Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1473

Think of Jingxi, Luo Feiyang can't help but smile, if you can always live with her, the day will never be boring!

He went upstairs with a smile in his mouth and went straight into Lou Ziling's room. He wanted to warn Lou Ziling that he was not allowed to rob Jingxi with him.

Unexpectedly, Lou Ziling's room is black, and there is no one in it.

Luo Feiyang stunned: "can't, still work overtime in the company?"

Lou Ziling didn't know his room was broken in by Luo Feiyang again. He didn't work overtime and didn't mean to go home at all. He couldn't stand Luo Feiyang's noisy personality.

He was in his own cottage, quiet and lonely, without any noise, and he felt very comfortable.

Lou Ziling took a bath, only wearing a pair of loose shorts, showing a strong upper body and straight and symmetrical long legs.

He inherited the advantages of his parents, white skin often makes girls jealous.

The soft light hit him with a jade like luster.

Lou Ziling lies on the bed and looks down at the tooth mark on her chest.

The place bitten by Jingxi has healed, but the cyan is still very conspicuous. It can be seen that she bit very hard at that time.

Thinking of her angry appearance, Lou Ziling's lips show a faint smile.

He turned off the light, felt his slightly abnormal heartbeat, and slowly fell asleep.

Since that day, Lou Ziling had a disease.

A disease that can't sleep without looking at the tooth marks on the chest.

A kind of look at the tooth mark on the chest, the heart rate is not very normal.

It seems that Two diseases?

Lou Ziling is not sure.


The next morning, Luo Feiyang got up and ran to Lou Ziling's room.

There is still no one in the room. Luo Feiyang knows later that Lou Ziling spent the night outside and didn't go home at all.

If you don't go home and spend the night outside, will there be a woman?

Luo Feiyang leans by the door and meditates.

According to his observation over the past year, Lou Ziling seems to have no interest in women at all. He has always suspected that Lou Ziling likes men and makes girlfriends just to hide people's eyes.

Luo Feiyang thought more and more excited, and felt that Lou Ziling basically withdrew from the ranks of competitors.

He didn't dare to wake up all the people in a villa this morning, and he slipped out of the house.

However, he had just walked out of the villa gate, and was snatched back by Luo Fei, who was running away.

"Want to run? Run again and break your leg

"Brother, you are so violent. Be careful that your sister-in-law doesn't like you!"

"You don't have to worry about it. I'm gentle with your sister-in-law! Get out of here and get dressed. I'll go to the company with me today! "

"I'm not going! I don't understand anything, nothing! You are abusing your brother

"Just a cousin!"

"I only teach you for a week. After a week, when I go back to North America, I'll change the building Ziling to teach you. If you don't understand, ask him."


Luo Feiyang jumped up like a cat who had been trampled on its tail. Every cell of his body was in a hoarse protest: "I won't do it!"

Let him love enemy to be his teacher, can there be a way to live in the future?

And in this way, he is obviously lower than Lou Ziling. How can he raise his head in front of Jingxi!

"Lou Ziling is only four years older than me. Why should I be taught? It's almost the same to mislead people's children! I don't accept it! "

Luo Fei slapped his younger brother's back: "Lou Ziling doesn't know if he would like to teach you such a stupid second generation ancestor, but you're disgusted with it first! Yes, they are only four years older than you. Now they can manage such a large group. Their profits are doubling every quarter. Even I can't do it. You can learn hard and don't be lazy! "

In fact, at the time of marriage, Luo Fei ran couldn't see his family.

Loujia's company shows signs of decadence everywhere. If it wasn't for Jingjia's support, it would have been swallowed up by others.

He just took a fancy to Lou Ruofei and didn't care about Lou Ruofei's family.

But now, the weight of the Lou family in Luo feiluao's heart has obviously increased. Even his father and uncle feel that the rise of the Lou family is only earlier and later.

Lou Ziling shows his amazing business talent, which he may not know. He has attracted numerous dignified eyes.

It has never been easy to bring the dead back to life.

He was keen, witty and full of courage. The drawbacks of the small family business model of the Lou family were eliminated by him one by one.

In the family business, there are many relatives and friends who are closely related to each other. Lou Mingzhen did not dare to fire these people at that time.

Because a mistake may lead to the company's public outcry, and eventually not only can't keep the people who really work hard, but also may be called ungrateful.

Lou Mingyang has a gentle temperament and can't do such a thing any more.

Only Lou Ziling, who was born with no idea of family and friendship, didn't care how much scolded him, like a ruthless robot.

He has been criticized for his ambitious reform of the company system and the dismissal of employees, but now, two years later, no one dares to scold him.

When Luo feiran began to take over the family business, his father Luo Gang once taught him: if you want to do something important, you must be cruel. When you are cold and inhuman, others respect you most.

The leaders who are inhuman will not put the enterprise in danger because of their own interests.

Only a cold leader can be rational and not be influenced by the rumors of the outside world, nor be influenced by the ideas of close people.

Lingzilou's success is not accidental.

If he wants to be a good company, he will succeed.

Such a master is rare in a hundred years. In fact, the Luo family has always wanted to send Luo Feiyang, a stubborn stone, to Lou Ziling's staff for learning, but they are suffering from no good opportunity.

Now Luo Feiyang lives in the house of the building. Luo FeiGuang is afraid to miss this opportunity, and it will be more difficult to find a suitable reason in the future.

Moreover, if he went to talk to Lou Ziling directly, he would not take over because of his cold and proud character.

This matter still needs Lou Ruofei to come forward.

Luo Fei thought subconsciously that he would be better to Lou Ruofei. Her brother is a genius!

Lou Ziling doesn't know that his efforts have begun to bear fruit. He wants to provide protection for her sister and become her dependent goal, which has been gradually realized.

Because of his outstanding talent and unparalleled ability, the Lou family has been valued by one strong person after another.

However, now Lou Ziling has not felt the joy of success. As soon as he arrived at the company in the morning, he received a hot potato, Luo Feiyang, to be his apprentice.