Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1474

Luo Feiyang even a suit, but also can not cover up his sloppy temperament.

He sat on the sofa in Lou Ziling's office, cocked his legs, and said reluctantly: "let's talk first. It's not that I'm asking to be your apprentice. It's Luo Fei who is dizzy by his daughter-in-law. He has to let me come! In the future, no matter what I do, you can't care about me! "

Lou Ziling did not expect Luo Feiyang to appear in his office, nor did he expect that Lou Ruofei would call him and ask him to accept the apprentice.

Even Lou Mingyang there, also sent him a message, let him take a good belt luofeiyang.

Lou Ziling and Luo Feiyang are not satisfied with each other. Now this situation is a century problem!

Lou Ruofei will soon be married to the Luo family. The Luo family has always taken care of the Lou family in the shopping mall. Even if Lou Ziling is to better the development of the Lou family in the future, she can not casually dismiss Luo Feiyang.

But it is impossible for him to teach Luo Feiyang seriously.

Lou Ziling doesn't have time to play with a baby bear.

Yes, in his eyes, Luo Feiyang is full of childishness. At the age of 19, he is as mischievous and mischievous as a nine year old.

Lou Ziling ignored Luo Feiyang's provocation, ignored him temporarily and began to deal with the work.

Luo Feiyang also does not like to stay in the building, Ling, "hum" a, swaggering away.

He doesn't want to be an apprentice to Lou Ziling here. Luo feiluao has not left yet. He still has a week to stir this up!

Luo Feiyang just left, Lou Mingyang entered the office of Lou Ziling.

"Where's Feiyang?"


"So soon?"

Lou Mingyang thinks it must be his son's face that is too cold, and he runs away cold.

Lou Ziling's Kung Fu is excellent, even his family can't stand him.

"Ziling, you should be polite to Feiyang. You will be a family in the future. You have to think more about your sister for nothing else."

Lou Ziling can't help picking eyebrows. Is he not polite enough to Luo Feiyang? If you're really rude, he can take Luo Feiyang to the hospital!

"What's more, Feiyang really spent 12 points in chasing Jingxi and asked me about Jingxi. With his conditions, it is not impossible to marry the little princess of the king family. If Luo Feiyang really married her, you should have a good relationship with Luo Feiyang! "

Luo Feiyang marries Jingxi?

I feel a little uncomfortable.

His tone was cold and impatient: "no need!"

"Why not? Xiyang doesn't want to be close to you. It's not good for you to do these things with me if I don't want to accompany you! "

Every time when it comes to Jingxi, Lou Ziling will show resistance, and the conversation will be very difficult. Lou Mingyang is a little impatient.

"Well, I'll invite Jingxi for you. You can accompany her to climb mountains and visit temples, and buy her more things that little girls like! It's settled! "

"I'm not free!"

Lou Ziling immediately refused.

Unfortunately, his refusal didn't work at all. Lou Mingyang, as if he didn't hear it, went straight away and went back to his office to find a way to ask the little girl for his son.

Jingxi did not know that she had such a powerful ally. She was angry for two days and was ready to hang Zi Ling awesome for a while.

Jingrui returns with his wife and son after his vacation.

Jingxi can't wait to go to the door.

Jingrui went to the group, only Shu Yin and a white tender little boy at home.

"Sister in law, I'm coming!"

Shu Yin waved to her with a smile: "come on, Xi Xi is beautiful again!"

As soon as her voice fell, the little boy next to her said in a childish voice, "come here quickly, Xi Xi is beautiful again!"

Jing Xi burst into laughter. She came forward happily and picked up the little boy: "Xiao Che Che, you can't call me Xi Xi Xi, you want to call me aunt!"

Jingche is more than two years old this year. He is smart and smart. However, his personality and Jing ruishu sound are not like each other. He is very fond of talking and learning.

His nickname is repeater.

So Jingxi just finished, he began to reread: "you want to call me aunt!"

Jingxi thought he was very funny. He held him around and said, "aunt!"


"Well, this time it's right! My little Che is so smart

However, this time jingche did not reread: "Auntie, I am not smart, but you are too stupid!"

Being despised as stupid by the little guy, Jingxi is overjoyed.

She is so fond of children that she can have a day of fun!

I don't know when the second brother and the second sister-in-law will give birth to one, so that she can hold on to each other and lead the two handsome boys to play for a few days.

In the next few days, Jingxi reported to Jingrui's home almost every day, sometimes with shangguanning and sometimes playing alone.

Shu Yin even assured her son directly to Jing Xi, let her take jingche out to play.

In fact, Jingxi has no experience of taking care of children, and she is not careful enough to take care of jingche. She is only a 16-year-old.

Fortunately, jingche is a carefree child. He doesn't cry or make any noise. He basically walks by himself. He doesn't need Jingxi to hold him.

In the evening, the sea breeze of a city is slow, the sun is falling in the west, the heat wave is fading, and the temperature is pleasant. Jingxi takes his little nephew out to play.

Jingche is still young and curious about everything.

Jingxi took his little hand and began to popularize all kinds of knowledge to the little guy.

She was very happy, and she felt that thanks to her father's teachers, she had enough excellent teachers. Otherwise, she could not understand so many things.

My nephew is the future successor of Jing family. She can't teach wrong!

The streets of a city are very clean. Trees and flowers are planted on both sides of the road. Jingxi picks a pink rose and pinnes it to jingche's ears.

Jingche took the flowers down, dissatisfied way: "Dad said, boys can't wear flowers!"

Jingxi smile brilliant: "then you put it on for me!"

She said, squatting in front of jingche, let him help wear flowers.

Jingche casually inserted it into her hair, regardless of whether it is good-looking or not, she said in a tearful voice: "beauty!"

Of course, aunt Xi thinks that she is the most beautiful one

Jing Che suddenly pulled the clothes of pull Jingxi, pointing to a direction: "aunt, there is a more beautiful!"

Jing Xishun looked at it with his little hand, and then saw two people standing on the beach by the sea.

Men are handsome and handsome, and women are Pretty, but Jingxi will never admit that she is beautiful!

She felt that the one that jingche said "more beautiful" definitely meant the man Lou Ziling