. It's really deceiving!

She said, but Luo Feiyang, also know that the Luo family is rich and powerful, she is impossible to fight against Luo Feiyang alone.

"Cousin, I don't search, I want to go home!"

Tan Ruyi raised her red eyes and looked wrongly at the tall Lou Ziling.

She always felt that although this cousin was cold and silent, he was the most intelligent and could do almost anything in her heart.

In this case, she felt that the best choice was to ask for help from Lou Ziling.

Since the appearance of Jingxi, Lou Ziling's attention is basically on Jingxi. When she hears Tan Ruyi's voice, she returns to her senses.

"Auntie, take your cousin back to your room and have a rest. I'll take it here."

"No, they can't go!"

Luo Feiyang looked at Lou Ziling angrily and said angrily, "that's the gift I gave to Xi Xi. You protect your cousin so much, don't you want me to send the gift out?! Don't you have a girlfriend? Don't think about Xi Xi Xi! "

If you look at others, you will find that he is very stupid

"Good, good! Your attitude is so bad and arrogant. I'd better call the police! Don't blame me for not giving affection to my relatives then

Lou Ziling indifferent attitude let Luo Feiyang vomit blood: "report!"

Jingxi did not agree: "can't call the police!"

Lou Ziling turned her head to look at her, and only looked at her for a moment, the whole body's cold melted a lot.

Perhaps he once connived at her indulgence. Now, no matter what Jingxi said, he would hardly refute it and let her.

Lou Ziling didn't choke with Luo Feiyang any more. He took Wang Qiu and Tan Ruyi into the elevator and took them back to their rooms.

Luo Feiyang wanted to catch up with him, but he was stopped by Jingxi: "Feiyang, there must be a misunderstanding about this matter. Go back and check it again!"

Jingxi a "flying", Luo Feiyang directly called crisp half of the body, can not help nodding: "good, good, I check again!"

In fact, Luo Feiyang is just talking about calling the police. In fact, it is impossible to call the police.

This is Lou Ziling's cousin and his sister-in-law Lou Ruofei's cousin. If you call the police, Lou Ruofei will be involved immediately. Let alone Luofei's raping him, even his parents will not agree to make a big deal of it.

But the huge diamond was Luo Feiyang's 18th birthday gift. He took it to someone and made it into a diamond ring, which was engraved with "love", which was of great significance.

He had to find it.

If he doesn't come back, he'll have to go dark.

As for checking again, Luo Feiyang doesn't think it is necessary, because several people said they saw Tan Ruyi steal his things.

In the middle of the night, Luo Feiyang quietly touched into the room where Tan Ruyi and Wang Qiu lived.

But he just turned in from the window, a piercing scream across the sky, scared Luo Feiyang almost did not jump out of the window!"Shut up! What is it called? I'll take my ring, please don't shout! Call again and you'll die

Luo Feiyang felt that Tan Ruyi's voice decibel was too high, and the glass of the hotel seemed to be broken.

If this man practices the legendary lion roar skill, he must be invincible in the world!

Luo Feiyang just wants to frighten Tan Ruyi. He certainly won't kill others. But Tan Ruyi believes it and screams louder.

Wang Qiu had already turned on the light in the room. Standing in front of her daughter, she cautiously gazed at Luo Feiyang and said, "my daughter has been obedient since she was a child. She has never been in the habit of stealing. Your ring is not here with my daughter. Please go out!"

Jingxi's room is just opposite Tan Ruyi's room. Hearing her scream, she quickly knocks on the door: "Ruyi, what's the matter?"

Tan Ruyi jumps out of bed barefoot and runs to open the door.

Although she only got along with Jingxi for a short time, she still trusted her very much. She thought that Jingxi was a good man and a mysterious God who could make Lou Ziling moved and control Luo Feiyang.

Jingxi came in and saw Luo Feiyang, who was dressed in black sportswear. He immediately cried and laughed: "how can you be a night ranger in someone's room?"

Luo Feiyang was caught by Jingxi on the spot to break into a girl's room at night. At first, he felt guilty, but soon he felt justified: "she stole my things and didn't return them, so I had to steal them back! If it hadn't been for your face, I would have called the police. She would have been drinking tea in the police station now! "

He said, just grabbed Tan Ruyi hung on the hanger of the red leather bag, opened the zipper, all of a sudden the contents of her bag poured out.

A bright pink diamond ring, falling out of it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!