Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1469

Is Luo Feiyang here?

Quick enough!

Lou Ziling couldn't say why, and suddenly felt a little agitated.

He light way: "Luo Feiyang how to do and I have nothing to do, I have their own criteria, will not be like him so unlimited."

Lou Mingyang was hurt by his son's anger: "what is no lower limit? Feiyang pursues the girl, the posture puts some low, others will only praise him to be sensible! If he doesn't pull like that, that's a joke

If Lou is well-known, his heart is a little dull and bitter.

Yes, Luo Feiyang pursues Jingxi. No one will think that it is the Luo family who wants to flatter the Jingxi family. They will only think that this is the pure love between young men and girls.

Although the Luo family is not as powerful as the Jing family, it does not need to rely on the Jing family for development. Luo Feiyang's love is free and he does not need to marry. As long as his future wife's family background is not too bad, the Luo family will agree.

If a man from a small family goes after Jingxi, he will be suspected of fawning on the king's family and eating a soft meal.

Luo Feiyang publicizes to Jingxi to be a driver everywhere, which will only win the favor of the public and feel that he is sincere in pursuing Jingxi.

If Lou Ziling said that he wanted to be a bodyguard for Jingxi, people would think he was incompetent.

No matter what Lou Mingyang said, Lou Ziling did not agree to take Jingxi to climb the mountain.

He was immersed in his work and no longer cared about the fame of the building.


At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, the air of a city is fresh, the flowers and plants are luxuriant, the coastline is long and the scenery is beautiful, so it is very suitable for tourism and vacation.

Luo Feiyang didn't think a city was so beautiful before. This time, maybe he was in a different mood. He even thought it was beautiful and unforgettable.

City a not only has good scenery, but also has many delicious food.

Although Luo Feiyang was born in an aristocratic family, he was not tired of fine food and delicacies, but he had no sense of nobility since he was a child. He loved to eat all kinds of snacks. When he came to a city, he must go to the restaurant to eat and drink.

Ji Mo Xuan is just the opposite of him. He is a real noble son, and never eats out of a mess.

Ji Mo Xuan sat opposite Luo Feiyang, looking at him with disgust on his face, eating spicy crayfish without any image: "Luo Er Shao, your family's money is too much to spend in your life. Can't you go to a clean and high-grade place to eat?"

At this moment, Jibai's plastic stool is so clean that he doesn't like it.

You don't know how to drink beer! Only when you eat here can you feel it. Moreover, the taste of this restaurant is the most authentic. What you eat is this taste! What are you doing sitting there

Ji Mo Xuan's expression even more disgusted: "do not eat, who knows dry not clean!"

Luo Feiyang took the plate of crayfish in front of Ji Mo Xuan and said with satisfaction: "great, you don't eat, it's all for me!"

"Eat, eat, support you, when the time comes, don't blame me for diarrhea!"

"No way! I've come to eat several times, nothing happened! People do it clean, but you have many problems! I originally wanted to take Xixi to eat, but she ignored me, so she had to pull you to come, otherwise it would be too lonely to eat alone

Ji Moxuan thought it was a little funny: "would you invite Xi Xi to have a big stall and drink draft beer? I don't mind dropping the price! "

"What's the matter? She must love to eat. She doesn't care about it like you. She likes to try any delicious food

Luo Feiyang is fighting with Ji Moxuan, but he doesn't delay eating at all.

After a while, the boss brought him a plate of spicy conch, Luo Feiyang ate more vigorously.

When he was full, he wiped his hands with a single piece of wet towel sent by the stall, got up and swaggered out: "boss, the handsome man sitting on my desk will pay for me! I'll go first

Ji Mo Xuan almost didn't get exasperated and vomited blood by Luo Fei. He dared to call him to chat with him and pay for it!

He was so easily fooled that he thought Luo Feiyang would call Jingxi, and the three of them had dinner together!

The stall owner stopped him and asked him to check out the bill with a smile: "boy, it's 126 in total, and you can give me 120!"

Ji Mo Xuan face iron blue from the wallet took out 120 yuan, put on the table, immediately to chase Luo Feiyang.

On the road, Luo Feiyang, with sunglasses, was sitting in Jimo Xuan's brand-new Maserati sports car: "Ji Shao, I'll borrow your car first. When I buy a new one, this car will be returned to you! Saryonala

Luo Feiyang said a very non-standard Japanese, a step on the accelerator, the excellent performance of the sports car rubbed out, not giving Ji Moxuan reaction time.

Ji Mo Xuan helplessly watched his beloved car disappear, gas has always been well bred, he scolded a dirty word: "Shi t!"

It turns out that he didn't know when his car key was sent to shun by Luo Feiyang!

Next time I come across Luo Feiyang, Ji Moxuan feels that he may not be able to control the violent factors in his body. He will be beaten into a pig's head before he is relieved.

Luo Feiyang had enough to eat and drink, and robbed a brand-new sports car. He was in a good mood to fly, humming songs and driving to Jingxi.

It's a pity that he wandered around Jingxi's house all afternoon, and he didn't see any of Jingxi's people.

In the evening, Luo Feiyang didn't want to go back to his villa in a city by himself. As soon as his eyes turned, he immediately sent out a message: "brother, did you and sister-in-law get off the plane?"


Around 8 o'clock in the evening, the indefatigable Lou Ziling is still working overtime in the company, and her mobile phone suddenly rings.

He pressed the answer button, and Lou Mingyang's voice with a smile came from his mobile phone: "Ziling, come home, we have guests!"

Half an hour later, Lou Ziling entered the house, and two faces he didn't like appeared in his sight -- Luo feiluao, Luo Feiyang!

"Oh, Hello, brother Ziling, I have seen you! Farewell to the United States. I haven't seen you for so long. I miss you so much! "

Luo Feiyang's tone is exaggerated and enthusiastic. I don't know that he and Lou Ziling are iron brothers!

Lou Ziling ignored him directly and looked at Lou Mingyang: "my sister is back?"

"Come back!"

When his daughter and his son-in-law come back, Lou Mingyang is very happy. He greets Luo Feiyao and Luo Feiyang with red light on his face. He refuses to let his son talk to the two brothers again, so as to avoid the embarrassment of ignoring others.

Just now, Luo Feiyang was so enthusiastic, but Lou Ziling only gave them a cold face. How could this be the way to treat guests!

However, Luo Feiyang didn't seem to mind Lou Ziling's cold face at all, and chatted with Lou Mingyang with a bright smile: "Uncle Lou, there is a Yang in my name and your name. Ha ha, it's fate! It feels like a brother! "

Lou Zi Ling's face quickly cooled down. He looked at Luo Feiyang with sharp eyes. What do you mean, this little hairy boy takes advantage of him?