Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1461

Jingxi slowly walked to jingyichen side, Du mouth called him: "Dad, how did you come?"

"If I don't come back home, my daughter may forget her parents."

Jingyichen looks indifferent, can't see whether angry or not.

Jingxi stretched out his finger and pulled at his sleeve: "Oh, how could I forget you and my mother? This is just when I came back to my hometown, I happened to meet an acquaintance. When someone invited me to have a meal, I couldn't refuse it!"

Standing behind Jingxi, Lou Ziling wants to caress her forehead, but she is quite able to make up. What if jingyichen misunderstands and thinks he abducts an underage?

Jingyichen took his sleeve back and knocked on Jingxi's head: "smart, get in the car, your mother is waiting for you at home."

"Oh, good!"

Jingxi agreed, turned to see the floor, Ling, just into the car.

Lou Ziling stepped forward: "general manager Jing, Hello! Jingxi took a rest with me today. I was just going to take her home. "

Jingyichen nodded faintly: "well."

He only said this word, and then turned into the car, with Jingxi left.

As the silvery Aston Martin faded away, Lou Ziling stood still for a long time, looking at the car, which is a unique symbol in the whole a city, and worth tens of millions of dollars.

Before he knew it, his back was wet through.

Jing Yichen brought him great pressure, which came from many aspects.

He knew that jingyichen had never talked much. He had seen jingyichen several times with Lou Mingyang. Each time was very short and there was little communication.

Jingyichen doesn't like to talk, and Lou Ziling doesn't like to talk. Both of them are cold and have nothing to say.

Every time she sees jingyichen, Lou Ziling will unconsciously think about when he can reach the height of jingyichen, stand at the top of the line, protect his family, protect them from the wind and rain, and bring them glory beyond the reach of others.

The surname Jing is very rare. In a city, if you hear the surname "Jing", you will quickly associate it with Jingjia and jingyichen.

Lou Ziling stood in silence. He hoped that one day, the Lou family would be able to pay attention to it, and make people respect and admire their surnames.

He has a long way to go

Dream and ambition, is a man should have, even if it is a little unrealistic, but it will support him, without hesitation.

Jingxi sitting in the car, regardless of jingyichen sitting beside her, looking back, has been looking at Lou Ziling.

She found that Lou Ziling had been standing in place, looking at her, motionless.

Until the tall and straight figure of Lou Ziling turned into a little black spot, Jingxi turned back, tilted his head to jingyichen and said, "Dad, Lou Ziling has been looking at me!"

Jingyichen looks light: "you think more, he is not necessarily looking at you, but also may be just looking at my car."

Jingxi discontented Du Qi mouth: "Dad, you can't speak so, how did you catch up with my mother at the beginning?"

"Didn't your mother tell you that she was forcibly taken to the Civil Affairs Bureau by me to get the certificate, which can be regarded as taking advantage of other people's danger."

Jingyi Chen Dun, think of the scene at that time, a trace of smile on her cold face: "however, to your mother, I always speak very well."

Jingxi nods, which is, her father is in her mother's place, is a perfect man.

"But I'm still your daughter. It's not good to hurt her young soul like this?"

"It's better for me to hurt your heart than to let others do it."

This other person, no doubt, is Lou Ziling.

Jingyichen doesn't think that louziling has any love for Jingxi, and he doesn't want Lou Ziling to have any other ideas about Jingxi.

Jing Xi is only 16 years old. He and Shangguan Ning are the treasures of him and Shangguan Ning. How could he be abducted by Lou Ziling when he was still a minor!

Jing Yichen spent countless efforts on Jingxi. Jingxi didn't know that he had spent many sleepless nights for her growth and safety.

She retains a little girl's simple and kind-hearted, innocent, lively and cheerful, independent and self-improvement, but in the face of danger and pressure, she can also be calm.

She can stand the darkness and play happily in the sun.

Because, Jing Yichen taught her all that she could, and protected all that she could.

He has paved the way for his daughter's life in the coming decades, waiting for her to move forward happily.

In jingyichen's eyes, Lou Ziling is not worthy of her daughter.

He even Ji Mo Xuan, the future successor of the Ji family, can't easily hand over his daughter to a small family.

Jing Yichen doesn't value money. What he doesn't lack is money. What he values is the comprehensive strength of a family. He can protect Jingxi's strength in any storm in the future.

At least at present, the Lou family does not have this strength, the Ji family is also very reluctant.

The reason why he allowed Lou Ziling to approach Jingxi before was just to let Jingxi have more friends and playmates.

Now he still does not interfere with Jingxi and louziling, after all, Lou Ziling is also an excellent young man.

However, he could not allow Jingxi to stay at louziling, and would remind Jingxi from time to time, appropriately, that Lou Ziling had no deep feelings for her and hoped that she would not fall into too deep a trap.

Don't worry. My daughter is only sixteen.

She hasn't had a good love, maybe she doesn't understand what love is.

Since she was a child, she likes to shout about getting married and to be a bride, so jingyichen and shangguanning have long been used to their daughters chasing handsome boys.

Every time she talks, she forgets people quickly.

When she was eight years old, didn't she shout to marry Lou Ziling who saved her?

Later, it was not the same to forget Lou Ziling.

However, this time is obviously a little different. She has been fond of Lou Ziling for more than two years.

But jingyichen is not too worried. He believes that Jingxi can handle these things well.

He just hoped that she would grow up and marry again when she was 26. He wanted her daughter to live carefree for another ten years under his umbrella.

Jingxi doesn't know jingyichen's mind at all. She still wants to get married soon!

"Dad, don't worry. Lou Ziling won't hurt me. He just gave me noodles to eat! He cooked instant noodles, the taste is very good, ha ha, I eat very full

After listening to Jingxi, Jing Yichen looks a little dark.

His daughter was born with a gold spoon in her mouth. Lou Ziling was also the president of Lou's group at least. She only used a bag of instant noodles to send Jingxi away?

The key is that his daughter is still foolishly praising Lou Ziling's craftsmanship?!