Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1463

Although the scale of Lou's group has been expanded, it still uses the original office building.

This building belongs to Jingsheng group, but it has been rented to Lou family for a long time.

Originally, the utilization rate of this building was relatively low, but after Lou Ziling took over the Lou family company for two years, the building has been fully utilized.

Jingxi got out of the car, looking at the 15 story building, suddenly felt very proud.

This is the building of Jing family, and Lou Ziling, who works in it, is growing up day by day here.

Jingxi adjusted his white dress and stepped in.

The driver was waiting outside, and two bodyguards followed.

Entering the front office of the office building, Jingxi is stopped.

"Miss, do you have an appointment?"


"Who are you looking for? Let me get in touch with you! "

The female staff at the front desk were polite and respectful.

She has been working here for a long time and has developed a set of ability to know people.

Jingxi's famous brand from head to toe is of outstanding temperament. He has a beautiful face without any flaws, and there are two strong bodyguards in suits and leather shoes behind him. At first glance, he is the daughter of a family.

And it's the daughter of a young family.

Over the past year, there have been a lot of family members who have come to their company. Apart from other things, all six girlfriends of President Lou Ziling have been here.

The female staff at the front desk seriously suspected that this was the seventh girlfriend of their president.

She just had some doubts. The sixth term just came yesterday morning. Did she change to the seventh one this morning?

It's too fast to change a girlfriend!

Sure enough, before the female staff members were confused, they listened to each other: "I'm looking for Lou Ziling! Did he come to the company? "

The female employee sighs in her heart and thinks that Lou Ziling is too playful. When she first started her job, she still had a crush on the president, but after a year, she had no idea about the president.

Such a flower, a woman can not bear!

"Mr. Lou is here. May I have your name, miss? Let me ask you if there is always time for the building. Lou is very busy. You may have to wait to see him. "

"No, no, no, don't tell him. You tell me where his office is. I'll go up to him and surprise him!"

Jing Xi has a good temper and doesn't break in. She thinks it's Lou Ziling's company. It's a good thing for the front desk staff to do their duty to help him stop people!

Otherwise to a woman can see Lou Ziling, she should be upset!

"This can't work. Miss, if you go up directly, we'll fire me when you come back. Don't embarrass me."

The female employee said that she was pathetic, but Jingxi knew at a glance that she had not lost her heart, but had some formulaic words.

I want to come. There are many women who come to louziling, right?

Otherwise, the female employee would not have developed such a pitiful but unwilling face.

But Jingxi made up her mind to give Lou Ziling a "surprise". After thinking about it, she withdrew from the hall and stood outside.

If the layout of Lou group and Jingsheng group is similar, then louziling should be working on the 14th floor, and the 15th floor on the top floor is a meeting room for important people.

Climbing a ten story building is a piece of cake for Jingxi!

The only thing to note is don't stain your white dress.

She tied one of her sun proof clothes around her waist to keep the bottom of her skirt from going out and, on the other, to keep her white dress from getting dirty.

After that, Jingxi opened the trunk of the car and looked for tools to climb the building.

When the two bodyguards looked at the posture, they knew she was going to climb the stairs. They could not help but persuade her: "Miss, it's a bit dangerous. Let's go through the main door. The female staff member will be knocked out!"

"Oh, Lao Yan, why are you so violent? How can you be knocked out when you are still a pretty girl? No wonder you always can't find a girlfriend. Be gentle with girls in the future

Yan fan is helpless. Most of the time, he is protecting Jingxi. He has no time to find a girlfriend. Moreover, he always thinks that women are too troublesome, and he is still a person at ease.

He's not a man who loves women. Women are never his weakness.

Selected from thousands of people by jingyichen, she is accompanied by Jingxi. She is comprehensive and has no weakness.

Regardless of Yan fan's helplessness, Jingxi told him to wait outside, and then took the tools to find a suitable position and began to climb the stairs.

It took Jing Xi only two or three minutes to climb up the ten story building.

She flipped through an open window, collected her tools, took off her sun suit, put the kit away, and threw it straight out of the window.

Yan fan under the building will definitely pick up the tools and put them back in the trunk.

As for whether the tool will be broken - this is not in Jing Xi's consideration.

She looked up and down. Seeing that her skirt was not dirty at all, she nodded with satisfaction and began to look for Lou Ziling's office.

The fourteenth floor is very quiet, and there are few people, but the decoration is very elegant and simple. Even the corridor is paved with printed carpet.

Jing Xi glanced and knew that she was right. This floor is where the president's office is.

Lou Ziling is very alert. Jingxi is afraid of being found by him and walks along the corridor lightly.

Looking for Lou Ziling's office didn't take much effort. When Jing Xi saw a plaque marked with "President", his eyes lit up and then knocked on the door.

Inside came Lou Ziling's simple and powerful voice: "come in!"

At the moment of hearing his voice, Jingxi was inexplicably nervous!

She took a deep breath, opened the door and went in.

What you can see is the clean and bright office, and Lou Ziling, who is sitting at the desk by the window without lifting her head.

He turned against the light, his face in the shadow, and quickly flipped through the papers.

Jingxi did not know how to return a responsibility, looking at his thin face, the heart suddenly a pain.

"Lou Ziling, have you been working so hard?"

The whole person of Lou Zi Ling is obviously stiff, the hand that reads a document is in midair, he raises a head unexpectedly: "how did you come?"

He thought it was his assistant who came in, but he didn't expect it would be Jingxi!

After the accident, he frowned: "the people in the front hall didn't stop you?"

He has been told by his assistant that no matter who comes to look for him, he must first get his confirmation and consent before he can come up. Does the front desk want to stop?

Jingxi slowly approached Lou Ziling and said in a soft voice, "stop, I didn't come in from the front hall, I crawled in."

The building son Ling Leng for a while just nod, she climbs a building really effortlessly.

"I'm very busy. I don't care about you now. You'd better go home! Besides, this is my work place. Don't come again! "