Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1483

Outside the elevator, Jingxi suddenly burst into tears, totally regardless of the employees' different vision in louziling company.

In the elevator, Lou Ziling didn't press the elevator button marked 14 for a long time. Through the elevator door, he could clearly hear Jingxi's cry.

It's heartbreaking and heartbreaking.

Unconsciously, Lou Ziling's eyes turned red. He needed to control himself with all his strength, so that he would not rush out.

The cry didn't last too long, and slowly disappeared.

Lou Ziling feels that Jingxi has left. Suddenly, he feels as if he has been hollowed out. He is very miserable.

He tried to stand up straight, pressed 14 floors, and slowly returned to his office.

Li Zhi sat on the sofa and saw that Lou Ziling's eyes were very red, and her surprise on her face could not be concealed: "Lou Zong, you Crying? "

Lou Ziling looked at her coldly, and there was obvious anger in her tone: "Miss Li, your hand is too heavy, she is still a child!"

Li Zhi pulled to pull the corner of the mouth: "how, do you love?"

Lou Ziling stares at her with sharp eyes: "we need to add another clause in our agreement. She can't be hurt in any way."

Li Zhi yawned lazily and said slowly: "don't worry. She's very good. Her defense is almost flawless. Although it looks like she fell heavily just now, she didn't get hurt. Otherwise, don't I have no way to explain it to Jingrui? "

Li Zhi's explanation was not accepted by Lou Ziling.

Just now he saw very clearly that Jingxi must have fallen in pain. If she was really a little girl who couldn't fight Kung Fu, she would be seriously injured if she was hit by Li Zhi.

Moreover, Lou Ziling felt that Jing Rui, as Jing Xi's brother, would love Jingxi more. If he knew that Li Zhi had hurt his only sister, Li Zhi would not have a good life.

Li Zhi seems to know what Lou Ziling is thinking. She is extremely charming with a smile: "I'll wait for Jingrui to find me! I haven't seen him for a long time. If I hurt Jingxi, I can let him appear in front of me and be scolded by him! "

Lou Ziling looked cold: "did you hurt her on purpose?"

"Of course not!"

Li Zhi flatly denied, "I was just out of self-defense, you also saw that it was Jing Xi Xian's provocation, every time she started, I didn't have one? She's going to hit me. I can't just sit and be beaten! "

Although it is true that Jing Xi started first, but she did not take advantage of a bit of cheap, Lou Zi Ling heart blocked badly, see Li Zhi more and more uncomfortable.

"That's the end of the play. You can go!"

"Mr. Lou, you are a bridge breaker! Don't think I didn't see it. You are using me to make Jingxi die for you! That little girl, what a pity

Li Zhi mouth said "poor", but the tone is all Schadenfreude, it seems that others love but not, she is very happy.

She stood up, carried her hundreds of thousands of hermes bags and walked on high heels.

The door was closed, and only Lou Ziling was left in the spacious office.

He is a workaholic, but now he has no work mood and passion.

He once thought that by cutting off his relationship with Jingxi before, he could devote himself to his career.

But now the situation is quite the opposite!

He sat at his desk, his mind was full of Jingxi's appearance, all her crying, there was no way to calm down to work.

Lou Ziling felt so tired that she seemed to have exhausted all her strength.

After sitting for a while, he finally got up, left the office building and went back to his villa.

The villa was empty, and he was the only one.

Once upon a time, Lou Ziling only liked to be alone. He liked solitude and enjoyed solitude.

But now I feel lonely, even some terrible!

Maybe because he was tired for too many days, he only slept a few hours every day. Lying in bed, he had a sleep.

By the time he woke up again, it was the next day.

Everything yesterday seems to be just an unreal dream. When she wakes up, Lou Ziling recovers her former coldness and indifference.

Went to the company, he also quickly into the work, it seems that nothing has happened.

But I don't know what happened. He always felt that there was something missing in his heart.

He had a rare smile, even a smile could not be found on his face.

A week later, Jingsheng group proposed to terminate the contract with Lou group, stopped all cooperation, and even the office building was ready to take back.

Because of the unilateral termination of the contract by Jingsheng group, it faces huge compensation.

After Jingxi left Lou's group that day, he didn't cry any more.

The Lou family once again chose to cooperate with the Li family, and may even get married. This is not only related to the love and love of a girl, but also related to the interests of Jingsheng group.Jing Yichen is very angry and directly removes the Lou family from the Jing family's sphere of influence.

Moreover, Lou Ziling hurt his daughter, which is unforgivable!

When the building Mingyang, who has been resting in a suburban villa, knows all this, it will be too late to retrieve it!

He was originally in the quiet, after knowing from others that his son was in love with Li Zhi, he fainted directly with anger and frightened Tan Zhen, who took care of him, to be pale and cry into tears.

When Lou Mingyang wakes up, he wants to find Jing Yichen to apologize, but he can't get through to Jing Yichen.

So, Lou Mingyang called Lou Ziling to the villa in the suburb.

"Rebellious son, kneel down!"

Lou Mingyang was so angry that he had never seen him so angry.

He slowly knelt down in front of Lou Mingyang, neither pleading nor pleading.

Louming picked up the book in his hand and smashed it to Lou Ziling. His forehead swelled up.

Tan Zhen was startled. She was afraid that Lou Mingyang would damage her son, so she quickly pleaded: "Mingyang, you should calm down. Isn't the company not greatly affected? Without the support of Jing family, now our company is developing well, which is a good thing! This shows that my son has developed the company very well, and he no longer needs to rely on others! "

"What good is this?! Why did my big brother fall? Why can I get my property and company? Because of the support of Jingjia, we can have today! How can a man be ungrateful! "

The whole body of Lou Ming is shaking: "you immediately cut off the relationship with that Li Zhi, and you are not allowed to have any contact with her in the future."

Lou Ziling finally said: "I signed an agreement with her, the deadline is half a year, now can't terminate the contract."

"Yes, we must! Now it's time to break the contract! "

Lou Mingyang didn't care much about Lou Ziling's love affairs before. He thought it was a good thing that his son was willing to love, but he never allowed his son to fall in love with Li Zhi.

"Either cut off the relationship with Li Zhi, or cut off the relationship between father and son with me, Lou Ziling, you can choose by yourself!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!