Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1467

Lou Ziling closed her eyes, shook her head, threw away the unwanted thoughts, threw cotton balls, took the new shirt and put it on. The whole person recovered her former calm and cool pride.

He threw the unused gauze and the remaining cotton balls into the dustbin, put the original shirt away and put it in the drawer.

After looking through the documents for a while, Lou Ziling looked at the time, and then took the documents to the meeting room on the top floor to prepare for a meeting with the senior management of the company.

Today's meeting, Lou Mingyang will also attend. He is now the vice president of the company and has been very busy participating in the company's affairs.

Lou Ziling was glad that Jing Xi had come early and had left now. Otherwise, if Lou Mingyang knew she was here, he would have to offer up as an ancestor.

As a son, he must have no status at all, and there is no need to hold a meeting. Lou Mingyang will definitely let him play with Jingxi.

In Lou Mingyang's eyes, Jingxi is a child and a little princess. She must take good care of her.

Lou Zi Ling just entered the meeting room, and Lou Mingyang also came.

There were several other high-level people in the conference room, all sitting and talking in a low voice, not too restrained.

Lou Mingyang is more than 50 years old, but he has a good mentality. The most worrying thing in his life is that his son is too silent. Therefore, he looks very young. At most, he is 40 years old.

And he has always insisted on exercising, and unlike others, he becomes fat in middle age.

He is tall and thin, elegant temperament, gentle smile, let people look at it very well.

But Lou Ziling, who sits on the throne, is not like him at all. From appearance to temperament to character, it is the other extreme of Lou's fame.

Sometimes even Lou Mingyang suspects that Lou Ziling is not his son, but an alien from another planet.

Lou Mingyang once said this idea in his heart, which angered his wife, Tan Zhen. After sleeping in separate rooms for more than a month, Lou Mingyang had been making up for it, and Tan Zhen's anger disappeared.

However, Lou Ziling didn't like to talk since he was young. On the contrary, when he was very young, he was smart and unreasonable. He was very curious about everything and could always speak amazing things.

However, since he was seven years old, he was taken by Lou Zirong to the villa of Lou Mingzhen for two days. The whole person changed. Suddenly, he didn't like to talk and closed himself up.

To this day, Lou Mingyang doesn't know what happened then.

He always felt that his brother, even if he was not a compassionate person, was good at scheming, but would not be difficult for his nephew.

Lou Zirong is the cousin of Lou Ziling. Although he was very domineering and aggressive when he was a child, he should not harm Lou Ziling.

After the great change of Lou Ziling's character, Lou Mingyang went to the door and asked him seriously what had happened to him. However, both Lou Mingzhen and Lou Zirong said frankly that they took louziling to play and nothing happened.

Lou Mingyang couldn't ask why, but he asked Lou Ziling carefully.

But seven year old Lou Ziling was stubborn and refused to say a word.

But Lou Mingyang knew that something must have happened, otherwise Lou Ziling could not have changed so much at once.

Originally, Lou Ziling still likes flowers, plants, small animals and so on.

But since then, he has thrown away his fish, cats and rabbits.

Lou Mingyang wants to break his head and can't understand why these things make Lou Ziling extremely disgusted and disgusted.

It was not until later that Lou Ziling grew up that his aversion to animals was alleviated. When he saw some flowers and plants, he would not destroy them.

Only the reticent and withdrawn character is becoming more and more serious.

Lou Ziling always thought that Lou Mingyang, regardless of forcing him to accompany Jingxi, was to win the favor of the Jing family and obtain more opportunities for cooperation.

But he didn't know that Lou Mingyang asked him to accompany Jingxi for another purpose - Jingxi was the only one who could make louziling nervous. After contacting Jingxi, louziling would become a little more talkative when he came back home.

This kind of change is very obvious, their family all felt, only Lou Ziling did not know it.

Lou Ziling's anger is extremely rare. He is indifferent to many things, and almost no one can annoy him.

It is Jingxi, who often makes the building very angry.

Son will be angry and angry, not stone, which is a good thing for Lou Mingyang!

So Lou Mingyang has been trying to encourage his son to come closer to Jingxi.

Anyway, at present, it seems that it is all good to be close to Jingxi, and even the slightest disadvantage can not be picked out.

Lou Mingyang sighed in his heart: little girl not only has a good life, but also is a lucky star!

Feeling of Lou Mingyang, I don't know that just an hour ago, his good son made Xiao Fuxing angry and cried, and drove people away.

All a city in know Jingxi identity, can do so cruel so absolutely, only his son one!

Lou Mingyang is still planning how to send his son to Jingxi again!

The meeting started soon. Lou Mingyang listened attentively to his son's next development plan. Recently, they are going to acquire three more small companies to expand their own strength and enter the global high-end sports goods market.

Lou Mingyang had never dared to have such ambition before. However, Lou Ziling only took over the company for two years, and has already opened up new fields, and the company's performance has soared.

At first, those senior executives of the company didn't look down on Lou Ziling. Those people had family ties with Lou's family. Knowing that Lou Ziling had autism since childhood, he felt that he was an alien. At first, he did not cooperate with Lou Ziling.

Now, no one dares not to cooperate.

Those who are poor in ability still rely on the old and sell the old. Lou Ziling is slowly eradicating them one by one.

The remaining and newly introduced talents have a clear understanding of Lou Ziling's strength. He is afraid that he is fierce and sharp, and no one dares to pick up trouble.

Lou Mingyang cooperates with his son, singing red face and white face. Now the company has united and is wholeheartedly following Lou Ziling to make money.

The meeting ended in more than half an hour. Lou Ziling's own words were few, and every sentence was the main point. Even the senior management of the company also developed the habit of refining words. The report work was not sloppy, so the work efficiency was extremely high.

When others had left, Lou Mingyang patted his son on the shoulder and praised him: "Ziling, it is the most wise move for me to hand over the company to you in advance."

"If you want to praise yourself, don't be so tactful."

Lou Zi Ling faintly returned a sentence, and then walked out of the meeting room to his office.

Lou Mingyang has some doubts. How did his son answer his words today? In the past, he didn't even return a word!

All of a sudden, there's a lot of talk, isn't it Has he met Jingxi?