Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1468

Lou Mingyang went to Lou Ziling's office with doubts. It turned out to be his office. Since he taught Lou Ziling the power of the company, the biggest and best office has been given to Lou Ziling.

As for the president, there must be a president. Lou Ziling has a very cold and powerful aura, and the high-end office is the most suitable for him.

Lou Mingyang enters the office, looks around quietly, and then finds the cotton ball with blood in the garbage can.

He frowned slightly: "Ziling, are you hurt?"

Lou Ziling immediately became alert, just as Lou Mingyang knew him, he also knew Lou Mingyang.

Lou Mingyang looks very gentle. He seems to be a good man. He doesn't have any heart. But in fact, his mind is delicate and his eyes are spicy. He can figure out the causes and consequences.

At present, Lou Ziling has no way to explain to Lou Mingyang that Jingxi bit him.

Lou Ziling has always been cool and proud of his style - indifferent to turn on the computer processing work, did not pay attention to Lou's fame.

Lou Mingyang asked several times. Lou Ziling didn't hear him. No matter what he said, he didn't respond.

"Ziling, I heard that Jingxi has returned home. Have you met her?"

Lou Zi Ling knocked the fingers of the keyboard slightly, and then he continued to hit calmly.

If the son doesn't respond, Lou Mingyang is not angry. Lou Ziling, who doesn't respond, is normal. It's hard to reply him like a joke just now.

"You, recently, let go of your messy girlfriends, and make time to invite Jingxi to dinner and coffee, or take her around for fun."

"The scenery of Dayun temple is just right recently. There are a lot of people going to play. You can take her for a walk."

"If you don't want to play in the mountains, you should always pay attention to Jingxi's safety and protect her. You should have more eyes. Don't be cold all day long and look like a young master."


Lou Mingyang said a lot, and the central idea conveyed was only one: he strongly asked Lou Ziling to serve Jingxi well.

Lou Ziling was quiet, but his temper was not very good. Besides Jingxi's chattering beside him, he could accept it, and no one had the patience to listen to his nagging.

"Dad, it's time for you to go to work. Has the acquisition plan for healthy sports come out?"

The name of the building glared: "your wings are hard, aren't you?"?! Now my position is higher than mine. Do you dare to oppress me? Dad, even if you're in a high position

Lou Zi Ling stroked his forehead and said helplessly, "I didn't say you were not, but I don't have time to listen to you now

"What a mess I said? Every sentence is useful! First put all the work you have in hand, find a sunny day, and take Jingxi to climb the mountain! Be her bodyguard! If she is a little unhappy, you don't have to come back. Go to Dayun temple and become a monk

I don't know. After listening to Lou Mingyang's words, I'm afraid that Jingxi is his daughter. Lou Ziling is just what he picked up.

"I am the president of a group company. I go to work as a bodyguard for a little girl. What does it look like?"

Lou Ziling didn't agree, so he drove Jingxi away. He said nothing. How could he have the face to go to her again?

"This will damage the company's image and make people misunderstand me that I was climbing up through Jingxi, an underage girl. I won't go!"


Lou Mingyang was not happy, and felt that his son was prevaricating and perfunctory: "climbing with Jingxi will misunderstand you? Our Lou family is originally a subsidiary family of the Jing family. We have been relying on the support of the Jing family to get to today. Is it useful to avoid suspicion? Is it necessary? Other people want to be this kind of affiliated family, but the Jing family doesn't accept it! "

As the saying goes, the back of the tree is good to enjoy the cool, behind the house has always been the support of the king family, so in the business field, no one dares to make trouble. Although the scale has been small, but the annual income is enough to let the world envy.

Without Jing family, the market of Lou family has been eroded by others.

So Lou Mingyang has never thought of avoiding suspicion. It's too late to hold onto Jingsheng group's thighs!

"Besides, what's the shame of being a bodyguard for Jingxi? Other senior managers of the company know that you have a good relationship with Jingxi, and will only be more loyal! Other employees of the company will only think that you are capable if they know it! "

Lou Ziling's face suddenly turned cold: "Dad, I hope that the loyalty of employees is based on my personal business ability, not to flatter others and borrow other people's names to win over people's hearts!"

This is the fundamental reason why Lou Ziling refused to go too close to Jingxi.

Close to Jingxi, win Jingxi's favor and support, the benefits are obvious, success is easy to get!

But Lou Ziling, as a man's pride and dignity, did not allow him to do so.

He doesn't want to let the Lou family be the scenery family or the affiliated family of others all his life!

Jingsheng group has been providing support to Lou's company. Is it in vain?

Of course not!

Jingsheng group is not a charity!

Every year in the past, the Lou family has done a lot for Jing family!

For any decision made by the Jing family, the Lou family must support it at the first time. If it is not convenient for the Jing family to come forward to do something, the Lou family will also do it!

To put it bluntly, Loujia is the nature of cannon fodder.

If we do well, the glory and interests are basically owned by the Jing family. If we fail to do well, it will be the Lou family who will be destroyed.

Lou Ziling knows that with the strength of the Lou family now, it is unrealistic to completely separate from the Jing family.

His short-term goal is not to break away from the Jing family, but to strengthen his own strength and strive to become a second-class family. In this way, at least in the event of a crisis, the Jing family will not easily take the Lou family to attack.

He is still young, and still needs to walk alone and silently in the dark.

However, Lou Mingyang and Lou Ziling are two generations of different people. Lou Mingyang has witnessed the glory of the Jing family year after year. As a long-standing and powerful family, the brand of Jing family is too deep and deep in his heart. Like many other middle-aged and elderly family leaders in a city, he has fanatical worship and deep fear of the Jing family.

Young people are always full of energy. They are new-born calves. They don't know that the strength of the Jing family has long been too low. They don't know what fear is.

Lou Mingyang said painstakingly: "I didn't let you go to work for Jingxi as cattle and horses. I just took her to play and protect her safety. Is this a little thing very difficult?"

Lou Zi Ling light way: "I will not accompany her again, also won't give her when bodyguard."

"Do you feel ashamed?"

Lou Mingyang shook his head and said: "what's the matter? Luo Feiyang has already come to a city. He has threatened to be a driver for Jingxi all his life. He is on call."