Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1462

If Lou Ziling, who cooks instant noodles, is good at cooking, can he be a kitchen god!

"Lou Ziling will treat you with instant noodles?"

Jingyichen voice a little cold, Jingxi immediately know that his father is not happy.

She said quickly, "Oh, he wants to treat me well, but he has nothing in his family, only instant noodles! What's more, it's my own strong demand for instant noodles. You and my mother won't let me eat that. I'm greedy and have a meal secretly

Who is Jing Yichen? His IQ and sharpness are outstanding. If Jingxi is honest, he can see through it at a glance.

It is obvious that Lou Ziling didn't put Jingxi in his heart, so he would send her with instant noodles at will.

In those years, before he married shangguanning, he couldn't see her ordering takeout all day long and eating some messy things. He also told the chef to make food and give it to the delivery man and give it to shangguanning.

After marriage, he was never willing to let Shangguan starve. All kinds of food would be made according to her taste.

People are iron, rice is steel, food is a necessity to maintain life, is the fundamental to ensure health.

Jingxi is only 16 years old, still growing up, eating instant noodles? Lou Ziling can really think of it!

"Tell Lou Ziling that if he lets you eat instant noodles again, I'll make the poor of Lou family can't even afford instant noodles!"

Jingxi excites Lingling to hit a shiver, Jing Yichen never joked, this tone, it is to let the rhythm of bankruptcy!

"Dad, don't be like this. Lou Ziling managed to improve the company. Don't move his company! Just eat instant noodles, not every day, it's OK! You are so fierce that I dare to tell you the truth in the future? "

Jingyichen didn't feel that he was fierce at all. He was neglecting Jingxi in the gas tower Ziling, but was not angry at Jingxi.

The girl's heart has been biased no side son, his father's heartache daughter, she can't see!

Forget it, he has never been good at men's and women's emotional affairs. In his life, he has studied shangguanning thoroughly, and has not studied any other women. Jingxi's mind is even more difficult to understand. When he comes home, he will give her to Shangguan Ning.

Back home, Jingxi directly cheered into shangguanning's arms: "Mom, I'm back, I miss you so much! I don't want my father at all

Jingyi Chen behind Jingxi looks black, but Shangguan Ning can't smile. It must be jingyichen who said something and offended her daughter.

"Just come back and have a meal. Are you hungry?"

Jingxi blinked, a little embarrassed: "Mom, I had dinner..."

Shangguan Ning took a look at her appearance and understood: "did you eat in louziling? I didn't expect that he was such a loner, and he could cook

Jingxi hesitated and didn't speak. Jingyichen looked at her and said directly, "what kind of rice do you make? Instant noodles to eat! This silly girl is still happy. She praises Lou Ziling's cooking skills! "

Jingxi said in a low voice: "it is. It's cooked very well. It's delicious! Next time, I'll have instant noodles... "

Jing Yichen was so angry that Shangguan Ning laughed: "I can cook instant noodles, Yi Chen, do you want to try it?"

Jingyichen suddenly did not speak, indeed, shangguanning in addition to cooking instant noodles, the rest of the basic can not, before knowing him, she has been eating instant noodles and frozen dumplings.

Seeing his father's defeat, Jingxi was very happy: "Mom, let's eat boiled instant noodles tomorrow morning! Add an egg, add some ham, eat that kind of seafood taste, especially good

Shangguan dotes on her daughter, basically, there is no bottom line. What's more, eating instant noodles is not a big deal, as long as it is not eaten every day.

"Yes, it's up to you! Yichen, after dinner, let's go to the supermarket to buy Seafood instant noodles! Oh, I haven't eaten it for a long time. It should be delicious. I want to eat it! "

As long as shangguanning said good things, jingyichen almost had no bad time. He agreed to what he didn't want: "good!"

Jingxi is speechless. How can she eat instant noodles? Her father is going to kill people. If her mother wants instant noodles, her father thinks it's good?

Anyway, there will be instant noodles tomorrow morning. Great!

Maybe she can learn to cook noodles from her mother, and then she can cook it to Lou Ziling!

Jingxi think about all feel very happy, if Lou Ziling know she can cook instant noodles, should be very surprised?

She hummed to her room, took the change of clothes, and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

After dinner, shangguanning and jingyichen went out for a walk together. By the way, they went to the supermarket and bought instant noodles. There was no shortage of eggs and ham at home, but there was no instant noodles.

In the early morning of the next day, Jingxi got up to learn how to use natural gas and how to cook noodles.

Cooking instant noodles can be said to be the most unskilled way of cooking. With Jingxi's IQ, shangguanning only said it once, and she would.

But when she cooked the instant noodles herself, she always felt that the taste was not right.

Why isn't Lou Ziling delicious?

Last time Lou Ziling made food for her in the United States, she watched all the way around. The method was exactly the same as that of shangguanning, and the food added was the same.

Is there a slight difference between an egg and a ham?

That's not right. I had eggs and ham in Lou Ziling's yesterday. They were almost the same as those in her family.

Instead of eating as much as last night, Jingxi ate only a small bowl and went to eat blueberry cake.

Jingyichen, who dislikes instant noodles very much, thinks it's delicious to eat the instant noodles cooked by Shangguan, and even drinks the soup.

He also wiped the corners of his lips, light way: "very good, you can buy some instant noodles in the evening."

Shangguan Ning chuckle, jingyichen also know instant noodles delicious and convenient!

After breakfast, one went to Jingsheng group and the other went to Liyu technology. As soon as they left, Jingxi immediately changed their clothes and went out.

She asked the driver to take her to louziling's villa, but the door of the villa was closed. Jingxi hesitated for only a second, then lifted her skirt and climbed over the wall.

The two bodyguards who came along were helpless. The old lady learned all the skills and used them to climb the wall!

They also want to go over the wall to protect Jingxi, but they are stopped by Jingxi's eyes.

Anyway, there was no danger here, and the two bodyguards did not violate Jingxi's wishes and waited outside honestly.

A moment later, Jingxi turned out from the wall again: "go to Lou's group office building!"

The bodyguard smiles. It seems that Lou Ziling went to work early in the morning. Lou Ziling is really diligent enough.

The driver, carrying Jing Xi and his bodyguard, soon went to Lou Ziling's company.