Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1481

Jingxi has been busy these days. She has no time to play with her cute nephew. She can't find time to find Lou Ziling.

Last time we had dinner together, he stood him up. Jingxi still remembers his revenge!

Shangguanning handed over Liyu technology to Jingxi. When Jingxi turned 18, he would transfer all the shares to Jingxi.

Most of the assets of Jingsheng group and Jingjia will surely be fully inherited by Jingrui. In order to prevent equity differentiation and internal competition for power and profits within the family, Jingjia has always been the only one successor.

Shangguan Ning left his own company and all his assets to his daughter.

Up to now, shangguanning's personal assets are also considerable.

Jingyi has the highest sales volume of washing machines in the world. Jingyi has been the leader in the export of air conditioners in the world.

The present for Jingxi's 16th birthday is the building that Lou Ziling rents now.

Of course, Jing Yichen also left her daughter other assets, but she is still young, and has been managed by Jingrui for Jingxi.

In the future, Jingxi's marriage will be extremely rich.

Born in a wealthy family, Jing Xi has been exposed to a lot of business related knowledge since childhood, and Jing Yichen has always focused on cultivating her business ability.

He doesn't want his daughter to be beautiful. If a girl wants to have a foothold in society, she must have a strong material foundation.

However, theory is theory and practice is practice. When Jing Xizhen began to take over the company, he was quite in a state of anxiety.

One of the most obvious is that the people under her hands did not listen to her command at all.

The core team and management of Liyu technology all listen to Guan Ning's arrangement subconsciously. They will never ask Jing Xi, who is only 16 years old, when they encounter anything, but ask shangguanning for instructions.

It can't be blamed that people despise Jingxi. It's true that they all treat her as a giggle girl. They think she's just coming to the company to play, and they don't think of her as a leader at all.

Thanks to shangguanning's support, Jingxi is not excluded too much.

She is holding chin, sitting in shangguanning's office, vexed.

The office building of Liyu technology has 20 floors, which is higher than the office building of Lou's group.

This is not because Liyu technology has more employees than the Lou group, but because this office building was given to shangguanning by jingyichen, which has excellent location and scenery.

Looking at the tall buildings standing outside, Jingxi began to think of Lou Ziling again.

I don't know how he controlled the whole company in such a short time.

The company of Loujia is very different from Liyu technology. The people of Liyu technology are very loyal to shangguanning. Everyone is very polite to her successor in the future. There are even some senior managers who teach her how to subdue the people at the bottom.

However, there are a lot of people who oppose Lou Ziling's control of the company, and even openly sing against him.

I haven't found Lou Ziling for many days. Jingxi is worried that he will have a new girlfriend without her hindrance.

On the contrary, Jing Xi is not too anxious about running the company.

At the beginning of October, a gossip swept through the whole a city, causing a great shock.

Lou Ziling's seventh girlfriend, Li Zhi, is the most popular daughter of a powerful family.

Just entering October, the performance of Lou's group has doubled than that of September, and is still growing at an alarming speed.

What people like to talk about most is not the family background, appearance and love history of the two men, but that the woman is five years older than the man, which is a rare love affair between brothers and sisters in a wealthy family.

The financial and entertainment headlines are all occupied by these two people. The popularity continues to rise. However, they make a free advertisement for the sporting goods of the Lou family.

Now many people in a city are proud of buying Loushi group's sporting goods. Even several new badminton rackets and tennis rackets developed by Lou Ziling have been sold out of stock.

Lou Ziling personally drove to a large production base in the suburbs to supervise the production process and ensure sufficient supply of goods on the market.

He has been busy late into the night these days, getting up before dawn, and sleeping less than three hours a day.

But even so, he has time to show affection.

Jingxi has been able to see him in the headlines of a City morning paper for three consecutive days!

On the first day, Lou Ziling and Li Zhi were shopping in luxury stores side by side. They bought Li Zhi a sapphire necklace worth more than two million yuan and a global limited Cartier diamond watch.

Jing Xi tears the newspaper and comforts herself. It must be fake news. Lou Ziling never gives a woman anything.

The next day, Lou Ziling took Li Zhi to a candlelight dinner. She not only sent a bunch of red roses, but also a vehicle of Lamborghini sports cars.

Jing Xi smashed a light bulb to comfort himself. It must be a play on the spot. Lou Ziling doesn't have so much money to send a sports car! Besides, two people just had a meal and didn't even hold hands!

On the third day, Li Zhi took Lou Ziling's arm and gave an exclusive interview with a TV station.

Although the interview time was very short, Lou Ziling admitted that they were in love and had a good relationship.

After watching the video, Jingxi almost didn't smash the computer on Shangguan's desk!

She finally can't sit still, no matter what company or not, and whether she has no driver's license, she drove straight to Lou's group.

She ran into Lou Ziling's office, trying to intercept her all the way, but found that she couldn't be stopped.

Lou Ziling's office, not only he, but also a person, sitting on the black leather sofa, leisurely drinking coffee.

Li Zhi!

Jingxi suddenly angry, she just does not care what Li Zhi is in the end what identity, directly rushed in the past, to give Li Zhi a shoulder fall, want to teach this woman who robbed Lou Ziling.

However, her always agile skills failed.

Li Zhi neatly avoided her hand, and then grabbed her arm, more agile than Jing Xi to give her a shoulder fall.

Jingxi fell heavily on the floor, making a dull sound of "Dong".

Li Zhi didn't leave her hand, and Jingxi's back hurt, but she said nothing and immediately got up from the floor.

Jingxi didn't care about the pain. He looked dignified and solemn: "if I didn't admit it wrong, your moves are the same as my brother's!"

Jing Rui's moves are all learned from killer organization.

A face-to-face, Jing Xi has realized that Li Zhi is not an ordinary person.

At least, she used to have too much killer training at the killers' organization!