Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1475

Two people stand very close, are Jing Xi know each other, in addition to Lou Ziling, the woman is the Qi Duoduo that she cleaned up.

Jing Xi's anger rubbed up to the top of his head!

She snorted coldly and took jingche's small hand to the direction of two people.

Jingche people small ghost big, whispered: "Auntie, you are now like a fried lion, I have seen in the zoo before Oh!"

"Well, my aunt will let you see what a hairy tiger is in a moment."

Lou Ziling and Qi Duoduo saw Jingxi almost at the same time, and their reaction was quite opposite.

Lou Ziling is cold and calm. She doesn't seem to know Jing Xi at all. But Qi Duoduo, who has only met her twice, seems to have known Jingxi for two years

"Oh, hee, you are so beautiful! No wonder Ziling doesn't like me. I always like you. I'm convinced of losing! "

Lou Ziling was stunned. He just stood here and said two words to Qi Duoduo: "Hello, Miss Qi!" "I'm sorry that day!"

Where does Xijing hear that she likes it?!

Jingxi is even more astonished than Lou Ziling. No one knows Lou Ziling better than her. It is absolutely impossible for him to say that he likes her.

What's more, isn't Qi Duoduo like Lou Ziling?

How come I haven't seen you for a few days? How interesting?

She wanted to give her nephew a performance of lion roar and tiger power, which is not easy to do!

Qi Duoduo was eager and affectionate, but she scolded Jingxi half to death in her heart. Because Jingxi's surname was Jing, she would give her the man she liked!

The smile on her face could hardly be maintained. She walked away quickly without saying hello.

Qi Duoduo a walk, Lou Ziling also opened long legs, want to leave.

Jingxi immediately reached out and stopped him: "why don't you talk to me when you talk to qiduoduo? Lou Ziling, this is not fair! "

The small repeater next to her repeated, "Lou Ziling, it's not fair!"

Serious tone from a small cute baby's mouth, coupled with his voice of milk, it seems particularly funny.

Lou Ziling looks at xiaomengwa, and immediately realizes that this child should be Jing Xi's little nephew, Jing Rui's son.

I've seen a few people in the city.

The king family's protection of him is top secret and has no loopholes.

At this moment, there must be experts around to protect Jingxi and jingche.

Jing Xi saw Lou Ziling staring at Jing Che and asked, "do you like children? Not like it

Jingche is leaning from the appearance of aunt with his head askew: "not like ah!"

Jingche looks like a pink jade, and her big eyes are very similar to Jingxi. Both of them are a bit like dolls.

One big and one small, two similar faces stand in front of Lou Ziling, saying the same words and making the same expression. Even if the heart is made of stone, Lou Ziling feels soft.

He slowly squatted down in front of jingche, smiling: "what's your name?"

Jingche blinked his eyes and reported his aunt's name: "Xi Xi!"

So small, so smart.

Lou Ziling laments the strong gene of Jing family. He suddenly feels that he can choose his wife in the future, but he must have a high IQ.

However, the girl he has seen and heard is still in the king's house, and is standing in front of him.

Lou Ziling stood up again. He took a look at Jingxi and saw a rose on her head. He could not help reaching out and taking it down for her. Then he turned around and strode away from the seaside.

Jingxi touches his head and looks at his back. The doubts on his face have not disappeared. Does Lou Ziling really like children?

She picked up jingche, looked left and right, and muttered, "my nephew is really cute, but can Lou Ziling be cute?"

Jingche but childish crisp voice: "aunt, he likes you!"

Jingxi suddenly happy, smiling eyes are bent into Crescent: "you even know this?"

"The flowers I gave you are so ugly that he took them off for you."

Jingxi giggled and hugged jingche and kissed his little face: "it's really my nephew!"

The next day, Jing Xi took Jing Che to Lou Ziling's company directly.

This time, she showed her identity, holding jingche in her arms, followed by a large number of bodyguards, full of momentum.

Lou Mingyang personally dragged Lou Zi Ling down to meet people, and warmly and considerate invited Jingxi up.

The female staff in charge of reception at the front desk finally understood Jing Xi's identity today. She was shocked and did not return to her mind for a long time.

Lou Mingyang takes Jingxi to Lou Ziling's office, and asks the assistant to serve the juice. While talking to Jingxi with a smile, he is looking at jingche in her arms.

Lou Mingyang is familiar with jingyichen. He has seen Jingrui many times, but he has never seen jingche.

Until he heard jingche calling Jingxi "aunt", he determined jingche's identity.

Lou Mingyang looks at the big one and the small one in front of him, and then looks at his cold and light son, and suddenly feels that Lou Zi Ling's face is really big!

The most beloved pearl of the king's family, and the successor of the next generation, are all here!

Lou Mingyang struggled for a long time, and finally left. He was old and had a generation gap with his children.

Since Jingxi is here to find louziling, or let Lou Ziling deal with it by himself. In case louziling can't handle it well, it's not too late for him to come forward. Should Isn't it late?

When Lou Mingyang is present, Jingxi is really a little uncomfortable.

Because Lou Mingyang was so polite that he even showed a kind of respect in his warm and polite manner. Jingxi, who had always been calm, didn't know what to do.

This is Lou Ziling's father. Jingxi regards him as an elder. She should respect Lou Mingyang. How can it be reversed!

As soon as Lou Mingyang left, Jingxi was relieved.

She put the Jing Che in her arms to Lou Zi Ling's arms: "you hold for a while, my hand is sour."

Lou Zi Ling subconsciously catches jingche, holding jingche in a clumsy posture, and staring at jingche with jingche's two big eyes. They are all confused by Jingxi's actions.

Jingxi stepped back and looked at Lou Ziling holding jingche. He suddenly burst into a happy smile: "Oh, Lou Ziling, your cold temperament is suitable for holding children! I don't see any indifference now! "

Jingche learned from her: "Oh, Lou Ziling Is my aunt crazy? "

The front learned a few words, but the back is too long, Jing Che changed the word directly.

Lou Ziling nodded: "yes, you are so smart."

He held jingche, slightly adjusted his posture, so as not to fall down, but jingche next word let Lou Ziling almost throw him out——

"Is it me that the light bulb says?"