Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1482

The strange color in Li Zhi's eyes flashed away. She didn't expect that Jing Xi could recognize her move!

Ordinary people, at most, think that she reacts very quickly. They can't think of the source of the move. No one can recognize that it belongs to the killer's move, because those who have seen this move have already died.

She is careless and forgets that Jingxi is a special girl. She is the only one in the world who has two killer brothers.

Xijing didn't know her identity, but Li Zhijing had already known.

Li Zhi's life in her hands has not been known for a long time. She is a strong person who comes out of the killing, which is quite different from Jingxi's moves and temperament.

Jingxi has never killed anyone. Most of her moves are self-protection, and she didn't mean to fight with Li Zhi just now. However, Li Zhi's hand is extremely cruel, which is totally lethal.

"Xi Xi, break into my boyfriend's office, and start with me when you come up again. I've already looked at your brother's face and showed mercy to you! Your sister-in-law is still my sister-in-law, but jingche wants to call my aunt. We are all relatives. I will not investigate this matter! "

Jingxi sneered: "hit me, you still mean not to investigate? In addition, Lou Ziling is my man. Where did you come from, go back and forth! "

This is the biggest loss Jing Xi has suffered since he was so big.

However, she is not a coward at any time. Jing Yichen has already cultivated her into a brave, strong and fearless girl. She has always been more and more frustrated and courageous. Otherwise, she has been rejected so many times by Lou Ziling, and she would have given up for another person.

Li Zhi's strength inspired Jingxi's stronger will to fight. She even forgot the pain in her back. She walked slowly to Li Zhi, and instantly gave her a hand.

Li Zhi is 12 years older than her. She has more experience in fighting and fighting than Jingxi.

There is no doubt that this round, Jingxi was defeated miserably again.

She was heavily hit on the floor, but did not frown, and soon stood up, and stand straight.

Jingxi has no expression, but Lou Ziling frowns. He has seen that the battle level of Jingxi and Lizhi is not at the same level.

He couldn't stand Jingxi being beaten in front of him and immediately stopped her: "don't fight!"

But Jing Xi turned a deaf ear and didn't look at him. He fought with Li Zhi again.

When Jingxi fell on the hard floor for the third time, he got up again, and the red blood came out from the corners of his lips.

She was like an indefatigable, painless robot, clenched her fist and walked towards Li Zhi step by step.

Lou Ziling couldn't bear it. He held Jingxi's wrist: "no more fighting! You've been hurt! "

Jingxi took out the wrist which was held by Lou Ziling and slapped him fiercely: "go away!"

Her voice was shrill and there was a tremor that could not be concealed.

Her clear eyes, quickly turned red, tears fell, dripping on the back of Lou Ziling's hand.

Lou Ziling's cheek was hit hot and painful, but she couldn't get angry.

In his heart, only bitterness and pain.

When the little girl was angry, she still hurt so much that she didn't care. It was like the last time she bit him and bit her blood. Until now, she still has a shallow scar.

However, this is the best ending!

Lou Ziling closed her eyes and hid her inner emotions. When she looked at Jingxi, she had no feelings in her eyes. She was as cold as ice: "this is my office. The person who should go out is you!"

"This whole building belongs to me. Why should I go out?"

Jingxi refused to go, she was hit so many times by Li Zhi, how can so calculate!

She was bullied by Lou Ziling and Li Zhi. How could she fight back!

She also wanted to fight with Li Zhi, but she was picked up by Lou Ziling and carried her on her shoulder and strode out.

"Lou Ziling, you bastard, let me down! Are you afraid that I will hurt that woman and protect her on purpose?! Don't touch me. I feel sick! You're not human, beast! Animals are better than animals

Jing Xi lies on the shoulder of Lou Ziling head down, cursing and kicking.

But Lou Zi Ling Si did not let go and carried her into the elevator steadily.

As soon as she got into the elevator and put Jingxi down, she immediately ran out.

Lou Ziling grabbed her back and pressed her to the corner of the elevator to stop her from moving.

He is afraid that she will go back, or will be hit by Li Zhi.

The corners of her lips were bleeding, but so was his heart.

He used to protect her so well that he never let her get hurt. Even because she liked to eat small wild fruits, he kept all the small fruits for her. He would rather eat leaves on the island to supplement vitamins!

He guarded her for too long. How could he hurt her when he was about to leave?

Jingxi was imprisoned in his arms by Lou Ziling, but he had already cried into a tearful man: "let me go, you bastard! You are a bastard. Lou Ziling, you are not a human being. I don't like you any more! Why do you like an old woman? She is so annoying"I don't like her touching you. How can you let her touch you! You're mine. You're mine! When you were in love with those women, it was different from now! You've changed! I hate you

"Didn't I ask you to wait for me? Why don't you wait?! When I grow up, can't you marry me?! I like you so long, I miss you every day, do you even feel a little bit? I don't believe it! "

Lou Ziling lives to today, just know, the original heart will also ache.

He had always thought that he was cold-blooded and heartless, and his heart could be harder than the hardest diamond.

When Lou Mingyang was beaten with visceral bleeding and admitted to the hospital, Lou Ziling was just angry and had no other feelings. He thought he had no heartache.

But now, with Jingxi in his arms, his heart is tearing in inch by inch.

The pain quickly spread from the heart to all the limbs, wrapped him up and almost choked him.

For Lou Ziling, Jingxi's most lethal weapon is not her strong background, not her stunning beauty, but her crystal tears.

His back was wet in a few seconds.

He suffered no less pain than Jingxi.

However, he was introverted and could not see any emotion on the surface. He even controlled the power to imprison Jingxi, without any sign of losing control.

The elevator down, to the first floor, the elevator door opened, Lou Ziling put the girl in his arms, pushed out.

Jingxi stands outside the elevator door, tears hanging on her white face, the desolation in her eyes is hard to describe.

The elevator door closed slowly, isolating her and Lou Ziling in two worlds. , the fastest update of the webnovel!