Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1484

It is obviously impossible to sever the relationship between father and son with Lou Mingyang. Although Lou Ziling is not the kind of person who is very close to his parents, he is not so cold as to deny his parents.

In his heart, he still hopes to be a filial son.

Otherwise, when Lou Mingyang forced him to accompany Jingxi and protect his safety, he could run away from home and not listen to Lou Mingyang.

But with Li Zhi's relationship, also can't say to break.

Li Zhi provides strong support to the company, which is more direct and effective than the support of Jingjia. The company's profit is doubled. Once it is abandoned, the loss is immeasurable.

Lou Ziling knelt silently and did not answer how to choose.

Lou Mingyang went straight away. Tan Zhen couldn't help it. She didn't dare to let her son get up. She was afraid that Lou Mingyang would be dizzy again. She quickly followed him.

Lou Ziling was kneeling straight and straight until late at night.


The bruises on Jingxi's body have disappeared these days, but shangguanning is still very distressed.

She holds her daughter in the palm of her hand when she was a child. Even though Jingxi was naughty and fussy when she was a child, she was never willing to move her daughter or even scold her.

That day, Jingxi went home with red eyes, and her clothes were wrinkled. Her smooth long hair was also messy. Shangguan took off her clothes and saw a large amount of blue and purple on her back.

Even Jingxi's arm had blue and purple fingerprints, as if he had been pinched.

Shangguan Ning, angry and distressed, called his son directly: "ruiruirui, your sister has been bullied, and her whole body is green!"

Jing Rui understood the cause and effect of the matter, and said faintly, "Mom, don't worry. I'll take this matter."

Li Zhi wait for a whole week, just wait to come, she thought about the people for a long time.

She stands in full dress with delicate makeup and long hair. She looks like a blooming rose in the autumn wind, shining brightly and capturing soul.

"Rui, long time no see!"

Jingrui is standing one meter away from her, and her eyes are clear.

Li Zhi is not only Shu Yin's sister, but also has strong strength. If she wants to overthrow her, the price is high. Therefore, Jing Rui has been keeping a balance with her. As long as Li Zhi'an keeps his own point, he will not take Li Zhi's life.

Just, now she hurt Jing Xi, no matter what reason, Jing Rui will not let her go.

He according to Li Zhi's face, fierce gave her a fist, waiting for her to stand firm, and a foot kick out.

Li Zhi instantly become very embarrassed, nose out of two lines of blood, clothes and careful care of the hair are disordered.

She fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a while.

She has always been unable to beat Jing Rui. In recent years, the strength gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Jing Rui walks to her body and stands still. Seeing that she is going to get up, he immediately mends her foot.

"Li Zhi, or should I call you yew? My sister is not the person you should take advantage of, let alone the person you can move. You'd better be honest, or I can only send your father to hell first! "

Li Zhi wiped the blood in her nose and mouth, and was called "yew" by Jing Rui. She did not have the slightest surprise. She knew that Jing Rui had already known her identity.

She just said in a pitiful way: "Rui, when you come to me, I don't fight back. You are allowed to fight back. Are you willing to let my father go? I like Xixi very much, but she started it first. I can't let her fight, can't I? "

"My sister will hit whoever she wants, and you will let her fight! What's wrong with her doing it first

Jingrui is extremely protective. He only allows his sister to beat others, and never allows others to beat Jingxi. He doesn't care who is right and who doesn't care. Who protects her?

"Moreover, with your skill, Jingxi is not your opponent at all. You hurt her on purpose!"

Jingxi's strength is clear and clear. It is more than enough to deal with ordinary people. However, it is impossible for her to deal with a top-notch killer who climbs out of the dead.

Jing Xi and her bodyguards together, but also beat Li Zhi a person!

Jing Rui did not say too much threat, he gave Li Zhi two feet, Li Zhi half a month need to lie in the hospital.

After cleaning up Li Zhi, Jing Rui drives to Liyu technology with a cold face.

Jingxi is sitting in the office, wearing a fashionable white three-dimensional tailoring suit, silver small high-heeled shoes, long hair in the back of his head, but is a standard white-collar appearance.

Seeing Jing Rui, she was surprised and asked with a smile, "brother, are you coming to invest in my company? A warm welcome

Jingrui didn't have a good temper: "you don't have a funny face. Don't be capricious in the future! Li Zhi is very dangerous, I have told you a few years ago? No more bravado

Jingxi Dudu mouth, a little aggrieved way: "you said that, but I think I'm also very strong, who knows she is a level with you! You and the second elder brother are the kind that can't be found in the whole world. How could I know that the world is so small that I met a third one, and she is still a charming beauty. ""But if you don't stop, she's not afraid to fight her own life."

No one knows Li Zhi's character better than Jing Rui. She is ruthless and almost inhuman. He is worried that if his sister doesn't know the height of heaven and earth, she will make Li Zhi angry and lose her life.

Although he is in front of Li Zhi, extremely overbearing to protect Jingxi, but in front of Jingxi, he dare not say so.

Otherwise, Jingxi will be more lawless.

There is a Li Zhi let Jing Xi know that there are people outside is also a good thing, at least she suffered a loss this time, the next time will be long memory, things will not be so impulsive.

"Oh, well, well, I know! How sad I am when you don't comfort me when I'm hurt and you come to punish me

Jingxi said, suddenly eyes a bright: "brother, are you beating that fox spirit for me?"

Jing Rui hesitated for a moment, or nodded.

"Ha ha, great! Or my brother can be trusted, unlike some people, black heart and black lung, know to protect the fox spirit! Hum

Jingxi crackled and scolded louziling, and felt a little comfortable in his heart.

Jingrui can't help frowning: "you can't go to Lou Ziling in the future. I'll discuss with my father and ban the Lou family! Lou Ziling's company, he doesn't want any more! "


Jingxi bit his lips and whispered, "it's better not to do it. He's not easy to make the company bigger. Don't block it."

"Didn't you say he was protecting the fox spirit?"

"Oh, did I say that? Brother, you heard me wrong! Let's not cooperate with the Lou family. Don't force Lou Ziling to death! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!